Source code for pypath.core.evidence

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

Provides classes for representing and processing evidences supporting
relationships. The evidences hold information about the databases and
literature references, they can be organized into collections. A number
of operations are available on evidences and their collections, for
example they can be combined or filtered.

from __future__ import annotations

from future.utils import iteritems

import importlib as imp
import copy

import pypath.internals.refs as refs
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.share.session as session_mod
import pypath.core.entity as entity
import pypath.core.attrs as attrs_mod
import as netres

_logger = session_mod.Logger(name = 'evidence')
_log = _logger._log

[docs] class Evidence(attrs_mod.AttributeHandler): """ Represents an evidence supporting a relationship such as molecular interaction, molecular complex, enzyme-PTM interaction, annotation, etc. The evidence consists of two main parts: the database and the literature references. If a relationship is supported by multiple databases, for each one `Evidence` object should be created and :arg pypath.resource.ResourceAttributes resource: An object derived from :py:class:`pypath.resource.ResourceAttributes`. :arg str,list,set,NoneType references: Optional, one or more literature references (preferably PubMed IDs). """ __slots__ = [ 'resource', 'references', 'dataset', ]
[docs] def __init__(self, resource, references = None, attrs = None): self.resource = resource self.dataset = getattr(resource, 'dataset', None) self.references = self._process_references(references) attrs_mod.AttributeHandler.__init__(self, attrs)
[docs] def reload(self): """ Reloads the object from the module level. """ modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist = [modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new)
@staticmethod def _process_references(references): references = common.to_set(references) return ( set( ( refs.Reference(ref) if not isinstance(ref, refs.Reference) else ref ) for ref in references ) ) def __hash__(self): return self.resource.__hash__() def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.resource == other or ( hasattr(other, 'resource') and self.resource == other.resource and ( self.resource.interaction_type == self.resource.interaction_type ) ) ) def __iadd__(self, other): """ This will ignore if the other evidence is from different resource: still better than attributing wrong references to a resource. """ if self == other: self.dataset = netres.choose_dataset(self.dataset, other.dataset) self.references.update(other.references) attrs_mod.AttributeHandler.__iadd__(other) else: _log( 'Warning: attempt to merge evidences from different ' 'resources. Ignoring the second evidence.' ) return self def __add__(self, other): dataset = netres.choose_dataset(self.dataset, other.dataset) new = self.__class__( resource = self.resource, references = self.references | other.references, ) new.dataset = dataset new.update_attrs(self.attrs.copy()) new.update_attrs(other.attrs.copy()) return new @property def key(self): return self.resource.key
[docs] def merge(self, other): """ Merges two evidences. Returns set of either one or two evidences depending on whether the two evidences are from the same resource. """ if self == other: self += other return {self} else: return {self, other}
def __repr__(self): return '<Evidence %s (%s%u references)>' % (, 'via %s, ' % self.resource.via if self.resource.via else '', len(self.references), ) def __str__(self): return def __copy__(self): return self.__class__( resource = self.resource, references = copy.copy(self.references), attrs = self.attrs.copy(), ) def __contains__(self, other): """ :arg str,tuple,Reference other: Either a reference or a database name, or a tuple of a database name and an interaction type or a tuple of a database, interaction type and a primary database (or None if the query should be limited only to primary databases). """ return ( self._contains(self, other) or attrs_mod.AttributeHandler.__contains__(self, other) ) def contains_database(self, database): return == database def contains_reference(self, reference): return reference in self.references def has_database_via(self, database, via): return ( == database and self.resource.via == via )
[docs] def has_interaction_type( self, interaction_type, database = None, via = False, ): """ If ``via`` is ``False`` then it will be ignored, otherwise if ``None`` only primary resources are considered. """ return ( self.resource.interaction_type == interaction_type and ( not database or == database ) and ( via == False or self.resource.via == via ) )
