Source code for pypath.utils.orthology

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from __future__ import annotations

from future.utils import iteritems
from past.builtins import xrange, range
from typing import Literal

import os
import sys
import itertools
import functools
import collections
import importlib as imp
import re
import time
import datetime
import json
import pickle
import copy
import abc
import inspect
import types as _types

import timeloop
import pandas as pd

import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath_common._constants as _const
import pypath.internals.intera as intera
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.inputs.uniprot as uniprot_input
import pypath.inputs.uniprot_db as uniprot_db
import pypath.inputs.homologene as homologene_input
import pypath.inputs.oma as oma_input
import pypath.inputs.biomart as biomart
import pypath.utils.seq as _se
import pypath.share.session as session
import pypath.share.settings as settings
import pypath.utils.taxonomy as taxonomy
import pypath.share.cache as cache_mod

_orthology_cleanup_timeloop = timeloop.Timeloop()

_logger = session.Logger(name = 'orthology')
_log = _logger._log

[docs] class OrthologMeta(abc.ABCMeta): def __new__( cls, name, supercls, attrs, resource: str, fields: tuple[str] = ('id',), ): Base = collections.namedtuple(f'{name}Base', fields) def new_method(cls, *args, **kwargs): return Base.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) sig = inspect.signature(new_method) new_params = [ inspect.Parameter(arg, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD) for arg in fields ] new_method.__signature__ = sig.replace( parameters = list(itertools.chain( (sig.parameters['cls'],), new_params, )) ) clazz = _types.new_class(name, (Base,)) setattr(clazz, '__new__', new_method) setattr(clazz, '_resource', resource) clazz.__module__ = __name__ return clazz
[docs] class OrthologBase: def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return f'<Ortholog {} ({self._resource})>' def __eq__(self, other): return self.__str__() == other.__str__() def __hash__(self): return
[docs] class OmaOrtholog(
OrthologBase, metaclass = OrthologMeta, resource = 'OMA', fields = ('id', 'rel_type', 'score'), ): pass
[docs] class EnsemblOrtholog(
OrthologBase, metaclass = OrthologMeta, resource = 'Ensembl', fields = ('id', 'types', 'hc'), ): pass
[docs] class HomologeneOrtholog(
OrthologBase, metaclass = OrthologMeta, resource = 'HomoloGene', ): pass OrthologyTableKey = collections.namedtuple( 'OrthologyTableKey', ('source', 'target', 'only_swissprot', 'resource', 'id_type'), )
[docs] class OrthologyManager(session.Logger): TRANSLATION_PARAM = ( 'oma', 'homologene', 'oma_rel_type', 'oma_score', 'ensembl', 'ensembl_hc', 'ensembl_types', ) RESOURCE_PARAM = { 'oma': ('rel_type', 'score'), 'ensembl': ('hc', 'types'), 'homologene': (), }
[docs] def __init__( self, cleanup_period: int = 10, lifetime: int = 300, **kwargs ): session.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'orthology') @_orthology_cleanup_timeloop.job( interval = datetime.timedelta( seconds = cleanup_period ) ) def _cleanup(): self._remove_expired() _orthology_cleanup_timeloop.start(block = False) self.lifetime = lifetime self.tables = {} self.expiry = {} self._param = {k: kwargs.get(k, None) for k in self.TRANSLATION_PARAM} self._log('OrthologyManager has been created.')
