Source code for pypath.utils.uniprot

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from __future__ import annotations

Interface to UniProt protein datasheets.

from future.utils import iteritems

import os
import sys
import re
import shutil
import importlib as imp
import collections
import itertools

import pypath.inputs.uniprot as uniprot_input
import pypath.inputs.genecards as genecards_input
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath_common._constants as _const
import pypath.share.settings as settings
import pypath.core.entity as entity

[docs] class UniprotProtein(object): _relength = re.compile(r'([0-9]+) AA') _rename = re.compile(r'Name=([\w\(\)-]+)\W') _rerecname = re.compile(r'(?:Rec|Sub)Name: Full=([^;\{]+)(?: \{.*\})?;') _recc = re.compile(r'-!- ([A-Z ]+):\s?(.*)') _remw = re.compile(r'([0-9]+) MW') _redb = re.compile(r'([^;]+);\s?(.*)\s?\.\s?(?:\[(.*)\])?') _redbsep = re.compile(r'\s?;\s?') _retaxid = re.compile(r'=(\d+)[^\d]') _rexref = re.compile(r'[\.,]?\s?\{[^\}]+\}') _reec = re.compile(r'EC=(\d+(?:\.[-\d]+)+)')
[docs] def __init__(self, uniprot_id): self.uniprot_id = uniprot_id.strip() self.load()
def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist = [modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def load(self): self.raw = uniprot_input.protein_datasheet(self.uniprot_id) @property def is_reviewed(self): return 'Reviewed' in self.raw[0][1] @property def id(self): return self.raw[0][1].split()[0] @property def ac(self): return next(self.itertag('AC')).split(';')[0] @property def length(self): """ Returns the length (number of residues) of the canonical sequence. """ return int([0][1]).groups()[0]) @property def organism(self): return int('OX'))).groups()[0]) @property def full_name(self): return'DE'))).groups()[0] @property def ec(self): return set(self._reec.findall(''.join(self.itertag('DE')))) @property def info(self): if not hasattr(self, '_info'): self.update_info() return self._info def update_info(self): result = collections.defaultdict(list) title = None for cc in self.itertag('CC'): if cc.startswith('---'): break m = self._recc.match(cc) if m: title, cc = m.groups() line = cc.strip() if line: result[title].append(line) self._info = dict( ( title, ' '.join(line) ) for title, line in iteritems(result) ) @property def function_genecards(self): summaries = genecards_input.genecards_summaries(self.genesymbol) return ' '.join( '%s: %s' % (resource, summary) for resource, summary in iteritems(summaries) ) @property def function_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('FUNCTION') @property def function(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.function_with_xrefs) @property def function_with_genecards(self): return '%s %s' % ( self.function, self.function_genecards, ) @property def function_or_genecards(self): return self.function or self.function_genecards @property def subcellular_location(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.subcellular_location_with_xrefs) @property def tissue_specificity(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.tissue_specificity_with_xrefs) @property def subunit(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.subunit_with_xrefs) @property def interaction(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.interaction_with_xrefs) @property def sequence_caution(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.sequence_caution_with_xrefs) @property def catalytic_activity(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.catalytic_activity_with_xrefs) @property def activity_regulation(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.activity_regulation_with_xrefs) @property def alternative_products(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.alternative_products_with_xrefs) @property def ptm(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.ptm_with_xrefs) @property def disease(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.disease_with_xrefs) @property def similarity(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.similarity_with_xrefs) @property def web_resource(self): return self.remove_xrefs(self.web_resource_with_xrefs) @property def subcellular_location_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('SUBCELLULAR LOCATION') @property def tissue_specificity_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('TISSUE SPECIFICITY') @property def subunit_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('SUBUNIT') @property def interaction_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('INTERACTION') @property def sequence_caution_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('SEQUENCE CAUTION') @property def catalytic_activity_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('CATALYTIC ACTIVITY') @property def activity_regulation_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('ACTIVITY REGULATION') @property def alternative_products_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS') @property def ptm_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('PTM') @property def disease_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('DISEASE') @property def similarity_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('SIMILARITY') @property def web_resource_with_xrefs(self): return self.info_section('WEB RESOURCE') @property def lengths(self): """ Returns the length of all isoforms as a list. """ return [ int([0]) for sq in self.itertag('SQ') ] @property def weight(self): """ Returns the molecular weight of the canonical isoform in Daltons. """ try: return int('SQ'))).groups()[0] ) except StopIteration: return None @property def weights(self): """ Returns the molecular weights of all isoforms as a list. """ return [ int([0]) for sq in self.itertag('SQ') ] @property def databases(self): """ Returns the database identifiers (cross-references) as a dict of database names and identifiers. """ if not hasattr(self, '_databases'): self.update_databases() return self._databases def update_databases(self): result = collections.defaultdict(set) for db in self.itertag('DR'): m = self._redb.match(db) if m: dbname, ids, subtype = m.groups() ids = self._redbsep.split(ids) ids = tuple(_id for _id in ids if _id != '-') if subtype: ids += (subtype,) ids = ids[0] if len(ids) == 1 else ids result[dbname].add(ids) self._databases = dict(result)
