#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the `pypath` python module
# Copyright 2014-2023
# EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
# Authors: see the file `README.rst`
# Contact: Dénes Türei (turei.denes@gmail.com)
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
# Website: https://pypath.omnipathdb.org/
Drawing routines to draw graphs.
This module contains routines to draw graphs on:
- Cairo surfaces (L{DefaultGraphDrawer})
- UbiGraph displays (L{UbiGraphDrawer}, see U{http://ubietylab.net/ubigraph})
It also contains routines to send an igraph graph directly to
(U{Cytoscape<http://www.cytoscape.org>}) using the
(U{CytoscapeRPC plugin<http://gforge.nbic.nl/projects/cytoscaperpc/>}), see
L{CytoscapeGraphDrawer}. L{CytoscapeGraphDrawer} can also fetch the current
network from Cytoscape and convert it to igraph format.
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from itertools import izip
except ImportError:
izip = zip
from math import atan2, cos, pi, sin, tan
from warnings import warn
from igraph._igraph import convex_hull, VertexSeq
from igraph.compat import property
except ModuleNotFoundError:
from igraph.configuration import Configuration
from igraph.drawing.baseclasses import AbstractDrawer, AbstractCairoDrawer, \
from igraph.drawing.colors import color_to_html_format, color_name_to_rgb
from pypath.visual.igraph_drawing.edge import ArrowEdgeDrawer
from igraph.drawing.text import TextAlignment, TextDrawer
from igraph.drawing.metamagic import AttributeCollectorBase
from igraph.drawing.shapes import PolygonDrawer
from igraph.drawing.utils import Point
from pypath.visual.igraph_drawing.vertex import DefaultVertexDrawer
from igraph.layout import Layout
from igraph.drawing.graph import AbstractCairoGraphDrawer
import cairo
except ModuleNotFoundError:
# No cairo support is installed. Create a fake module
# pylint: disable-msg=C0103
from igraph.drawing.utils import FakeModule
cairo = FakeModule("igraph module could not be imported")
except ModuleNotFoundError:
sys.stdout.write('Module `igraph` is not available.'
'\nSome plotting functionalities won\'t be accessible.\n')
class AbstractCairoGraphDrawer:
DefaultVertexDrawer = ArrowEdgeDrawer = TextDrawer = AbstractCairoGraphDrawer
__all__ = ["DefaultGraphDrawerFFsupport"]
__license__ = "GPL"
class DefaultGraphDrawerFFsupport(AbstractCairoGraphDrawer):
"""Class implementing the default visualisation of a graph.
The default visualisation of a graph draws the nodes on a 2D plane
according to a given L{Layout}, then draws a straight or curved
edge between nodes connected by edges. This is the visualisation
used when one invokes the L{plot()} function on a L{Graph} object.
See L{Graph.__plot__()} for the keyword arguments understood by
this drawer."""
def __init__(self,
"""Constructs the graph drawer and associates it to the given
Cairo context and the given L{BoundingBox}.
@param context: the context on which we will draw
@param bbox: the bounding box within which we will draw.
Can be anything accepted by the constructor
of L{BoundingBox} (i.e., a 2-tuple, a 4-tuple
or a L{BoundingBox} object).
@param vertex_drawer_factory: a factory method that returns an
L{AbstractCairoVertexDrawer} instance bound to a
given Cairo context. The factory method must take
three parameters: the Cairo context, the bounding
box of the drawing area and the palette to be
used for drawing colored vertices. The default
vertex drawer is L{DefaultVertexDrawer}.
@param edge_drawer_factory: a factory method that returns an
L{AbstractEdgeDrawer} instance bound to a
given Cairo context. The factory method must take
two parameters: the Cairo context and the palette
to be used for drawing colored edges. You can use
any of the actual L{AbstractEdgeDrawer}
implementations here to control the style of
edges drawn by igraph. The default edge drawer is
@param label_drawer_factory: a factory method that returns a
L{TextDrawer} instance bound to a given Cairo
context. The method must take one parameter: the
Cairo context. The default label drawer is
AbstractCairoGraphDrawer.__init__(self, context, bbox)
self.vertex_drawer_factory = vertex_drawer_factory
self.edge_drawer_factory = edge_drawer_factory
self.label_drawer_factory = label_drawer_factory
def _determine_edge_order(self, graph, kwds):
"""Returns the order in which the edge of the given graph have to be
drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (C{edge_order} and
C{edge_order_by}) are given in C{kwds} as a dictionary. If neither
C{edge_order} nor C{edge_order_by} is present in C{kwds}, this
function returns C{None} to indicate that the graph drawer is free to
choose the most convenient edge ordering."""
