Source code for pypath.share.curl

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from future.utils import iteritems
from past.builtins import xrange, range

import importlib as imp
import sys
import os
import io
import shutil
import struct

import pypath.share.settings as settings
import pypath.share.session as session_mod
import pypath.share.cache as cache_mod
_logger = session_mod.log()

import pycurl
    from cStringIO import StringIO
    BytesIO = StringIO
        from StringIO import StringIO
        from StringIO import StringIO as BytesIO
        from io import BytesIO
        from io import StringIO

    import cPickle as pickle
    import pickle

import urllib

    import urllib2
except ImportError:
    # this works seemless in Py3:
    import urllib.request
    urllib2 = urllib.request

    import urlparse
    # this works seemless in Py3:
    import urllib.parse
    urlparse = urllib.parse

if not hasattr(urllib, 'quote'):
    import urllib.parse
    _urllib = urllib
    urllib = _urllib.parse

    import pysftp
        'Module `pysftp` not available. '
        'Only downloading of a small number of resources '
        'relies on this module. '
        'Please install by PIP if it is necessary for you.',
import codecs
import gzip
import zipfile
import tarfile
import hashlib
import re

from contextlib import closing

import pypath.share.progress as progress
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath_common._constants as _const
import pypath.share.settings as settings

except NameError:
    basestring = str

if 'long' not in __builtins__:
    long = int

if 'unicode' not in __builtins__:
    unicode = str

CURSOR_UP_ONE = '\x1b[1A'
ERASE_LINE = '\x1b[2K'

# global contexts for modifying Curl() behviour
CACHE = None
DRYRUN = False
DEBUG = False


show_cache = False

_re_url = re.compile(r'^(?:http|https|ftp)://')