[docs] def info_section(self, title): """ Retrieves a section from the description. If the section is not availeble, returns ``None``. """ info = if title in info: return info[title]
@property def genesymbol(self): try: m ='GN'))) return m.groups()[0] if m else except StopIteration: return @property def keywords_with_xrefs(self): """ Returns the keywords as a list with keeping the cross-references. """ return [ kw for kw in itertools.chain( *( self._redbsep.split(kw.strip('.')) for kw in self.itertag('KW') ) ) if kw ] @property def keywords(self): """ Returns the keywords as a list. """ return ( self.remove_xrefs( '\t'.join(self.keywords_with_xrefs) ).split('\t') ) @classmethod def remove_xrefs(cls, value): return cls._rexref.sub('', value) if value else value @property def sequence(self): """ Returns the canonical sequence (the first one) as a string of standard capital letter residue symbols. """ result = [] collect = False for tag, line in self: if not collect and tag == 'SQ': collect = True elif collect: if tag == ' ': result.append(line) else: break return ''.join(x.replace(' ', '') for x in result) def __iter__(self): return self.raw.__iter__() def itertag(self, tag): for _tag, line in self: if _tag == tag: yield line def has_tag(self, tag): return any(line[0] == tag for line in self) def __repr__(self): return '<UniProt datasheet %s (%s)>' % (, self.genesymbol)
def _update_methods(): for method_name in UniprotProtein.__dict__.keys(): if method_name.startswith('_'): continue def create_method(method_name): def method(uniprot_id, *args, **kwargs): bound_m = getattr(UniprotProtein(uniprot_id), method_name) if isinstance(getattr(UniprotProtein, method_name), property): return bound_m else: return bound_m(*args, **kwargs) return method _method = create_method(method_name) common.add_method( cls = sys.modules[__name__], method_name = method_name, method = _method, doc = getattr(UniprotProtein, method_name).__doc__, ) _update_methods()
[docs] def query(*uniprot_ids): """ Queries the datasheet of one or more UniProt IDs. Returns a single ``UniprotProtein`` object or a list of those objects. """ if ( len(uniprot_ids) > 0 and isinstance(uniprot_ids[0], _const.LIST_LIKE) ): uniprot_ids = uniprot_ids[0] uniprot_ids = common.to_list(uniprot_ids) uniprot_ids = entity.Entity.only_proteins(uniprot_ids) single_id = len(uniprot_ids) == 1 result = [ UniprotProtein(uniprot_id) for uniprot_id in uniprot_ids ] result = [u for u in result if u.raw] return common.first(result) if single_id else result
[docs] def collect(uniprot_ids, *features): """ Collects data about one or more UniProt IDs. :param str,list uniprot_ids: One or more UniProt IDs. :param *str,list features: Features to query: these must be method (property) names of the ``UniprotProtein`` class. E.g. ``['ac', 'genesymbol', 'function']``. :return: A ``collections.OrderedDict`` object with feature names as keys and list of values for each UniProt ID as values. """ uniprot_ids = entity.Entity.only_proteins(uniprot_ids) resources = [ UniprotProtein(uniprot_id) for uniprot_id in uniprot_ids ] # this is mainly for removal of obsolate records # where the response from the server is empty # most of the times it removes nothing resources = [u for u in resources if u.raw] features = features or default_features if 'ac' not in features: features = ['ac'] + list(features) table = collections.OrderedDict( ( feature_name, [ getattr(resource, feature_name) for resource in resources ] ) for feature_name in features ) return table
[docs] def features_table( uniprot_ids, *features, width = 40, maxlen = None, tablefmt = 'fancy_grid', **kwargs ): """ Returns a table with the requested features of a list of UniProt IDs. The underlying table formatting module is ``tabulate``, a versatile module to export various ascii tables as well as HTML or LaTeX -- check the docs for formatting options: Args kwargs: Passed to ``tabulate.tabulate``. Returns The table as a string. """ maxlen = maxlen or settings.get('uniprot_info_maxlen') features = features or default_features tbl = collect(uniprot_ids, *features) return common.table_format( tbl, width = width, maxlen = maxlen, tablefmt = tablefmt, **kwargs )
[docs] def info( *uniprot_ids, features = None, fileobj = None, header = None, **kwargs ): """ Prints a table with the most important (or the requested) features of a list of UniProt IDs. """ if ( len(uniprot_ids) == 1 and isinstance(uniprot_ids, _const.LIST_LIKE) ): uniprot_ids = uniprot_ids[0] features = features or default_features fileobj = fileobj or sys.stdout header = ( header or '=====> [%u proteins] <=====\n' % len( list( entity.Entity.filter_entity_type( common.to_list(uniprot_ids), entity_type = 'protein', ) ) ) ) fileobj.write(header) print_features( common.to_list(uniprot_ids), *features, fileobj = fileobj, **kwargs )
[docs] def browse(groups, start = 0, fileobj = None, **kwargs): """ Browses through a series of protein groups, printing an information table for each group. ``kwargs`` passed to ``info`` and then to print_features``. Parameters for ``common.table_format`` can be provided. """ labels = sorted(groups.keys()) n_groups = len(labels) stop = False maxlen_default = kwargs['maxlen'] if 'maxlen' in kwargs else 500 fileobj = fileobj or sys.stdout for n, label in enumerate(labels): if start > n + 1: continue if stop: break kwargs['maxlen'] = maxlen_default while True: uniprots = groups[label] uniprots = ( uniprots.members if hasattr(uniprots, 'members') else uniprots ) header = ( '[%u/%u] =====> %s <===== [%u proteins]\n' % ( n + 1, n_groups, label, len(uniprots) ) ) info(uniprots, fileobj = fileobj, header = header, **kwargs) inp = input() if inp == 'q': stop = True break elif inp.isdigit(): kwargs['maxlen'] = int(inp) else: fileobj.write(os.linesep * 2) break sys.stdout.write(os.linesep) sys.stdout.flush()
default_features = ( 'ac', 'genesymbol', 'length', 'weight', 'full_name', 'function_or_genecards', 'keywords', 'subcellular_location', )