@staticmethod def _contains(obj, other): if isinstance(other, int): other = '%u' % other if isinstance(other, str) and other.isdigit(): other = refs.Reference(other) if isinstance(other, refs.Reference): return obj.contains_reference(other) # this makes possible to accept a NetworkResource or a # NetworkResourceKey: if ( hasattr(other, 'name') and hasattr(other, 'interaction_type') and hasattr(other, 'via') ): other = (, other.interaction_type, other.via) other = other if isinstance(other, tuple) else (other,) return ( obj.contains_database(other[0]) and ( len(other) == 1 or obj.has_interaction_type(other[1], other[0]) ) and ( len(other) <= 2 or obj.has_database_via(other[0], other[2]) ) ) def has_data_model(self, data_model): return self.resource.data_model == data_model def match( self, resource = None, data_model = None, interaction_type = None, via = False, references = None, datasets = None, ): def _match(attr, value): return ( getattr(self.resource, attr) in value if isinstance(value, _const.LIST_LIKE) else getattr(self.resource, attr) == value ) resource = ( resource.resource if isinstance(resource, Evidence) else resource ) interaction_type = ( resource.interaction_type if ( interaction_type is None and hasattr(resource, 'interaction_type') ) else interaction_type ) via = ( resource.via if ( via is None and hasattr(resource, 'via') ) else via ) data_model = ( resource.data_model if hasattr(resource, 'data_model') else data_model ) references = common.to_set(references) return ( ( resource is None or ( in resource if isinstance(resource, set) else self.resource == resource ) ) and ( interaction_type is None or _match('interaction_type', interaction_type) ) and ( via is None or (via == False and not self.resource.via) or (via == True and self.resource.via) or _match('via', via) ) and ( not references or self.references & references ) and ( not data_model or _match('data_model', data_model) ) and ( datasets is None or _match('dataset', datasets) ) ) def __str__(self): return @property def pubmeds(self) -> list[str]: """ PubMed IDs of the references supporting this evidence. """ return [r.pmid for r in self.references]
[docs] def asdict(self) -> dict: """ Dictionary representation of the evidence. """ return { 'resource':, 'references': self.pubmeds, 'dataset': self.dataset, 'via': self.resource.via, 'attrs': self.attrs, }
[docs] class Evidences(object): """ A collection of evidences. All evidences supporting a relationship such as molecular interaction, molecular complex, enzyme-PTM interaction, annotation, etc should be collected in one `Evidences` object. This way the set of evidences can be queried a comprehensive way. :arg tuple,list,set,Evidences evidences: An iterable providing :py:class:`Evidence` instances. It is possible to create an empty evidence collection and populate it later or to show this way that certain relationship has no supporting evidences. """ __slots__ = [ 'evidences', ]
[docs] def __init__(self, evidences = ()): self.evidences = {} self.__iadd__(evidences)
[docs] def reload(self): """ Reloads the object from the module level. """ modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist = [modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) new_ev_class = getattr(mod, 'Evidence') for ev in self: ev.__class__ = new_ev_class
def __iadd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, str): other = Evidence(other) other = ( other if ( hasattr(other, '__iter__') and not isinstance(other, Evidence) ) else (other,) if isinstance(other, self.__class__) else () ) for ev in other: if ev.key in self.evidences: self.evidences[ev.key] = self.evidences[ev.key] + ev else: self.evidences[ev.key] = ev.__copy__() return self def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return self.__copy__() return Evidences( ( self.evidences[key].__copy__() if key not in other.evidences else other.evidences[key].__copy__() if key not in self.evidences else self.evidences[key] + other.evidences[key] ) for key in set(self.evidences.keys()) | set(other.evidences.keys()) ) def __radd__(self, other): return self.__add__(other) def __sub__(self, other): return Evidences( ev for ev in self if ev not in other ) def intersection(self, other): return Evidences( self.evidences[key] + other.evidences[key] for key in set(self.evidences.keys()) & set(other.evidences.keys()) ) def __iter__(self): for ev in self.evidences.values(): yield ev def __repr__(self): return '<Evidences: %s (%u references)>' % ( ( ', '.join(sorted(set( for ev in self))) if self else 'None' ), ( len(set.union(*(ev.references for ev in self))) if self else 0 ), ) def __copy__(self): return Evidences((ev.__copy__() for ev in self)) def __bool__(self): return bool(len(self.evidences)) def __contains__(self, other): """ :arg str,tuple,Reference other: Either a reference or a database name, or a tuple of a database name and an interaction type or a tuple of a database, interaction type and a primary database (or None if the query should be limited only to primary databases). """ return Evidence._contains(self, other) def __and__(self, other): other = self._foreign_resources_set(other) this = self._resident_resources_set(other) return this & other def __or__(self, other): other = self._foreign_resources_set(other) this = self._resident_resources_set(other) return this | other @staticmethod def _foreign_resources_set(resources): other = common.to_set(resources) return { ( res.resource if hasattr(res, 'resource') else res ) for res in resources } def _resident_resources_set(self, other = None): return ( { for ev in self} if ( hasattr(other, '__iter__') and all(isinstance(res, str) for res in other) ) else {ev.resource