[docs] def is_url(url): return bool(_re_url.match(url))
class _global_context(object): """ This is a metaclass for context handlers working by setting a module level variable to certain value. """ def __init__(self, name, on_off): """ :param str name: Name of the module level variable. :param on_off: Value of the module level variable in the context. """ = name self.module = sys.modules[__name__] self.on_off = on_off def __enter__(self): self._store_value = getattr(self.module, setattr(self.module,, self.on_off) def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): if exception_type is not None: sys.stdout.write( '%s, %s, %s\n' % (str(exception_type), str(exception_value), str(traceback))) sys.stdout.flush() setattr(self.module,, self._store_value) class _global_context_on(_global_context): """ This is a metaclass for context handlers working by setting a module level variable to `True`. """ def __init__(self, name): """ :param str name: Name of the module level variable. """ super(_global_context_on, self).__init__(name, True) class _global_context_off(_global_context): """ This is a metaclass for context handlers working by setting a module level variable to `False`. """ def __init__(self, name): """ :param str name: Name of the module level variable. """ super(_global_context_off, self).__init__(name, False)
[docs] class cache_on(_global_context_on): """ This is a context handler to turn on pypath.curl.Curl() cache. As most of the methods use cache as their default behaviour, probably it won't change anything. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.CACHE` module level variable to `True` (by default it is `None`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() print('`curl.CACHE` is ', curl.CACHE) with curl.cache_on(): print('`curl.CACHE` is ', curl.CACHE) pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(cache_on, self).__init__('CACHE')
[docs] class cache_off(_global_context_off): """ This is a context handler to turn off pypath.curl.Curl() cache. Data will be downloaded even if it exists in cache. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.CACHE` module level variable to `False` (by default it is `None`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() print('`curl.CACHE` is ', curl.CACHE) with curl.cache_on(): print('`curl.CACHE` is ', curl.CACHE) pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(cache_off, self).__init__('CACHE')
[docs] class cache_print_on(_global_context_on): """ This is a context handler which makes pypath.curl.Curl() print verbose messages about its cache. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.CACHEPRINT` module level variable to `True` (by default it is `False`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_print_on(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(cache_print_on, self).__init__('CACHEPRINT')
[docs] class cache_print_off(_global_context_off): """ This is a context handler which stops pypath.curl.Curl() to print verbose messages about its cache. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.CACHEPRINT` module level variable to `False`. As by default it is `False`, this context won't modify the default behaviour. Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_print_off(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(cache_print_off, self).__init__('CACHEPRINT')
[docs] class cache_delete_on(_global_context_on): """ This is a context handler which results pypath.curl.Curl() deleting the cache files instead of reading it. Then it downloads the data again, or does nothing if the `DRYRUN` context is turned on. Upon deleting cache files console messages will let you know which files have been deleted. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.CACHEDEL` module level variable to `True` (by default it is `False`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_delete_on(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(cache_delete_on, self).__init__('CACHEDEL')
[docs] class cache_delete_off(_global_context_off): """ This is a context handler which stops pypath.curl.Curl() deleting the cache files. This is the default behaviour, so this context won't change anything by default. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.CACHEDEL` module level variable to `False`. Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_delete_off(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(cache_delete_off, self).__init__('CACHEDEL')
[docs] class dryrun_on(_global_context_on): """ This is a context handler which results pypath.curl.Curl() to do all setup steps, but do not perform download or cache read. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.DRYRUN` module level variable to `True` (by default it is `False`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_dryrun_on(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(dryrun_on, self).__init__('DRYRUN')
[docs] class dryrun_off(_global_context_off): """ This is a context handler which results pypath.curl.Curl() to perform download or cache read. This is the default behaviour, so applying this context restores the default. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.DRYRUN` module level variable to `False`. Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_dryrun_off(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(dryrun_off, self).__init__('DRYRUN')
[docs] class preserve_on(_global_context_on): """ This is a context handler which results pypath.curl.Curl() to make a reference to itself in the module level variable `LASTCURL`. This is useful if you have some issue with `Curl`, and you want to access the instance for debugging. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.PRESERVE` module level variable to `True` (by default it is `False`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_preserve_on(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(preserve_on, self).__init__('PRESERVE')
