



Amino acid chain level mapping between PDB and UniProt. Returns two dictionaries: * The first has UniProt IDs as keys and lists of dicts as values. Each of these dicts defines a mapping between UniProt and PDB amino acid chains with the chain identifier, PDB structure identifier and the start and end of the chain in the UniProt sequence and the PDB structure; the offset value is an integer if the PDB and the UniProt chain are the same length, otherwise None. * The second dict has PDB IDs as keys and dicts of chain mapping dicts as values, which are similar to the ones in the previous point, but here the chain identifiers are the keys.


Extracts protein complex data from PDB.


Mapping between UniProt and PDB identifiers. Returns two dictionaries: * UniProt to PDB mapping: keys are UniProt IDs, values are sets of tuples, each tuple with three values: the PDB structure ID, the structure analysis method and the structure resolution * PDB to UniProt mapping: keys are PDB IDs, values are sets of UniProt IDs.