
class pypath.internals.intera.Interface(id_a, id_b, source, id_type='uniprot', pdb=None, css=None, stab_en=None, solv_en=None, area=None, isoform_a=1, isoform_b=1)[source]§

Bases: object

__init__(id_a, id_b, source, id_type='uniprot', pdb=None, css=None, stab_en=None, solv_en=None, area=None, isoform_a=1, isoform_b=1)[source]§

This class is to store residue level information of protein-protein interfaces.


__init__(id_a, id_b, source[, id_type, pdb, ...])

This class is to store residue level information of protein-protein interfaces.

add_residues(res_a, res_b[, typ])

Adds one pair of residues of type typ, where res_a and res_b are tuples of residue number in sequence and residue type, e.g. (124, 'S') -- (means Serine #124) typ can be undefined, hbonds, sbridges, ssbonds or covbonds.


Returns the bond types present in this interface

get_bonds([typ, mode])

Gives a generator to iterate throught bonds in this interface.


Returns the number of residue pairs by bound type


add_residues(res_a, res_b, typ='undefined')[source]§

Adds one pair of residues of type typ, where res_a and res_b are tuples of residue number in sequence and residue type, e.g. (124, ‘S’) – (means Serine #124) typ can be undefined, hbonds, sbridges, ssbonds or covbonds


Returns the bond types present in this interface

get_bonds(typ=None, mode=None)[source]§

Gives a generator to iterate throught bonds in this interface. If no type given, bonds of all types returned.


Returns the number of residue pairs by bound type