def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def which_table( self, target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, only_swissprot: bool = True, resource: Literal['oma', 'homologene', 'ensembl'] = 'oma', id_type: str = 'uniprot', ): loc = locals() key = OrthologyTableKey(**{ f: loc[f] for f in OrthologyTableKey._fields }) self.expiry[key] = time.time() if key not in self.tables: self.load(key) if key in self.tables: return self.tables[key] def load(self, key): self.tables[key] = globals()[f'{key.resource.capitalize()}Orthology']( target =, source = key.source, only_swissprot = key.only_swissprot, id_type = key.id_type, )
[docs] @common.ignore_unhashable @functools.lru_cache(maxsize = int(1e5)) def translate( self, identifiers: str | Iterable[str], target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, full_records: bool = False, ): """ Translate one or more identifiers by orthologous gene pairs. Args: identifiers: One or more identifers of the source organism, of ID type `id_type`. target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. Returns: Set of identifiers of orthologous genes or proteins in the target taxon. """ target = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(target) source = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(source) param = self._translation_param(locals()) proc = (lambda x: x) if full_records else (lambda x: result = set() for resource, keys in self.RESOURCE_PARAM.items(): if not param[resource]: continue table = self.which_table( target = target, source = source, only_swissprot = only_swissprot, id_type = id_type, resource = resource, ) result.update( table.translate( identifiers, full_records = full_records, **{k: v for k, v in param.items() if k in keys}, ) ) return result
[docs] def get_dict( self, target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, full_records: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, set[OrthologBase]]: """ Create a dictionary for one source organism and ID type. Args: target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. Returns: A dict with identifiers of the source organism as keys, and sets of their orthologs as values. """ target = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(target) source = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(source) param = self._translation_param(locals()) result = collections.defaultdict(set) for resource, keys in self.RESOURCE_PARAM.items(): if not param[resource]: continue table = self.which_table( target = target, source = source, only_swissprot = only_swissprot, id_type = id_type, resource = resource, ) dct = table.asdict( full_records = full_records, **{ p: v for p, v in param.items() if p in keys } ) for s, o in dct.items(): result[s].update(o) return dict(result)
[docs] def get_df( self, target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, full_records: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a data frame for one source organism and ID type. Args: target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. kwargs: Ignored. Returns: A data frame with pairs of orthologous identifiers, in two columns: "source" and "target". """ target = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(target) source = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(source) param = self._translation_param(locals()) result = [] for resource, keys in self.RESOURCE_PARAM.items(): if not param[resource]: continue table = self.which_table( target = target, source = source, only_swissprot = only_swissprot, id_type = id_type, resource = resource, ) result.append( table.df( full_records = full_records, **{ p: v for p, v in param.items() if p in keys } ) ) return pd.concat(result)
[docs] def translate_df( self, df: pd.DataFrame, target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, cols: str | list[str] | dict[str, str] | None = None, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, **kwargs: str | tuple[str, str] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Translate columns in a data frame. Args: df: A data frame. cols: One or more columns to be translated. It can be a single column name, an iterable of column names or a dict where keys are column names and values are ID types. Except this last case, identifiers are assumed to be `id_type`. target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The default identifier type to use, will be used for all columns where ID type is not specified. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. kwargs: Same as providing a dict to ``cols``, but beware, keys (column names) can not match existing argument names of this function. Returns: A data frame with the same column layout as the input, and the identifiers translated as demanded. Rows that could not be translated are omitted. """ if not isinstance(cols, dict): cols = dict((col, id_type) for col in common.to_list(cols)) kwargs.update(cols) id_types = set(kwargs.values()) for _id_type in set(cols.values()): args = locals().copy() args.pop('self') args['id_type'] = _id_type ortho_df = self.get_df(**args) table = self.which_table( target = target, source = source, only_swissprot = only_swissprot, id_type = _id_type, resource = 'oma', ) df = table.translate_df( df = df, cols = [c for c, i in cols.items() if i == _id_type], ortho_df = ortho_df, ) return df
def _translation_param(self, loc: dict) -> dict: param = {} for resource, keys in self.RESOURCE_PARAM.items(): enabled = common.first_value( loc[resource], self._param[resource], settings.get(f'orthology_{resource}'), ) param[resource] = enabled if enabled: for key in keys: param[key] = common.first_value( loc[f'{resource}_{key}'], self._param[f'{resource}_{key}'], settings.get(f'orthology_{resource}_{key}'), ) return param def _remove_expired(self): for key, last_used in list(self.expiry.items()): if time.time() - last_used > self.lifetime and key in self.tables: self._log( 'Removing orthology table from taxon %u to %u ' '(only SwissProt: %s; resource: %s; ID type: %s)' % key ) del self.tables[key] del self.expiry[key] def __del__(self): if hasattr(_orthology_cleanup_timeloop, 'stop'): _orthology_cleanup_timeloop.stop()
[docs] class SequenceContainer(session.Logger):
[docs] def __init__(self, preload_seq = [], isoforms = True): """ This is an object to store sequences of multiple organisms and select the appropriate one. """ if not hasattr(self, '_logger'): session.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'orthology') self.seq_isoforms = isoforms for taxon in preload_seq: self.load_seq(taxon)
def load_seq(self, taxon): if not hasattr(self, 'seq'): self.seq = {} taxon = taxon or self.ncbi_tax_id if taxon not in self.seq: self.seq[taxon] = _se.swissprot_seq( organism = taxon, isoforms = self.seq_isoforms ) def get_seq(self, protein, taxon = None): if taxon is not None: if taxon not in self.seq: self.load_seq(taxon) if protein in self.seq[taxon]: return self.seq[taxon][protein] else: for taxon, seq in iteritems(self.seq): if protein in seq: return seq[protein]
[docs] class Proteomes(object):
[docs] def __init__( self, preload_prot: list[int] | None = None, only_swissprot: bool = True, ): if not hasattr(self, '_taxonomy'): self._taxonomy = {} self._up_taxonomy = {} self._proteomes = {} self.only_swissprot = only_swissprot self.load_taxonomy() for taxon in (preload_prot or ()): self.load_proteome(taxon)
def load_proteome(self, taxon: int, only_swissprot: bool | None = None): only_swissprot = ( self.only_swissprot if only_swissprot is None else only_swissprot ) key = (taxon, only_swissprot) if key not in self._proteomes: self._proteomes[key] = ( set(uniprot_db.all_uniprots(*key)) ) for protein in self._proteomes[key]: self._taxonomy[protein] = key if not only_swissprot: self.load_proteome(taxon, True) def get_taxon(self, protein, only_swissprot = True): ncbi_tax_id = self.get_taxon_trembl(protein) if ( only_swissprot and ncbi_tax_id and not uniprot_db.is_swissprot(protein, organism = ncbi_tax_id) ): ncbi_tax_id = None return ncbi_tax_id def get_taxon_trembl(self, protein): return self._up_taxonomy.get(protein, None) def has_protein(self, protein): return protein in self._taxonomy def is_swissprot(self, protein): return bool(self.get_taxon(protein, only_swissprot = True)) def load_taxonomy(self): self._up_taxonomy = uniprot_input.uniprot_taxonomy(ncbi_tax_ids = True)
[docs] class ProteinOrthology(Proteomes): _param = ('id',)
[docs] def __init__( self, target: str | int, source: str | int | None = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ This class translates between homologous UniProt IDs of two organisms based on NCBI HomoloGene and Ensembl data. In case of HomoloGene, the UniProt-UniProt translation table is created by translating the source organism UniProts to RefSeq and Entrez IDs, finding the homologues (orthologues) for these IDs, and then translating them to the target organism UniProt IDs. In case of Ensembl, we obtain data with Ensembl protein identifiers and translate those to UniProt. Args target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. kwargs: Resource specific parameters. """ = {} = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(target) self.source = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(source) self.id_type = id_type self._resource_l = self.resource.lower() Proteomes.__init__(self, only_swissprot = only_swissprot) self.load_proteome(self.source) self._set_param(kwargs, *self._param) self.load()
