Source code for pypath.inputs.adrecs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Generator, NamedTuple

import collections

import pandas as pd

import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.inputs.common as inputs_common

_notavail = lambda x: None if x == 'Not Available' else x
_synonyms = lambda x: (
    tuple(sorted(y.strip() for y in x.split('|'))) if x else ()

[docs] class AdrecsAdr(NamedTuple): adr_class: str badd: str
[docs] class AdrecsChildParent(NamedTuple): child: AdrecsAdr parent: AdrecsAdr
[docs] class AdrecsDrugAdr(NamedTuple): drug_badd: str drug: str adr_badd: str adr: str
[docs] class AdrecsTerm(NamedTuple): adrecs_class: str badd: str name: str synonyms: tuple[str] meddra: str
[docs] class AdrecsDrug(NamedTuple): badd: str drug: str synonyms: str drugbank: str pubchem_cid: str mesh: str kegg: str tdd: str
[docs] def adrecs_drug_identifiers( return_df: bool = False, ) -> list[tuple] | pd.DataFrame: """ Drug identifiers from the AdReCS database. IUPAC name, synonyms, DrugBank, MeSH, KEGG and TDD IDs of drugs. Args: return_df: Return a pandas data frame. Returns: List of tuples or data frame of drug identifiers. """ return _adrecs_base( url_key = 'drug_information', record = AdrecsDrug, cell_range = 'A1:H2527', synonym_idx = [2], return_df = return_df, )
[docs] def adrecs_adr_ontology(return_df: bool = False) -> list[AdrecsTerm] | pd.DataFrame: """ Adverse drug reaction (ADR) ontology from the AdReCS database. Args: return_df: Return a pandas data frame. Returns: List of tuples or data frame of adverse drug reaction terms. """ return _adrecs_base( url_key = 'terminology', record = AdrecsTerm, cell_range = 'A1:E13856', synonym_idx = [3], return_df = return_df, )
def _adrecs_base( url_key: str, record: str | type, cell_range: str, synonym_idx: list[int], fields: tuple[str] | None = None, return_df: bool = False, ) -> list[tuple] | pd.DataFrame: if isinstance(record, str): record = collections.namedtuple(f'Adrecs{record_name}', fields) url = urls.urls['adrecs'][url_key] path = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True) contents = inputs_common.read_xls(path.outfile, cell_range = cell_range) result = [] for line in contents[1:]: line = [_notavail(x) for x in line] for isyn in synonym_idx: line[isyn] = _synonyms(line[isyn]) result.append(record(*line)) return pd.DataFrame(result) if return_df else result
[docs] def adrecs_drug_adr( return_df: bool = False, ) -> Generator[AdrecsDrugAdr] | pd.DataFrame: """ Drug-ADR pairs from the AdReCS database. Args: return_df: Return a pandas data frame. Returns: List of tuples or data frame of drug-ADR pairs. """ result = _adrecs_drug_adr() return pd.DataFrame(result) if return_df else result
def _adrecs_drug_adr(): url = urls.urls['adrecs']['adrecs_drugs'] c = curl.Curl(url, large = True, silent = False) _ = next(c.result) for line in c.result: yield AdrecsDrugAdr(*line.strip().split('\t'))
[docs] def adrecs_hierarchy() -> set[AdrecsChildParent]: """ Child-parent relationships between AdReCS ontology terms. Return: Set of tuples representing child-parent relationship. Both the child and parent terms present with their numeric class and BADD identifiers. """ adr_ontology = adrecs_adr_ontology() child_adrs = { record.adrecs_class: record.badd for record in adr_ontology } result = set() for field in adr_ontology: if '.' not in field.adrecs_class: continue parent_adrecs = field.adrecs_class.rsplit('.', 1)[0] result.add( AdrecsChildParent( child = AdrecsAdr( adr_class = field.adrecs_class, badd = field.badd, ), parent = AdrecsAdr( adr_class = parent_adrecs, badd = child_adrs.get(parent_adrecs), ), ) ) return result