- members:
From curated and HTP PhosphoSite data generates a list of directions. |
Downloads and preprocesses phosphorylation site data from PhosphoSitePlus. |
Downloads curated and HTP data from Phosphosite, from preprocessed cache file if available. |
Loads literature curated PhosphoSite data, from preprocessed cache file if available. |
Downloads curated and HTP data from Phosphosite, from preprocessed cache file if available. |
Loads HTP PhosphoSite data, from preprocessed cache file if available. |
Returns an orthology translation dict of phosphosites based on phosphorylation sites table from PhosphoSitePlus. |
Downloads the phosphorylation site dataset from PhosphoSitePlus. |
Downloads and preprocesses the regulatory sites dataset from PhosphoSitePlus. |
Returns PhosphoSitePlus regulatory sites translated to one organism by orthology. |
Exports PhosphoSite regulatory sites as a tabular file, all IDs translated to UniProt. |