def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def load(self, source = None): pass
[docs] def translate( self, identifier: str | Iterable[str], full_records: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> set[str]: """ For one UniProt ID of the source organism returns all orthologues from the target organism. Args: identifier: An identifier corresponding to the ID type and source organism of the instance. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. kwargs: Resource specific translation parameters. Returns: A set of identifiers of orthologues in the target taxon. """ identifier = ( (identifier,) if hasattr(identifier, 'components') else common.to_list(identifier) ) result = set.union(*(, set()) for i in identifier)) if not full_records: result = { for o in result} return result
[docs] def asdict( self, full_records: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> dict[str, set[OrthologBase]]: """ Create a dictionary from the translation table. Args: full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. kwargs: Resource specific filtering criteria. Returns: A dict with identifiers of the source organism as keys, and sets of their orthologs as values. """ proc = (lambda x: x) if full_records else (lambda x: return { s: {proc(o) for o in orthologs if self.match(o, **kwargs)} for s, orthologs in }
[docs] def df(self, full_records: bool = False, **kwargs) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Orthologous pairs as data frame. Args: full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. kwargs: Resource specific filtering criteria. Returns: A data frame with pairs of orthologous identifiers, in two columns: "source" and "target". """ _log( 'Creating translation data frame between ' f'organisms `{self.source}` and `{}`, ' f'ID type `{self.id_type}`.' ) df = ( pd.DataFrame( self.asdict(full_records = full_records, **kwargs).items(), columns = ['source', 'target'], ). explode('target', ignore_index = True). dropna(). reset_index(drop = True) ) if full_records: # some beautiful pandas code again df = ( pd.concat( [ df.source, pd.DataFrame(, ], axis = 1, ). rename(columns = {'id': 'target'}) ) return df
[docs] def translate_df( self, df: pd.DataFrame, cols: str | list[str] | None = None, ortho_df: pd.DataFrame | None = None, **kwargs ): """ Translate columns in a data frame. Args: df: A data frame. cols: One or more columns to be translated. It can be a single column name, an iterable of column names or a dict where keys are column names and values are ID types. Except this last case, identifiers are assumed to be UniProt. ortho_df: Override the translation data frame. If provided, the parameters in `kwargs` won't have an effect. Must have columns "source" and "target". kwargs: Resource specific translation parameters. Returns: A data frame with the same column layout as the input, and the identifiers translated as demanded. Rows that could not be translated are omitted. """ _log( f'Translating data frame column(s) from ' f'organism `{self.source}` to `{}`.' ) ortho_df = ( (self.df(**kwargs) if ortho_df is None else ortho_df). rename( { 'source': 'pypath_internal_source', 'target': 'pypath_internal_target', }, axis = 1, ) ) col_order = df.columns cols = common.to_list(cols) for col in cols: _log( f'Translating `{self.id_type}` IDs of organism `{self.source}` ' f'in column `{col}` to organism `{}`.' ) df = ( df.merge( ortho_df.rename({'pypath_internal_source': col}, axis = 1), on = col, how = 'inner', ). drop(col, axis = 1). rename({'pypath_internal_target': col}, axis = 1) ) return df[col_order]
def _translation_param(self, loc: dict) -> dict: return dict( (p, loc[p]) for p in OrthologyManager.TRANSLATION_PARAM ) def _set_param(self, loc: dict, *params: str): for param in params: key = f'orthology_{self._resource_l}_{param}' setattr( self, param, common.first_value(loc.get(param, None), settings.get(key)), ) def match(self, ortholog: OrthologBase, **kwargs) -> bool: return True def _from_pickle(self) -> bool: if ( settings.get('orthology_cache') and os.path.exists(self.pickle_path) ): with open(self.pickle_path, 'rb') as fp: = pickle.load(fp) _log( 'Orthology table from taxon %u to %u (only SwissProt: %s; ' 'resource: %s; ID type: %s) has been loaded from `%s`.' % ( self.key + (self.pickle_path,) ) ) return True return False def _to_pickle(self): with