if "edge_order" in kwds:
# Edge order specified explicitly
return kwds["edge_order"]
if kwds.get("edge_order_by") is None:
# No edge order specified
return None
# Order edges by the value of some attribute
edge_order_by = kwds["edge_order_by"]
reverse = False
if isinstance(edge_order_by, tuple):
edge_order_by, reverse = edge_order_by
if isinstance(reverse, basestring):
reverse = reverse.lower().startswith("desc")
attrs = graph.es[edge_order_by]
edge_order = sorted(
range(len(attrs)), key=attrs.__getitem__, reverse=bool(reverse))
return edge_order
def _determine_vertex_order(self, graph, kwds):
"""Returns the order in which the vertices of the given graph have to be
drawn, assuming that the relevant keyword arguments (C{vertex_order} and
C{vertex_order_by}) are given in C{kwds} as a dictionary. If neither
C{vertex_order} nor C{vertex_order_by} is present in C{kwds}, this
function returns C{None} to indicate that the graph drawer is free to
choose the most convenient vertex ordering."""
if "vertex_order" in kwds:
# Vertex order specified explicitly
return kwds["vertex_order"]
if kwds.get("vertex_order_by") is None:
# No vertex order specified
return None
# Order vertices by the value of some attribute
vertex_order_by = kwds["vertex_order_by"]
reverse = False
if isinstance(vertex_order_by, tuple):
vertex_order_by, reverse = vertex_order_by
if isinstance(reverse, basestring):
reverse = reverse.lower().startswith("desc")
attrs = graph.vs[vertex_order_by]
vertex_order = sorted(
range(len(attrs)), key=attrs.__getitem__, reverse=bool(reverse))
return vertex_order
# pylint: disable-msg=W0142,W0221,E1101
# W0142: Used * or ** magic
# W0221: argument number differs from overridden method
# E1101: Module 'cairo' has no 'foo' member - of course it does :)
def draw(self, graph, palette, *args, **kwds):
# Some abbreviations for sake of simplicity
directed = graph.is_directed()
context = self.context
# Calculate/get the layout of the graph
layout = self.ensure_layout(kwds.get("layout", None), graph)
# Determine the size of the margin on each side
margin = kwds.get("margin", 0)
margin = list(margin)
except TypeError:
margin = [margin]
while len(margin) < 4:
# Contract the drawing area by the margin and fit the layout
bbox = self.bbox.contract(margin)
bbox, keep_aspect_ratio=kwds.get("keep_aspect_ratio", False))
# Decide whether we need to calculate the curvature of edges
# automatically -- and calculate them if needed.
autocurve = kwds.get("autocurve", None)
if autocurve or (autocurve is None and "edge_curved" not in kwds and
"curved" not in graph.edge_attributes() and
graph.ecount() < 10000):
from igraph import autocurve
default = kwds.get("edge_curved", 0)
if default is True:
default = 0.5
default = float(default)
kwds["edge_curved"] = autocurve(
graph, attribute=None, default=default)
# Construct the vertex, edge and label drawers
vertex_drawer = self.vertex_drawer_factory(context, bbox, palette,
edge_drawer = self.edge_drawer_factory(context, palette)
label_drawer = self.label_drawer_factory(context)
# Construct the visual vertex/edge builders based on the specifications
# provided by the vertex_drawer and the edge_drawer
vertex_builder = vertex_drawer.VisualVertexBuilder(graph.vs, kwds)
edge_builder = edge_drawer.VisualEdgeBuilder(graph.es, kwds)
# Determine the order in which we will draw the vertices and edges
vertex_order = self._determine_vertex_order(graph, kwds)
edge_order = self._determine_edge_order(graph, kwds)
# Draw the highlighted groups (if any)
if "mark_groups" in kwds:
mark_groups = kwds["mark_groups"]
# Figure out what to do with mark_groups in order to be able to
# iterate over it and get memberlist-color pairs
if isinstance(mark_groups, dict):
group_iter = mark_groups.iteritems()
elif hasattr(mark_groups, "__iter__"):
# Lists, tuples, iterators etc
group_iter = iter(mark_groups)
# False
group_iter = {}.iteritems()
# We will need a polygon drawer to draw the convex hulls
polygon_drawer = PolygonDrawer(context, bbox)
# Iterate over color-memberlist pairs
for group, color_id in group_iter:
if not group or color_id is None:
color = palette.get(color_id)
if isinstance(group, VertexSeq):
group = [vertex.index for vertex in group]
if not hasattr(group, "__iter__"):
raise TypeError("group membership list must be iterable")
# Get the vertex indices that constitute the convex hull
hull = [
for i in convex_hull([layout[idx] for idx in group])
# Calculate the preferred rounding radius for the corners
corner_radius = 1.25 * \
max(vertex_builder[idx].size for idx in hull)
# Construct the polygon
polygon = [layout[idx] for idx in hull]
if len(polygon) == 2:
# Expand the polygon (which is a flat line otherwise)
a, b = Point(*polygon[0]), Point(*polygon[1])
c = corner_radius * (a - b).normalized()
n = Point(-c[1], c[0])
polygon = [a + n, b + n, b - c, b - n, a - n, a + c]
