
pypath.inputs.go.go_annotations_quickgo(organism=9606, aspects=('C', 'F', 'P'), relations=('is_a', 'part_of'))[source]§

Queries GO annotations by QuickGO REST API.

IMPORTANT: Recently the preferred method to access GO annotations is pypath.inputs.go.go_annotations_goa. Contrary to its name QuickGO is super slow, otherwise it should yield up to date data, identical to the GOA file.

Returns terms in dict of dicts and annotations in dict of dicts of sets. In both dicts the keys are aspects by their one letter codes. In the term dicts keys are GO accessions and values are their names. In the annotation dicts keys are UniProt IDs and values are sets of GO accessions.

  • organism (int) – NCBI Taxonomy ID of one organism. Default is human (9606).

  • aspects (tuple) – GO aspects: C, F and P for cellular_component, molecular_function and biological_process, respectively.

  • uniprots (list) – Optionally a list of UniProt IDs. If None, results for all proteins returned.