open(self.pickle_path, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(, fp) _log( 'Orthology table from taxon %u to %u (only SwissProt: %s; ' 'resource: %s; ID type: %s) has been saved to `%s`.' % ( self.key + (self.pickle_path,) ) ) @property def key(self): return OrthologyTableKey( source = self.source, target =, only_swissprot = self.only_swissprot, resource = self._resource_l, id_type = self.id_type, ) @property def pickle_path(self): return os.path.join( cache_mod.get_cachedir(), f'{common.md5(json.dumps(self.key))}.pickle', ) def __len__(self): return sum(map(len, def __repr__(self): return ( f'<{self.resource} Orthology table from {self.source} to ' f'{}: {self.id_type} IDs, {len(self)} relationships>' )
[docs] class HomologeneOrthology(ProteinOrthology): resource = 'HomoloGene'
[docs] def load(self): """ Load orthology data from NCBI HomoloGene. Builds orthology translation table as dict based on NCBI HomoloGene data. If the `id_type` is supported by HomoloGene (Gene Symbol, RefSeq, Entrez, GI), the data will be simply loaded. For other ID types it translates HomoloGene Gene Symbol, RefSeq and Entrez tables to UniProt and then translates the orthologous UniProt pairs to the desired ID type. """ if self._from_pickle(): return if self.id_type in ('genesymbol', 'refseq', 'refseqp', 'entrez', 'gi'): data = homologene_input.homologene_dict( self.source,, self.id_type, ) = { s: {HomologeneOrtholog(t) for t in target_ids} for s, target_ids in data.items() } return hg = { id_type: homologene_input.homologene_dict( self.source,, id_type, ) for id_type in ('genesymbol', 'refseq', 'entrez') } _log( 'Loading orthology data from NCBI HomoloGene ' f'between organisms `{self.source}` and `{}`.' ) = collections.defaultdict(set) for u in self._proteomes[(self.source, self.only_swissprot)]: target_uniprots = set() for id_type, hgdata in hg.items(): hg_source_ids = mapping.map_name( u, 'uniprot', id_type, ncbi_tax_id = self.source, ) if not hg_source_ids: continue hg_target_ids = set.union(*( hgdata.get(s, set()) for s in hg_source_ids) ) if not hg_target_ids: continue target_uniprots.update( mapping.map_names( hg_target_ids, id_type, 'uniprot', ncbi_tax_id =, ) ) if self.id_type == 'uniprot': source_ids = (u,) target_ids = target_uniprots else: source_ids = mapping.map_name( u, 'uniprot', self.id_type, ncbi_tax_id = self.source, ) target_ids = mapping.map_names( target_uniprots, 'uniprot', self.id_type, ncbi_tax_id =, ) for s in source_ids:[s].update( { HomologeneOrtholog(t) for t in target_ids } ) = dict( self._to_pickle()
[docs] class EnsemblOrthology(ProteinOrthology): _param = ('hc', 'types') resource = 'Ensembl'
[docs] def __init__( self, target: int | str, source: int | str = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = None, hc: bool = None, types: list[Literal[ 'one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many' ]] = None, ): """ Orthology translation with Ensembl data. Args target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. hc: Use only high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. By default it is True. You can also set it by the `ensembl_hc` attribute. types: The Ensembl orthology relationship types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. You can also set this parameter by the `ensembl_types` attribute. """ ProteinOrthology.__init__(**locals())
def load(self): target_organism = taxonomy.ensure_ensembl_name( source_organism = taxonomy.ensure_ensembl_name(self.source) _log( 'Loading orthology data from Ensembl ' f'between organisms `{self.source}` and `{}`.' ) if self._from_pickle(): return if not target_organism or not source_organism: _log( 'No Ensembl orthology data available between ' f'organisms `{self.source}` and `{}`.' ) return target_prefix = f'{target_organism}_homolog_' attr_target_ensp = f'{target_prefix}ensembl_peptide' attr_conf = f'{target_prefix}orthology_confidence' attr_type = f'{target_prefix}orthology_type' ensembl_data = biomart.biomart_homology( source_organism = self.source, target_organism =, ) _id_types = { 'target': { 'genesymbol': f'{target_prefix}associated_gene_name', 'ensp': f'{target_prefix}ensembl_peptide', 'ensg': f'{target_prefix}ensembl_gene', }, 'source': { 'genesymbol': 'external_gene_name', 'ensp': 'ensembl_peptide_id', 'ensg': 'ensembl_gene_id', }, } attr_tgt_id = _id_types['target'].get( self.id_type, f'{target_prefix}ensembl_peptide', ) attr_src_id = _id_types['source'].get( self.id_type, 'ensembl_peptide_id', ) = collections.defaultdict(set) if self.id_type in _id_types['target']: for r in ensembl_data:[getattr(r, attr_src_id)].add( EnsemblOrtholog( id = getattr(r, attr_tgt_id), hc = getattr(r, attr_conf) == '1', types = getattr(r, attr_type).split('_')[-1], ) ) for r in ensembl_data: ids = {} for side, attr_id in ( ('source', attr_src_id), ('target', attr_tgt_id) ): uniprots = mapping.map_name( getattr(r, attr_id), 'ensp', 'uniprot', ncbi_tax_id = getattr(self, side), ) ids[side] = mapping.map_names( uniprots, 'uniprot', self.id_type, ncbi_tax_id = getattr(self, side), uniprot_cleanup = False, ) if not ids[side]: continue for s in ids['source']:[s].update( { EnsemblOrtholog( id = t, hc = getattr(r, attr_conf) == '1', types = getattr(r, attr_type).split('_')[-1], ) for t in ids['target'] } ) = dict( self._to_pickle()