# Expand the polygon around its center of mass
center = Point(*[
sum(coords) / float(len(coords))
for coords in zip(*polygon)
polygon = [
Point(*point).towards(center, -corner_radius)
for point in polygon
# Draw the hull
context.set_source_rgba(color[0], color[1], color[2],
color[3] * 0.25)
polygon_drawer.draw_path(polygon, corner_radius=corner_radius)
# Construct the iterator that we will use to draw the edges
es = graph.es
if edge_order is None:
# Default edge order
edge_coord_iter = izip(es, edge_builder)
# Specified edge order
edge_coord_iter = ((es[i], edge_builder[i]) for i in edge_order)
# Draw the edges
if directed:
drawer_method = edge_drawer.draw_directed_edge
drawer_method = edge_drawer.draw_undirected_edge
for edge, visual_edge in edge_coord_iter:
src, dest = edge.tuple
src_vertex, dest_vertex = vertex_builder[src], vertex_builder[dest]
drawer_method(visual_edge, src_vertex, dest_vertex)
# Construct the iterator that we will use to draw the vertices
vs = graph.vs
if vertex_order is None:
# Default vertex order
vertex_coord_iter = izip(vs, vertex_builder, layout)
# Specified vertex order
vertex_coord_iter = ((vs[i], vertex_builder[i], layout[i])
for i in vertex_order)
# Draw the vertices
drawer_method = vertex_drawer.draw
for vertex, visual_vertex, coords in vertex_coord_iter:
drawer_method(visual_vertex, vertex, coords)
# Set the font we will use to draw the labels
vertex_label_family = 'sans-serif' if not hasattr(graph, "vertex_label_family") \
else graph.vertex_label_family
# Decide whether the labels have to be wrapped
wrap = kwds.get("wrap_labels")
if wrap is None:
wrap = Configuration.instance()["plotting.wrap_labels"]
wrap = bool(wrap)
# Construct the iterator that we will use to draw the vertex labels
if vertex_order is None:
# Default vertex order
vertex_coord_iter = izip(vertex_builder, layout)
# Specified vertex order
vertex_coord_iter = ((vertex_builder[i], layout[i])
for i in vertex_order)
# Draw the vertex labels
for vertex, coords in vertex_coord_iter:
if vertex.label is None:
if hasattr(vertex, 'label_family'):
label_drawer.text = vertex.label
if vertex.label_dist:
# Label is displaced from the center of the vertex.
_, yb, w, h, _, _ = label_drawer.text_extents()
w, h = w / 2.0, h / 2.0
radius = vertex.label_dist * vertex.size / 2.
# First we find the reference point that is at distance `radius'
# from the vertex in the direction given by `label_angle'.
# Then we place the label in a way that the line connecting the
# center of the bounding box of the label with the center of the
# vertex goes through the reference point and the reference
# point lies exactly on the bounding box of the vertex.
alpha = vertex.label_angle % (2 * pi)
cx = coords[0] + radius * cos(alpha)
cy = coords[1] - radius * sin(alpha)
# Now we have the reference point. We have to decide which side
# of the label box will intersect with the line that connects
# the center of the label with the center of the vertex.
if w > 0:
beta = atan2(h, w) % (2 * pi)
beta = pi / 2.
gamma = pi - beta
if alpha > 2 * pi - beta or alpha <= beta:
# Intersection at left edge of label
cx += w
cy -= tan(alpha) * w
elif alpha > beta and alpha <= gamma:
# Intersection at bottom edge of label
cx += h / tan(alpha)
pass # tan(alpha) == inf
cy -= h
elif alpha > gamma and alpha <= gamma + 2 * beta:
# Intersection at right edge of label
cx -= w
cy += tan(alpha) * w
# Intersection at top edge of label
cx -= h / tan(alpha)
pass # tan(alpha) == inf
cy += h
# Draw the label
label_drawer.draw_at(cx - w, cy - h - yb, wrap=wrap)
# Label is exactly in the center of the vertex
cx, cy = coords
half_size = vertex.size / 2.
label_drawer.bbox = (cx - half_size, cy - half_size,
cx + half_size, cy + half_size)
# Construct the iterator that we will use to draw the edge labels
es = graph.es
if edge_order is None:
# Default edge order
edge_coord_iter = izip(es, edge_builder)
# Specified edge order
edge_coord_iter = ((es[i], edge_builder[i]) for i in edge_order)
# Draw the edge labels
for edge, visual_edge in edge_coord_iter:
if visual_edge.label is None:
# Set the font size, color and text
if hasattr(visual_edge, 'label_family'):
label_drawer.text = visual_edge.label
# Ask the edge drawer to propose an anchor point for the label
src, dest = edge.tuple
src_vertex, dest_vertex = vertex_builder[src], vertex_builder[dest]
(x, y), (halign, valign) = \
edge_drawer.get_label_position(edge, src_vertex, dest_vertex)
# Measure the text
_, yb, w, h, _, _ = label_drawer.text_extents()
w /= 2.0
h /= 2.0
# Place the text relative to the edge
if halign == TextAlignment.RIGHT:
x -= w
elif halign == TextAlignment.LEFT:
x += w
if valign == TextAlignment.BOTTOM:
y -= h - yb / 2.0
elif valign == TextAlignment.TOP:
y += h
# Draw the edge label
label_drawer.halign = halign
label_drawer.valign = valign
label_drawer.bbox = (x - w, y - h, x + w, y + h)