
pypath.inputs.dorothea.dorothea_old_csv(levels={'A', 'B'}, only_curated=False)[source]§

Retrieves TF-target interactions from DoRothEA.

  • levels (set) – Confidence levels to be used.

  • only_curated (bool) – Retrieve only literature curated interactions.


Note: this method processes DoRothEA from an old CSV file generated in 2018. For an up to date version of DoRothEA please use the dorothea_interactions method. DoRothEA is a comprehensive resource of TF-target interactions combining multiple lines of evidences: literature curated databases, ChIP-Seq data, PWM based prediction using HOCOMOCO and JASPAR matrices and prediction from GTEx expression data by ARACNe.

For details see saezlab/DoRothEA.