[docs] def match(self, ortholog: OrthologBase, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Check an ortholog against filtering criteria. Args: ortholog: An ortholog record. kwargs: Override default filtering parameters. Returns: True if the ortholog meets the criteria. """ kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} hc = kwargs.get('hc', self.hc) types = kwargs.get('types', self.types) return ( (not hc or ortholog.hc) and (not types or ortholog.types in types) )
[docs] class OmaOrthology(ProteinOrthology): _param = ('rel_type', 'score') resource = 'OMA'
[docs] def __init__( self, target: int | str, source: int | str = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = None, rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, score: float | None = None, ): """ Orthology translation with Ensembl data. Args target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. """ ProteinOrthology.__init__(**locals())
def load(self): _log( 'Loading orthology data from OMA ' f'between organisms `{self.source}` and `{}`.' ) if self._from_pickle(): return oma_data = oma_input.oma_orthologs( organism_a = self.source, organism_b =, id_type = self.id_type, ) = collections.defaultdict(set) for rec in oma_data:[].add( OmaOrtholog( id =, score = rec.score, rel_type = rec.rel_type, ) ) = dict( self._to_pickle()
[docs] def match(self, ortholog: OrthologBase, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Check an ortholog against filtering criteria. Args: ortholog: An ortholog record. kwargs: Override default filtering parameters. Returns: True if the ortholog meets the criteria. """ kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} score = kwargs.get('score', self.score) rel_type = kwargs.get('rel_type', self.rel_type) return ( (score is None or ortholog.score >= score) and (not rel_type or ortholog.rel_type in rel_type) )
[docs] class PtmOrthology(Proteomes, SequenceContainer):
[docs] def __init__( self, target: str | int, source: str | int | None = None, only_swissprot: bool = True, strict: bool = True, orthology_args: dict | None = None, ): if not hasattr(self, '_logger'): session.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'orthology') self.manager = get_manager() SequenceContainer.__init__(self) Proteomes.__init__(self, only_swissprot = only_swissprot) self.source = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(source) = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(target) self.load_seq(taxon = self.reptm = re.compile(r'([A-Z\d]{6,10})_([A-Z])(\d*)') self.strict = strict self.orthology_args = orthology_args or {} self.id_type = 'uniprot' self.ptm_orthology()
def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
[docs] def translate_site( self, protein: str | intera.Protein, res: str, offset: int, isoform: int = 1, typ: str = 'phosphorylation', source_organism: str | int | None = None, ) -> set[tuple]: """ Translates one PTM site. Args: protein: A protein identifier or an intera.Protein object. res: Single letter code of the residue. offset: Sequence offset of the site. isoform: Sequence isoform. typ: Modification type. source_organism: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. Returns: A list of tuples with the identifier, isoform, residue, offset, taxon and modification type of the orthologous PTM sites. """ result = set() source = self._get_source(source_organism) protein_id = getattr(protein, 'identifier', protein) sourceptm = (protein_id, isoform, res, offset, source, typ) if self.get_taxon(protein_id) == result.add(sourceptm) return result if sourceptm in self.ptmortho: if in self.ptmortho[sourceptm]: result = self.ptmortho[sourceptm] if not result and not self.strict: tsubs = self.manager.translate( identifiers = protein_id, target =, source = source, only_swissprot = self.only_swissprot, id_type = self.id_type, **self.orthology_args ) for tsub in tsubs: se = self.get_seq(tsub, taxon = if se is None: continue for toffset in xrange(offset, offset + 3): for i in se.isoforms(): tres = se.get(toffset, isoform = i) if tres == res: result.add(( tsub, i, tres, toffset,, typ, )) if result: break return result
