Source code for pypath.inputs.matrixdb
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of the `pypath` python module
# Copyright 2014-2023
# EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
# Authors: see the file `README.rst`
# Contact: Dénes Türei (
# Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
# See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
# Website:
import collections
import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.inputs.uniprot_db as uniprot_db
def matrixdb_interactions(organism = 9606):
url = urls.urls['matrixdb']['url']
c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True)
f = c.result
i = []
lnum = 0
for l in f:
if lnum == 0:
lnum += 1
l = l.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
l = l.split('\t')
specA = 0 if l[9] == '-' else int(l[9].split(':')[1].split('(')[0])
specB = 0 if l[10] == '-' else int(l[10].split(':')[1].split('(')[0])
if organism is None or (specA == organism and specB == organism):
pm = [
p.replace('pubmed:', '') for p in l[8].split('|')
if p.startswith('pubmed:')
met = [
m.split('(')[1].replace(')', '').strip('"')
for m in l[6].split('|')
if '(' in m
l = [l[0], l[1]]
interaction = ()
for ll in l:
ll = ll.split('|')
uniprot = ''
for lll in ll:
nm = lll.split(':')
if nm[0] == 'uniprotkb' and len(nm[1]) == 6:
uniprot = nm[1]
interaction += (uniprot, )
interaction += ('|'.join(pm), '|'.join(met))
if len(interaction[0]) > 5 and len(interaction[1]) > 5:
lnum += 1
return i
def _matrixdb_protein_list(category, organism = 9606):
Returns a set of proteins annotated by MatrixDB.
:arg str category:
The protein annotation category. Possible values: `ecm`, `membrane`
or `secreted`.
url = urls.urls['matrixdb']['%s_proteins' % category]
c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True)
proteins = set()
# header row
_ = next(c.result)
for l in c.result:
if not l:
l.strip().replace('"', '').split('\t')[0]
proteins = mapping.map_names(proteins, 'uniprot', 'uniprot')
if organism:
uniprots = uniprot_db.all_uniprots(
organism = organism,
swissprot = True,
proteins = proteins & set(uniprots)
return proteins
def matrixdb_membrane_proteins(organism = 9606):
Returns a set of membrane protein UniProt IDs retrieved from MatrixDB.
return _matrixdb_protein_list('membrane', organism = organism)
def matrixdb_secreted_proteins(organism = 9606):
Returns a set of secreted protein UniProt IDs retrieved from MatrixDB.
return _matrixdb_protein_list('secreted', organism = organism)
def matrixdb_ecm_proteins(organism = 9606):
Returns a set of ECM (extracellular matrix) protein UniProt IDs
retrieved from MatrixDB.
return _matrixdb_protein_list('ecm', organism = organism)
def matrixdb_annotations(organism = 9606):
MatrixdbAnnotation = collections.namedtuple(
annot = collections.defaultdict(set)
for cls in ('membrane', 'secreted', 'ecm'):
cls_annot = MatrixdbAnnotation(mainclass = cls)
method = globals()['matrixdb_%s_proteins' % cls]
for uniprot in method(organism = organism):
return dict(annot)