Source code for pypath.inputs.protmapper

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import re
import csv
import collections

import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.share.settings as settings

[docs] def get_protmapper(): """ Returns the raw records as read by ``csv.DictReader``. From Bachman et al. 2019 "Assembling a phosphoproteomic knowledge base using ProtMapper to normalize phosphosite information from databases and text mining", """ url = urls.urls['protmapper']['url'] files = urls.urls['protmapper']['files'] c = curl.Curl( url, large = True, silent = False, files_needed = files, req_headers = [settings.get('user_agent')], alpn = False, ) evidences = collections.defaultdict(list) for rec in csv.DictReader(c.files_multipart['evidences.csv']): evidences[rec['ID']].append(rec) records = list(csv.DictReader(c.files_multipart['export.csv'])) return records, evidences
[docs] def protmapper_enzyme_substrate( only_evidences = None, only_literature = False, interactions = False, ): """ :arg str,set,NoneType only_evidences: Keep only the interactions with these evidence type, e.g. `VALID`. See the 'descriptions' column in the 'evidences.csv' supplementary table. """ databases = { 'signor': 'SIGNOR', 'psp': 'PhosphoSite', 'sparser': 'Sparser', 'reach': 'REACH', 'pid': 'NCI-PID', 'reactome': 'Reactome', 'rlimsp': 'RLIMS-P', 'bel': 'BEL-Large-Corpus', } result = [] only_evidences = common.to_set(only_evidences) records, evidences = get_protmapper() for rec in records: if rec['CTRL_NS'] != 'UP': continue if only_evidences: ev_types = { ev['DESCRIPTION'] for ev in evidences[rec['ID']] } if not only_evidences & ev_types: continue references = { ev['PMID'] for ev in evidences[rec['ID']] if ev['PMID'] } if only_literature and not references: continue typ = ( 'phosphorylation' if rec['CTRL_IS_KINASE'] == 'True' else 'unknown' ) sources = { databases[source] if source in databases else source for source in rec['SOURCES'].strip('"').split(',') } if interactions: result.append([ rec['CTRL_ID'], rec['TARGET_UP_ID'], sources, references, ]) else: result.append({ 'kinase': rec['CTRL_ID'], 'resaa': rec['TARGET_RES'], 'resnum': int(rec['TARGET_POS']), 'references': references, 'substrate': rec['TARGET_UP_ID'], 'databases': sources, }) return result
[docs] def protmapper_interactions(**kwargs): return protmapper_enzyme_substrate(interactions = True, **kwargs)