def translate_domain(self, domain: intera.Domain) -> list[intera.Domain]: return [ intera.Domain( protein = target_id, ncbi_tax_id =, ) for target_id in self.manager.translate( identifiers = domain.protein.identifier, target =, id_type = self.id_type, source = self.get_source(domain.ncbi_tax_id), only_swissprot = self.only_swissprot, **self.orthology_args ) ] def translate_ptm(self, ptm: intera.Ptm) -> list[intera.Ptm]: tptms = self.translate_site( ptm.protein,, ptm.residue.number, ptm.residue.isoform, ptm.typ, ) result = [] for x in tptms: se = self.get_seq(x[0], taxon = if (se is None or x[1] not in se.isof) and self.strict: continue res = intera.Residue( number = x[3], name = x[2], protein = x[0], isoform = x[1], ncbi_tax_id =, ) start, end, region = ( se.get_region(x[3], isoform = x[1]) if se is not None and x[1] in se.isof else (None, None, None) ) mot = intera.Motif( protein = x[0], start = start, end = end, instance = region, isoform = x[1], ncbi_tax_id =, ) ptm = intera.Ptm( protein = x[0], motif = mot, residue = res, typ = x[5], isoform = x[1], evidences = ptm.evidences, ncbi_tax_id =, ) result.append(ptm) return result def translate_domain_motif( self, dmotif: intera.DomainMotif, ) -> list[intera.DomainMotif]: ds = self.translate_domain(dmotif.domain) ps = self.translate_ptm(dmotif.ptm) return [ intera.DomainMotif( x[0], x[1], evidences = dmotif.evidences, ) for x in itertools.product(ds, ps) ] def translate_residue( self, residue: intera.Residue, ) -> list[intera.Residue]: return [ intera.Residue(r[3], r[2], r[0], isoform = r[1]) for r in self.translate_site( residue.protein,, residue.number, residue.isoform, ) ]
[docs] def translate(self, x, return_strings = False, **kwargs): """ Translates anything: string notation, intera objects, tuples. - one PTM provided as tuple of (UniProt, amino acid, offest) - one PTM provided as string (e.g. `P00533_S231`) - instance from pypath.intera: DomainMotif, Domain or Ptm Additional arguments can be isoform and typ (modification type). """ result = [] if type(x) is tuple: result = self.translate_site(*x, **kwargs) elif type(x) in _const.CHAR_TYPES: ptm = self.reptm.match(x) if ptm is not None: result = self.translate_site( ptm[1], ptm[2], int(ptm[3]), **kwargs ) if return_strings: result = ['%s_%s%u' % (r[0], r[2], r[3]) for r in result] elif isinstance(x, intera.Ptm): result = self.translate_ptm(x) elif isinstance(x, intera.Domain): result = self.translate_domain(x) elif isinstance(x, intera.DomainMotif): result = self.translate_domain_motif(x) return result
[docs] def ptm_orthology(self): """ Load PTM orthology data from PhosphoSite. Creates an orthology translation dict of phosphosites based on phosphorylation sites table from PhosphoSitePlus. In the result all PTMs represented by a tuple of the following 6 elements: UniProt ID, isoform (int), residue one letter code, residue number (int), NCBI Taxonomy ID (int), modification type. """ self.ptmortho = {} nondigit = re.compile(r'[^\d]+') unknown_taxa = set() for typ in common.psite_mod_types: groups = {} url = urls.urls['psite_%s' % typ[0]]['url'] c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True) data = c.result for _ in xrange(4): null = next(data) for r in data: r = r.split('\t') if len(r) < 10: continue uniprot = r[2] isoform = ( 1 if '-' not in uniprot else int(uniprot.split('-')[1]) ) uniprot = uniprot.split('-')[0] aa = r[4][0] num = int(nondigit.sub('', r[4])) if r[6] not in taxonomy.taxa: unknown_taxa.add(r[6]) continue tax = taxonomy.taxa[r[6]] group = int(r[5]) this_site = (uniprot, isoform, aa, num, tax, typ[1]) if group not in groups: groups[group] = set([]) groups[group].add(this_site) for group, sites in iteritems(groups): for site1 in sites: for site2 in sites: if site1[4] == site2[4]: continue if site1 not in self.ptmortho: self.ptmortho[site1] = {} if site2[4] not in self.ptmortho[site1]: self.ptmortho[site1][site2[4]] = set([]) self.ptmortho[site1][site2[4]].add(site2) if len(unknown_taxa): self._log( 'Unknown taxa encountered: %s' % ( ', '.join(sorted(unknown_taxa)) ) )
def _get_source(self, source: str | int | None) -> int: """ Returns the NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source taxon. """ ncbi_tax_id = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(source) or self.source if not ncbi_tax_id: msg = ( f'No source taxon provided (argument: `{source}`, ' f'instance: `{self.source}`)' ) self._log(msg) raise ValueError(msg) return ncbi_tax_id def __len__(self): return len(getattr(self, 'ptmortho', ())) def __repr__(self): return f'<PTM Orthology: {len(self)} sites>'
