Source code for pypath.inputs.phosphoelm

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from future.utils import iteritems

import re
import bs4

import pypath.utils.taxonomy as taxonomy
import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls

[docs] def phosphoelm_enzyme_substrate(organism = 9606, ltp_only = True): """ Downloads kinase-substrate interactions from phosphoELM. Returns list of dicts. :param int organism: NCBI Taxonomy ID. :param bool ltp_only: Include only low-throughput interactions. """ result = [] non_digit = re.compile(r'[^\d.-]+') if organism is None: _organism = None elif organism in taxonomy.phosphoelm_taxids: _organism = taxonomy.phosphoelm_taxids[organism] else: sys.stdout.write('\t:: Unknown organism: `%u`.\n' % organism) return [] url = urls.urls['p_elm']['url'] c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False) data = c.result data = [ n for d, n in iteritems(data) if d.startswith(urls.urls['p_elm']['psites']) ] data = data[0] if len(data) > 0 else '' data = [l.split('\t') for l in data.split('\n')] kinases = phosphoelm_kinases() del data[0] for l in data: if ( len(l) == 9 and ( l[7] == _organism or _organism is None ) and ( not ltp_only or l[6] == 'LTP' ) ): l[1] = 1 if '-' not in l[0] else int(l[0].split('-')[1]) l[0] = l[0].split('-')[0] del l[-1] if len(l[5]) > 0 and l[5] in kinases: kinase = kinases[l[5]] result.append({ 'instance': None, 'isoform': l[1], 'resaa': l[3], 'resnum': int(non_digit.sub('', l[2])), 'start': None, 'end': None, 'substrate': l[0], 'kinase': kinase, 'references': l[4].split(';'), 'experiment': l[6], 'organism': l[7] }) return result
[docs] def phosphoelm_interactions(organism = 'Homo sapiens'): result = [] data = phosphoelm_enzyme_substrate(ltp_only = True) for l in data: result.append([ l['kinase'], l['substrate'], ';'.join(l['references']), l['organism'], ]) return result
[docs] def phosphoelm_kinases(): result = {} url = urls.urls['p_elm_kin']['url'] c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False) data = c.result soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data, 'html.parser') for row in soup.find_all('table')[1].find_all('tr'): thisRow = [x.text for x in row.find_all('td')] if len(thisRow) > 2 and len(thisRow[2].strip()) > 0: result[thisRow[0]] = thisRow[2].strip() return result