
class pypath.share.curl.cache_on[source]§

Bases: _global_context_on

This is a context handler to turn on pypath.curl.Curl() cache. As most of the methods use cache as their default behaviour, probably it won’t change anything.

Behind the scenes it sets the value of the pypath.curl.CACHE module level variable to True (by default it is None).


import pypath
from pypath import curl, data_formats

pa = pypath.PyPath()

print('`curl.CACHE` is ', curl.CACHE)

with curl.cache_on():
    print('`curl.CACHE` is ', curl.CACHE)
    pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']})

name (str) – Name of the module level variable.



param str name:

Name of the module level variable.