[docs] def init(): """ Initialize the orthology manager. Creates an instance of the orthology manager. Stores it in the module namespace. """ globals()['manager'] = OrthologyManager()
[docs] def get_manager(): """ Access the orthology manager. Returns the orthology manager, an object which loads and unloads the orthology lookup tables as necessary, and provides the interface for querying the orthology data. Normally an instance of the manager belongs to the module, and if it does not exist yet, will be created automatically. """ if 'manager' not in globals(): init() return globals()['manager']
[docs] def translate( identifiers: str | Iterable[str], target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, full_records: bool = False, ): """ Translate one or more identifiers by orthologous gene pairs. Args: identifiers: One or more identifers of the source organism, of ID type `id_type`. target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. Returns: Set of identifiers of orthologous genes or proteins in the target taxon. """ manager = get_manager() args = locals().copy() args.pop('manager') return manager.translate(**args)
[docs] def get_dict( target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, full_records: bool = False, ) -> dict[str, set[OrthologBase]]: """ Create a dictionary for one source organism and ID type. Args: target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. Returns: A dict with identifiers of the source organism as keys, and sets of their orthologs as values. """ manager = get_manager() args = locals().copy() args.pop('manager') return manager.get_dict(**args)
[docs] def get_df( target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, full_records: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Create a data frame for one source organism and ID type. Args: target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. id_type: The identifier type to use. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. full_records: Include not only the identifiers, but also some properties of the orthology relationships. kwargs: Ignored. Returns: A data frame with pairs of orthologous identifiers, in two columns: "source" and "target". """ manager = get_manager() args = locals().copy() args.pop('manager') args.pop('kwargs') return manager.get_df(**args)
[docs] def translate_df( df: pd.DataFrame, target: str | int, source: str | int = 9606, cols: str | list[str] | dict[str, str] | None = None, id_type: str = 'uniprot', only_swissprot: bool = True, oma: bool = None, homologene: bool = None, ensembl: bool = None, oma_rel_type: ( set[Literal['1:1', '1:n', 'm:1', 'm:n']] | None ) = None, oma_score: float | None = None, ensembl_hc: bool = True, ensembl_types: ( list[Literal['one2one', 'one2many', 'many2many']] | None ) = None, **kwargs: str | tuple[str, str] ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Translate columns in a data frame. Args: df: A data frame. target: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the target organism. source: Name or NCBI Taxonomy ID of the source organism. cols: One or more columns to be translated. It can be a single column name, an iterable of column names or a dict where keys are column names and values are ID types. Except this last case, identifiers are assumed to be `id_type`. id_type: The default identifier type to use, will be used for all columns where ID type is not specified. only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt IDs. oma Use orthology information from the Orthologous Matrix (OMA). Currently this is the recommended source for orthology data. homologene: Use orthology information from NCBI HomoloGene. ensembl: Use orthology information from Ensembl. oma_rel_type: Restrict relations to certain types. oma_score: Lower threshold for similarity metric. ensembl_hc: Use only the high confidence orthology relations from Ensembl. ensembl_types: Ensembl orthology relation types to use. Possible values are `one2one`, `one2many` and `many2many`. By default only `one2one` is used. kwargs: Same as providing a dict to ``cols``, but beware, keys (column names) can not match existing argument names of this function. Returns: A data frame with the same column layout as the input, and the identifiers translated as demanded. Rows that could not be translated are omitted. """ manager = get_manager() args = locals().copy() args.pop('manager') args.pop('kwargs') return manager.translate_df(**args, **kwargs)