for ev in self} ) def __eq__(self, other): return {ev.resource for ev in self} == {ev.resource for ev in other} def __len__(self): return self.count_resources() def count_resources(self, **kwargs): return len(list(self.filter(**kwargs))) def get_resources(self, **kwargs): return { ev.resource for ev in self.filter(**kwargs) } def get_resources_via(self, **kwargs): return { (ev.resource, ev.resource.via) for ev in self.filter(**kwargs) } def get_resource_names_via(self, **kwargs): return { (, ev.resource.via) for ev in self.filter(**kwargs) } def count_references(self, **kwargs): return len(self.get_references(**kwargs)) def get_references(self, **kwargs): evidences = self.filter(**kwargs) return { ref for ev in evidences for ref in ev.references } def count_curation_effort(self, **kwargs): return len(self.get_curation_effort(**kwargs)) def get_curation_effort(self, **kwargs): evidences = self.filter(**kwargs) return { (ev.resource, ref) for ev in evidences for ref in ev.references } def contains_database(self, database, **kwargs): return any( == database for ev in self.filter(**kwargs) ) def contains_reference(self, reference, **kwargs): return any(reference in ev.references for ev in self.filter(**kwargs)) def has_database_via(self, database, via, **kwargs): return any( ev.has_database_via(database, via) for ev in self.filter(**kwargs) )
[docs] def has_interaction_type( self, interaction_type, database = None, via = False, ): """ If ``via`` is ``False`` then it will be ignored, otherwise if ``None`` only primary resources are considered. """ return any( ev.has_interaction_type(interaction_type, database, via) for ev in self )
def has_data_model(self, data_model, **kwargs): return any( ev.has_data_model(data_model) for ev in self.filter(**kwargs) ) def get_resources(self, **kwargs): return {ev.resource for ev in self} def get_resource_names(self, **kwargs): return { for ev in self.filter(**kwargs)} def get_interaction_types(self, **kwargs): return {ev.resource.interaction_type for ev in self.filter(**kwargs)} def get_data_models(self, **kwargs): return {ev.resource.data_model for ev in self.filter(**kwargs)} def get_datasets(self, **kwargs): return { ds for ds in (ev.dataset for ev in self.filter(**kwargs)) if ds }
[docs] def has_dataset(self, dataset: str, **kwargs) -> bool: """ Contains evidence(s) from a given dataset meeting the criteria. Args: dataset: Name of the dataset. kwargs: Filtering criteria for evidences. """ return dataset in self.get_datasets(**kwargs)
def __isub__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__): self.evidences = dict( (key, ev) for key, ev in iteritems(self.evidences) if key not in other.evidences or other.evidences[key] != ev ) else: self.remove(other) return self def remove(self, resource = None, interaction_type = None, via = False): self.evidences = dict( (key, ev) for key, ev in iteritems(self.evidences) if not ev.match( resource = resource, interaction_type = interaction_type, via = via, ) ) def filter( self, resource = None, data_model = None, interaction_type = None, via = False, references = None, datasets = None, ): return ( ev for ev in self if ev.match( resource = resource, data_model = data_model, interaction_type = interaction_type, via = via, references = references, datasets = datasets, ) ) def match( self, resource = None, data_model = None, interaction_type = None, via = False, references = None, datasets = None, ): return bool( tuple( self.filter( resource = resource, data_model = data_model, interaction_type = interaction_type, via = via, references = references, datasets = datasets, ) ) ) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Key is a :py:class:`pypath.internals.resource.NetworkResourceKey` or an equivalent tuple. """ return self.evidences.get(key, None) or self.simple_dict[key]
[docs] def keys(self): """ Returns (dict_keys): The keys of this dictionary are :py:class:`pypath.internals.resource.NetworkResourceKey` objects. """ return self.evidences.keys()
[docs] def items(self): """ Returns (dict_items): The evidences as a mapping, with :py:class:`pypath.internals.resource.NetworkResourceKey` objects as keys and :py:class:`pypath.core.evidence.Evidence` objects as values. """ return self.evidences.items()
@property def simple_dict(self) -> dict[str, evidence.Evidence]: """ Returns Keys are resource labels, values are ``Evidence`` objects. """ return dict( (res.last, ev) for res, ev in iteritems(self) )
[docs] def serialize_attrs(self, top_key_prefix: bool = True) -> str: """ Serialize the extra attributes of the evidences as a JSON string. Returns A JSON serialized string with the evidences from each resource. """ return attrs_mod.AttributeHandler._serialize( self.simple_dict, top_key_prefix = top_key_prefix, default = lambda obj: obj.serialize(), )
@property def datasets(self) -> set: """ Datasets in this evidence set. """ return {ev.dataset for ev in self} @property def attrs(self) -> dict: """ Combines the custom attributes from all evidences within this set. """ return common.combine_attrs([ev.attrs for ev in self])
[docs] def asdict(self) -> list[dict]: """ Evidence set as a list of dictionaries. """ return [ev.asdict() for ev in self]