[docs] class preserve_off(_global_context_off): """ This is a context handler which avoids pypath.curl.Curl() to make a reference to itself in the module level variable `LASTCURL`. By default it does not do this, so this context only restores the default. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.PRESERVE` module level variable to `False`. Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_preserve_off(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(preserve_off, self).__init__('PRESERVE')
[docs] class debug_on(_global_context_on): """ This is a context handler which results pypath.curl.Curl() to print debug information. This is useful if you have some issue with `Curl`, and you want to see what`s going on. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.DEBUG` module level variable to `True` (by default it is `False`). Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_debug_on(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(debug_on, self).__init__('DEBUG')
[docs] class debug_off(_global_context_off): """ This is a context handler which avoids pypath.curl.Curl() to print debug information. By default it does not do this, so this context only restores the default. Behind the scenes it sets the value of the `pypath.curl.DEBUG` module level variable to `False`. Example: :: import pypath from pypath import curl, data_formats pa = pypath.PyPath() with curl.cache_debug_off(): pa.load_resources({'signor': data_formats.pathway['signor']}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(debug_off, self).__init__('DEBUG')
[docs] class RemoteFile(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, user, host, passwd, port = 22, sep = '\t', header = True, rownames = True): for key, val in iteritems(locals()): setattr(self, key, val) self.conf = fabric.config.Config() env.keepalive = 60 env.connection_attempts = 5 env.password = self.passwd
def wcl(self): with closing( connect(self.user,, self.port, HostConnectionCache( ))) as ssh: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command('wc -l %s' % self.filename) return int(stdout.readlines()[0].split()[0]) - (1 if self.header else 0) def rowns(self): with closing( connect(self.user,, self.port, HostConnectionCache( ))) as ssh: stdin, stdout, stderr = ssh.exec_command( 'awk \'BEGIN{FS = "%s"}{print $1}\' %s%s' % (self.sep, self.filename, '' if not self.header else ' | tail -n +2')) return [x.strip() for x in stdout.readlines()] def open(self, return_header = True): with closing( connect(self.user,, self.port, HostConnectionCache( ))) as ssh: with closing(ssh.open_sftp()) as sftp: with closing( as f: if not return_header: line = f.readline() for line in f: yield line
[docs] class FileOpener(session_mod.Logger): """ This class opens a file, extracts it in case it is a gzip, tar.gz, tar.bz2 or zip archive, selects the requested files if you only need certain files from a multifile archive, reads the data from the file, or returns the file pointer, as you request. It examines the file type and size. """ FORBIDDEN_CHARS = re.compile(r'[/\\<>:"\?\*\|]')
[docs] def __init__( self, file_param, compr = None, extract = True, _open = True, set_fileobj = True, files_needed = None, large = True, default_mode = 'r', encoding = 'utf-8', ): if not hasattr(self, '_logger'): session_mod.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'file') if not hasattr(self, 'encoding') or not self.encoding: self.encoding = encoding if not hasattr(self, 'default_mode'): self.default_mode = default_mode if not hasattr(self, 'compr'): self.compr = compr if not hasattr(self, 'files_needed'): self.files_needed = files_needed if not hasattr(self, 'large'): self.large = large self.fname = file_param \ if type(file_param) in _const.CHAR_TYPES else self.fileobj = None \ if type(file_param) in _const.CHAR_TYPES else file_param if not hasattr(self, 'type'): self.get_type() if _open: if extract: self.extract()
[docs] def open(self): """ Opens the file if exists. """ if self.fileobj is None and os.path.exists(self.fname): if self.encoding and self.type == 'plain': self.fileobj = open( self.fname, self.default_mode, encoding = ( None if self.default_mode == 'rb' else self.encoding ), ) else: self.fileobj = open(self.fname, 'rb')
[docs] def extract(self): """ Calls the extracting method for compressed files. """ getattr(self, 'open_%s' % self.type)()
[docs] def open_tgz(self): """ Extracts files from tar gz. """ self._log('Opening tar.gz file `%s`.' % self.files_multipart = {} self.sizes = {} self.tarfile = = self.fileobj, mode = 'r:gz') self.members = self.tarfile.getmembers() for m in self.members: if (self.files_needed is None or in self.files_needed) \ and m.size != 0: # m.size is 0 for dierctories this_file = self.tarfile.extractfile(m) self.sizes[] = m.size if self.large: self.files_multipart[] = this_file else: self._log( 'Reading contents of file ' 'from archive: `%s`.' % ) self.files_multipart[] = this_file.close() if not self.large: self.tarfile.close() self._log('File closed: `%s`.' % self.result = self.files_multipart
def open_gz(self): self._log('Opening gzip file `%s`.' %, 2) self.size = struct.unpack('I',[0] self.gzfile = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj = self.fileobj) if self.large: io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 self._gzfile_mode_r = io.TextIOWrapper( self.gzfile, encoding = self.encoding, ) self.result = self.iterfile( self.gzfile if self.default_mode == 'rb' else self._gzfile_mode_r ) self._log( 'Result is an iterator over the ' 'lines of `%s`.' % ) else: self.result = self.gzfile.close() self._log( 'Data has been read from gzip file `%s`. ' 'The file has been closed' % ) def open_zip(self): self._log('Opening zip file `%s`.' % self.files_multipart = {} self.sizes = {} self.zipfile = zipfile.ZipFile(self.fileobj, 'r') self.members = self.zipfile.namelist() for i, m in enumerate(self.members): self.sizes[m] = self.zipfile.filelist[i].file_size if self.files_needed is None or m in self.files_needed: this_file = if self.large: if self.default_mode == 'rb': # keeping it in binary mode self.files_multipart[m] = this_file else: # wrapping the file for decoding self.files_multipart[m] = io.TextIOWrapper( this_file, encoding=self.encoding ) else: self.files_multipart[m] = this_file.close() if not self.large: self.zipfile.close() self._log( 'Data has been read from zip file `%s`.' 'File has been closed' % ) self.result = self.files_multipart def open_plain(self): self._log('Opening plain text file `%s`.' % self.size = os.path.getsize( if self.large: self.result = self.iterfile(self.fileobj) else: self.result = self.fileobj.close() self._log( 'Contents of `%s` has been read ' 'and the file has been closed.' % ) def get_type(self): self.multifile = False if self.fname[-3:].lower() == 'zip' or self.compr == 'zip': self.type = 'zip' self.multifile = True elif self.fname[-3:].lower() == 'tgz' or \ self.fname[-6:].lower() == 'tar.gz' or \ self.compr == 'tgz' or self.compr == 'tar.gz': self.type = 'tgz' self.multifile = True elif self.fname[-2:].lower() == 'gz' or self.compr == 'gz': self.type = 'gz' else: self.type = 'plain' @staticmethod def iterfile(fileobj): for line in fileobj: yield line
