Source code for pypath.inputs.huri

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import re
import collections
import itertools

import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.inputs.common as inputs_common
import pypath.inputs.cell as cell

[docs] def rolland_hi_ii_14(): """ Loads the HI-II-14 unbiased interactome from the large scale screening of from Rolland 2014. Returns list of interactions. """ xlsname = cell.cell_supplementary( supp_url = urls.urls['hiii14']['url'], article_url = urls.urls['hiii14']['article_url'], ) tbl = inputs_common.read_xls(xlsname, sheet = '2G') for row in tbl[1:]: yield [c.split('.')[0] for c in row]
[docs] def vidal_hi_iii_old(fname): """ Loads the HI-III unbiased interactome from preliminary data of the next large scale screening of Vidal Lab. The data is accessible here: You need to register and accept the license terms. Returns list of interactions. """ f = curl.FileOpener(fname) return [l.strip().split('\t') for l in f.result][1:]
[docs] def hi_iii_old(): """ Loads the unbiased human interactome version III (HI-III). This is an unpublished data and its use is limited. Please check the conditions and licensing terms carefully at """ HiiiiInteraction = collections.namedtuple( 'HiiiiInteraction', [ 'id_a', 'id_b', 'isoform_a', 'isoform_b', 'screens', 'score', ] ) rescore = re.compile(r'author score: ([\d\.]+)') rescreens = re.compile(r'Found in screens ([\d,]+)') url = urls.urls['hid']['hi-iii'] post_data = { 'form[request_dataset]': '2', 'form[request_file_format]': 'psi', } c = curl.Curl( url, silent = False, large = True, post = post_data, slow = True, ) for row in c.result: if not row.strip(): continue id_a, id_b, rest = row.split(' ', maxsplit = 2) id_a, isoform_a = id_a.split('-') if '-' in id_a else (id_a, 1) id_b, isoform_b = id_b.split('-') if '-' in id_b else (id_b, 1) sc = score = float(sc.groups()[0]) if sc else None screens = tuple( int(i) for i in[0].split(',') ) yield HiiiiInteraction( id_a = id_a[10:], id_b = id_b[10:], isoform_a = int(isoform_a), isoform_b = int(isoform_b), screens = screens, score = score, )
[docs] def lit_bm_13_interactions(): """ Downloads and processes Lit-BM-13 dataset, the 2013 version of the high confidence literature curated interactions from CCSB. Returns list of interactions. """ LitBm13Interaction = collections.namedtuple( 'LitBm13Interaction', [ 'entrez_a', 'entrez_b', 'genesymbol_a', 'genesymbol_b', ] ) url = urls.urls['hid']['lit-bm-13'] c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True, slow = True) _ = next(c.result) for row in c.result: row = row.strip().split('\t') yield LitBm13Interaction( entrez_a = row[0], entrez_b = row[2], genesymbol_a = row[1], genesymbol_b = row[3], )
[docs] def lit_bm_17_interactions(): """ Downloads and processes Lit-BM-13 dataset, the 2017 version of the high confidence literature curated interactions from CCSB. Returns list of interactions. """ LitBm17Interaction = collections.namedtuple( 'LitBm17Interaction', [ 'id_a', 'id_b', 'pubmed', 'score', ] ) url = urls.urls['hid']['lit-bm-17'] c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False) data = c.result c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True, slow = True) _ = next(c.result) for row in c.result: row = row.strip().split('\t') id_a = row[0][10:] id_b = row[1][10:] pubmed = row[8][7:] score = float(row[14][13:]) yield LitBm17Interaction( id_a = id_a, id_b = id_b, pubmed = pubmed, score = score, )
[docs] def huri_interactions(): return _huri_interactions(dataset = 'huri')
[docs] def yu2011_interactions(): return _huri_interactions(dataset = 'yu-2011')
[docs] def hi_union_interactions(): return _huri_interactions(dataset = 'hi-union')
[docs] def yang2016_interactions(): return _huri_interactions(dataset = 'yang-2016')
[docs] def hi_ii_interactions(): """ Interactions from Rolland 2014 """ return _huri_interactions(dataset = 'hi-ii-14-pmi')
[docs] def hi_i_interactions(): """ Interactions from Rual 2005 """ return _huri_interactions(dataset = 'hi-i-05-pmi')
[docs] def lit_bm_interactions(): """ Literature collected interactions from Luck 2020. """ LitBmInteraction = collections.namedtuple( 'LitBmInteraction', ['uniprot_a', 'uniprot_b'], ) url = urls.urls['hid']['lit-bm'] c = curl.Curl(url, large = True, silent = False, slow = True) for row in c.result: row = row.strip().split('\t') uniprots_a = mapping.map_name(row[0], 'ensembl', 'uniprot') uniprots_b = mapping.map_name(row[1], 'ensembl', 'uniprot') for uniprot_a, uniprot_b in itertools.product(uniprots_a, uniprots_b): yield LitBmInteraction( uniprot_a = uniprot_a, uniprot_b = uniprot_b, )
def _huri_interactions(dataset): reuniprot = re.compile(r'[a-z]+:([\w\.]+)(?:-?([0-9]?))?') rescore = re.compile(r'author score: ([\.0-9]+)') HuriInteraction = collections.namedtuple( 'HuriInteraction', [ 'uniprot_a', 'uniprot_b', 'isoform_a', 'isoform_b', 'score', ] ) def _map_ids(_id): return mapping.map_name( _id, _id[:4].lower() if _id[:4] in {'ensp', 'enst'} else 'uniprot', 'uniprot', ) url = dataset if dataset.startswith('http') else urls.urls['hid'][dataset] c = curl.Curl(url, large = True, silent = False, slow = True) path = ( if hasattr(c, 'fileobj') else c.cache_file_name or c.outfile ) del c c = curl.FileOpener(path) for row in c.result: score = if score: score = float(score.groups()[0]) row = row.split() if len(row) < 2: continue id_a, isoform_a = reuniprot.match(row[0]).groups() id_b, isoform_b = reuniprot.match(row[1]).groups() uniprots_a = _map_ids(id_a) uniprots_b = _map_ids(id_b) for uniprot_a, uniprot_b in itertools.product(uniprots_a, uniprots_b): #pass yield HuriInteraction( uniprot_a = uniprot_a, uniprot_b = uniprot_b, isoform_a = int(isoform_a) if isoform_a else 1, isoform_b = int(isoform_b) if isoform_b else 1, score = score, )