Source code for pypath.inputs.trip

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from future.utils import iteritems

import os
import bs4
import pickle

import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.share.cache as cache
import pypath.share.session as session
import pypath.share.common as common

_logger = session.Logger(name = 'trip_input')
_log = _logger._log

[docs] def take_a_trip(cachefile = None): """ Downloads TRIP data from webpage and preprocesses it. Saves preprocessed data into `cachefile` and next time loads from this file. :arg cachefile str: Path to pickle dump of preprocessed TRIP database. If does not exist the database will be downloaded and saved to this file. By default the path queried from the ``settings`` module. """ cachefile = cachefile or cache.cache_item('trip_preprocessed') if os.path.exists(cachefile): _log( 'Loading preprocessed TRIP database ' 'content from `%s`' % cachefile ) result = pickle.load(open(cachefile, 'rb')) return result _log('No cache found, downloading and preprocessing TRIP database.') result = {'sc': {}, 'cc': {}, 'vvc': {}, 'vtc': {}, 'fc': {}} intrs = {} titles = { 'Characterization': 'cc', 'Screening': 'sc', 'Validation: In vitro validation': 'vtc', 'Validation: In vivo validation': 'vvc', 'Functional consequence': 'fc', } interactors = {} base_url = urls.urls['trip']['base_rescued'] show_url = urls.urls['trip']['show_rescued'] c = curl.Curl(base_url) mainhtml = c.result mainsoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(mainhtml, 'html.parser') trppages = common.flat_list( [ [a.attrs['href'] for a in ul.find_all('a')] for ul in mainsoup. find('div', id = 'trp_selector'). find('ul'). find_all('ul') ] ) for trpp in trppages: trp = trpp.split('/')[-1] trpurl = show_url % trp c = curl.Curl(trpurl, silent = False) trphtml = c.result trpsoup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(trphtml, 'html.parser') trp_uniprot = trip_find_uniprot(trpsoup) if trp_uniprot is None or len(trp_uniprot) < 6: _log('Could not find UniProt for %s' % trp) for tab in trpsoup.find_all('th', colspan = ['11', '13']): ttl = titles[tab.text.strip()] tab = tab.find_parent('table') trip_process_table(tab, result[ttl], intrs, trp_uniprot) _log('Saving processed TRIP database content to `%s`' % cachefile) pickle.dump(result, open(cachefile, 'wb')) return result
[docs] def trip_process_table(tab, result, intrs, trp_uniprot): """ Processes one HTML table downloaded from TRIP webpage. @tab : bs4.element.Tag() One table of interactions from TRIP webpage. @result : dict Dictionary the data should be filled in. @intrs : dict Dictionary of already converted interactor IDs. This serves as a cache so do not need to look up the same ID twice. @trp_uniprot : str UniProt ID of TRP domain containing protein. """ for row in tab.find_all('tr'): cells = row.find_all(['td', 'th']) if 'th' not in [ for c in cells]: intr = cells[2].text.strip() if intr not in intrs: intr_uniprot = trip_get_uniprot(intr) intrs[intr] = intr_uniprot if intr_uniprot is None or len(intr_uniprot) < 6: _log('Could not find UniProt for %s' % intr) else: intr_uniprot = intrs[intr] if (trp_uniprot, intr_uniprot) not in result: result[(trp_uniprot, intr_uniprot)] = [] result[(trp_uniprot, intr_uniprot)].append( [c.text.strip() for c in cells] )
[docs] def trip_get_uniprot(syn): """ Downloads table from TRIP webpage and UniProt attempts to look up the UniProt ID for one synonym. @syn : str The synonym as shown on TRIP webpage. """ url = urls.urls['trip']['show_rescued'] % syn c = curl.Curl(url) if c.result: soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(c.result, 'html.parser') return trip_find_uniprot(soup)
