Source code for pypath.inputs.talklr #!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the `pypath` python module
# Copyright 2014-2023
# EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
# Authors: see the file `README.rst`
# Contact: Dénes Türei (
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# Website:
import collections
import pyreadr
import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
def talklr_raw ( putative = True ):
url = urls . urls [ 'talklr' ][ 'url' ]
c = curl . Curl ( url , large = True , silent = False )
rdata_path = c . fileobj . name
c . fileobj . close ()
rdata = pyreadr . read_r ( rdata_path )[ 'receptor_ligand' ]
rdata . columns = [ col . replace ( '.' , '_' ) for col in rdata . columns ]
if not putative :
rdata = rdata [ rdata . Pair_Evidence != 'putative' ]
return rdata
def talklr_interactions ( putative = True ):
TalklrInteraction = collections . namedtuple (
'TalklrInteraction' ,
[ 'ligand' , 'receptor' , 'pmids' , 'resources' , 'putative' ],
resource_columns = {
'DLRP' : ( 'DLRP' ,),
'Guide2Pharma' : ( 'IUPHAR' ,),
'HPRD' : ( 'HPRD' ,),
'STRING' : ( 'STRING_binding' , 'STRING_experiment' ),
'HPMR' : ( 'HPMR' ,),
raw = talklr_raw ( putative = putative )
for rec in raw . itertuples ():
resources = tuple (
for resource , labels in resource_columns . items ()
if any (
common . is_str ( getattr ( rec , lab ))
for lab in labels
pmids = (
tuple ( pmid . strip () for pmid in rec . PMID_Manual . split ( ',' ))
if common . is_str ( rec . PMID_Manual ) else
yield (
TalklrInteraction (
ligand = rec . Ligand_ApprovedSymbol ,
receptor = rec . Receptor_ApprovedSymbol ,
pmids = pmids ,
resources = resources ,
putative = rec . Pair_Evidence == 'putative' ,
def talklr_annotations ( putative = True ):
TalklrAnnotation = collections . namedtuple (
'TalklrAnnotation' ,
[ 'role' , 'pmid' , 'putative' ]
result = collections . defaultdict ( set )
for ia in talklr_interactions ( putative = putative ):
for role in ( 'ligand' , 'receptor' ):
uniprots = mapping . map_name (
getattr ( ia , role ),
'genesymbol' ,
'uniprot' ,
ncbi_tax_id = 9606 ,
for uniprot in uniprots :
for pmid in ( ia . pmids or ( None ,)):
result [ uniprot ] . add (
TalklrAnnotation (
role = role ,
pmid = pmid ,
putative = ia . putative ,
return dict ( result )
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