Source code for pypath.inputs.drugcentral

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from typing import Optional, Union

import csv
import collections

import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.share.session as session
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.utils.taxonomy as taxonomy

_logger = session.Logger(name = 'drugcentral_input')
_log = _logger._log

[docs] def drugcentral_drugs() -> list[tuple]: """ Drug names and structures from Drug Central. Returns List of drugs, each represented by a named tuple. """ DrugcentralDrug = collections.namedtuple( 'DrugcentralDrug', ( 'drugcentral', 'inn', 'cas', 'smiles', 'inchikey', 'inchi', ) ) url = urls.urls['drugcentral']['SMILES_InChI'] c = curl.Curl(url, large = True, silent = False) drugs = list(csv.DictReader(c.result, delimiter = '\t')) result = [ DrugcentralDrug( drugcentral = drug['ID'], inn = drug['INN'], cas = drug['CAS_RN'], smiles = drug['SMILES'], inchikey = drug['InChIKey'], inchi = drug['InChI'], ) for drug in drugs ] return result
[docs] def drugcentral_interactions( organism: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None, comments: bool = False, ) -> list[tuple]: """ Retrieves drug-target interactions from Drug Central. Args organism: Organism name or NCBI Taxonomy ID. If not provided, all organisms will be retained. comments: Include comments in the result. Returns List of drug-target relationships, represented as named tuples. """ DrugcentralInteraction = collections.namedtuple( 'DrugcentralInteraction', ( 'drug', 'drug_name', 'uniprot', 'target_type', 'canonical', 'act_value', 'act_type', 'relation', 'effect', 'tdl', 'organism', 'comment', ), ) url = urls.urls['drugcentral']['interactions'] c = curl.Curl(url, large = True, silent = False) interactions = list(csv.DictReader(c.result, delimiter = '\t')) organism_latin = taxonomy.ensure_latin_name(organism) if organism and not organism_latin: msg = f'Could not find latin name for organism: `{organism}`.' _log(msg) drugs = dict( (d.drugcentral, d) for d in drugcentral_drugs() ) result = [ DrugcentralInteraction( drug = drugs.get(i['STRUCT_ID'], None), drug_name = i['DRUG_NAME'], uniprot = uniprot, target_type = i['TARGET_CLASS'], canonical = i['MOA'] == '1', act_value = common.try_float(i['ACT_VALUE']) or None, act_type = i['ACT_TYPE'], relation = i['RELATION'] or None, # what is relation?? effect = i['ACTION_TYPE'] or None, tdl = i['TDL'], organism = i['ORGANISM'], comment = i['ACT_COMMENT'] if comments else None, ) for i in interactions for uniprot in i['ACCESSION'].split('|') if not organism_latin or i['ORGANISM'] == organism_latin ] return result
[docs] def drugcentral_mapping( id_type: str, target_id_type: str, ) -> dict[str, set[str]]: """ Identifier translation table from Drug Central. Available ID types: drugcentral, inn, cas, smiles, inchikey, inchi. Args id_type: The identifier type to be used as keys. target_id_type: The identifier type that will be collected into the values. Returns An identifier translation table. """ drugs = drugcentral_drugs() result = collections.defaultdict(set) for d in drugs: the_id = getattr(d, id_type) target_id = getattr(d, target_id_type) if the_id and target_id: result[the_id].add(target_id) return dict(result)