[docs] def trip_find_uniprot(soup): """ Looks up a UniProt name in table downloaded from TRIP webpage. @soup : bs4.BeautifulSoup The `BeautifulSoup` instance returned by ``pypath.inputs.trip.trip_get_uniprot``. """ for tr in soup.find_all('div', id = 'tab2')[0].find_all('tr'): if ( tr.find('td') is not None and tr.find('td').text.strip() == 'Human' ): uniprot = tr.find_all('td')[2].text.strip() return uniprot return None
[docs] def trip_process( exclude_methods = ['Inference', 'Speculation'], predictions = False, species = 'Human', strict = False, ): """ Downloads TRIP data by calling `pypath.dadio.take_a_trip()` and further provcesses it. Returns dict of dict with TRIP data. @exclude_methods : list Interaction detection methods to be discarded. @predictions : bool Whether to include predicted interactions. @species : str Organism name, e.g. `Human`. @strict : bool Whether include interactions with species not used as a bait or not specified. """ nd = 'Not determined' spec = set([]) if strict \ else set(['Not specified', 'Not used as a bait', '']) spec.add(species) result = {} data = take_a_trip() for uniprots in common.unique_list( common.flat_list([v.keys() for v in data.values()])): to_process = False refs = set([]) mets = set([]) tiss = set([]) reg = set([]) eff = set([]) if uniprots in data['sc']: for sc in data['sc'][uniprots]: if sc[4] in spec and sc[6] in spec and \ (predictions or sc[9] != 'Prediction') and \ sc[3] not in exclude_methods: refs.add(sc[10]) mets.add(sc[3]) tiss.add(sc[7]) if uniprots in data['vtc']: for vtc in data['vtc'][uniprots]: if vtc[4] in spec and vtc[7] in spec and \ vtc[3] not in exclude_methods: refs.add(vtc[10]) mets.add(vtc[3]) if uniprots in data['vvc']: for vvc in data['vvc'][uniprots]: if vvc[6] in spec and vvc[8] in spec and \ vvc[3] not in exclude_methods: refs.add(vvc[10]) mets.add(vvc[3]) if len(vvc[4]) > 0: tiss.add(vvc[4]) if len(vvc[5]) > 0: tiss.add(vvc[5]) if uniprots in data['cc']: for cc in data['cc'][uniprots]: if cc[4] in spec and cc[6] in spec and \ cc[3] not in exclude_methods: refs.add(cc[10]) mets.add(cc[3]) if (cc[5] != nd and len(cc[5]) > 0) or \ (cc[7] != nd and len(cc[7]) > 0): reg.add((cc[5], cc[7])) if uniprots in data['fc']: for fc in data['fc'][uniprots]: mets.add(fc[3]) refs.add(fc[7]) if len(fc[5]) > 0: eff.add(fc[5]) if len(fc[6]) > 0: eff.add(fc[6]) if len(refs) > 0: result[uniprots] = { 'refs': refs, 'methods': mets, 'tissues': tiss, 'effect': eff, 'regions': reg } return result
[docs] def trip_interactions( exclude_methods = ['Inference', 'Speculation'], predictions = False, species = 'Human', strict = False, ): """ Obtains processed TRIP interactions by calling ``pypath.inputs.trip.trip_process`` and returns list of interactions. All arguments are passed to ``trip_process``, see their definition there. """ data = trip_process(exclude_methods, predictions, species, strict) def trip_effect(eff): pos = { 'Sensitization', 'Activation', 'Increase in plasma membrane level', 'Increase in lysosomal membrane level', 'New channel creation', } neg = { 'Desensitization', 'Decrease in plasma membrane level', 'Inhibition', 'Internalization from membrane by ligand', 'Retain in the endoplasmic reticulum', } return ( 'stimulation' if len(eff & pos) > 0 else 'inhibition' if len(eff & neg) > 0 else 'unknown' ) return [ [ unipr[0], unipr[1], ';'.join(d['refs']), ';'.join(d['methods']), trip_effect(d['effect']) ] for unipr, d in iteritems(data) ]