[docs] class Curl(FileOpener): """ This class is a wrapper around pycurl. You can set a vast amount of parameters. In addition it has a caching functionality: using this downloads of databases/resources is performed only once. It handles HTTP, FTP, cookies, headers, GET and POST params, multipart/form data, URL quoting, redirects, timeouts, retries, encodings, debugging. It returns either downloaded data, file pointer, files extracted from archives (gzip, tar.gz, zip). It is able to show a progress and status indicator on the console. """
[docs] def __init__( self, url, silent = True, get = None, post = None, req_headers = None, cache = True, debug = False, outf = None, compr = None, encoding = None, files_needed = None, connect_timeout = None, timeout = None, ignore_content_length = False, init_url = None, init_fun = 'get_jsessionid', init_use_cache = False, follow = True, large = False, default_mode = 'r', override_post = False, init_headers = False, return_headers = False, compressed = False, binary_data = None, write_cache = True, force_quote = False, sftp_user = None, sftp_passwd = None, sftp_passwd_file = '.secrets', sftp_port = 22, sftp_host = None, sftp_ask = None, setup = True, call = True, process = True, retries = None, cache_dir = None, bypass_url_encoding = False, empty_attempt_again = True, keep_failed = False, alpn = True, slow = False, http2 = True, ): if not hasattr(self, '_logger'): session_mod.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'curl') self.result = None self.download_failed = False self.status = 0 self.get = get self.large = large self.default_mode = default_mode self.silent = silent self.debug = debug or DEBUG self.url = url self.local_file = os.path.exists(self.url) self.get = get self.force_quote = force_quote self.bypass_url_encoding = bypass_url_encoding self.empty_attempt_again = empty_attempt_again self.keep_failed = keep_failed self.alpn = alpn self.http2 = http2 self._log( 'Creating Curl object to retrieve ' 'data from `%s`' % self.url[:200] # we just don't flood the log # with super long URLs ) if not self.local_file: self.process_url() self.url_fix() self.set_get() else: self._log('The URL is a local file path.') self.filename = os.path.split(self.url)[-1] self.compr = compr # self.get_type() self.progress = None self.encoding = encoding self.files_needed = files_needed self.follow_http_redirect = follow self.timeout = ( settings.get('curl_extended_timeout') if slow else settings.get('curl_timeout') ) self.connect_timeout = settings.get('curl_connect_timeout') self.ignore_content_length = ignore_content_length self.override_post = override_post self.retries = max(retries or settings.get('curl_retries'), 1) self.req_headers = req_headers self._req_headers_list() = post self.get = get self.binary_data = binary_data self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.cache = cache self.init_cache() if self.local_file: self.cache_file_name = self.url self.use_cache = True self.write_cache = write_cache self.outfile = outf self.init_url = init_url self.init_fun = init_fun self.init_use_cache = init_use_cache self.sftp_host = sftp_host self.sftp_ask = sftp_ask self.sftp_port = sftp_port self.sftp_passwd = sftp_passwd self.sftp_user = sftp_user self.sftp_passwd_file = sftp_passwd_file if CACHEPRINT: self.show_cache() if CACHEDEL: self.delete_cache_file() self.init_cache() if not self.use_cache and not DRYRUN: self.title = None self.set_title() if self.sftp_host is not None: self.sftp_url() self.sftp_call() else: self.progress_setup() if setup: self.curl_setup() if call: self.curl_call() elif not self.silent: if self.local_file: self._log('Loading data from local file `%s`' % self.url) else: self._log( 'Loading data from cache ' 'previously downloaded from `%s`' % self.domain ) if process and not self.download_failed and not DRYRUN: self.process_file() if DRYRUN: self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'DRYRUN PERFORMED, RETURNING NONE') if PRESERVE: self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'PRESERVING Curl() INSTANCE ' 'IN pypath.curl.LASTCURL') setattr(sys.modules[__name__], 'LASTCURL', self)
def __del__(self): fileattrs = ['tarfile', 'zipfile', 'gzfile', 'fileobj'] for fattr in fileattrs: if hasattr(self, fattr): f = getattr(self, fattr) if hasattr(f, 'close') and sys.getrefcount(f) <= 1: f.close() def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist = [modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def print_debug_info(self, typ, msg): msg = self._bytes_to_unicode(msg) self._log('CURL DEBUG INFO: %s' % typ) self._log(msg) def process_url(self): self.domain = ( self.url.replace('https://', '').replace('http://', '').\ replace('ftp://', '').split('/')[0] ) self.filename = self.url.split('/')[-1].split('?')[0]
[docs] def is_quoted(self, string): """ From 1637762/test-if-string-is-url-encoded-in-php """ test = string while (urllib.unquote(test) != test): test = urllib.unquote(test) return urllib.quote(test, '/%') == string or urllib.quote(test) == string
def is_quoted_plus(self, string): test = string while (urllib.unquote_plus(test) != test): test = urllib.unquote_plus(test) return urllib.quote_plus( test, '& = ') == string or urllib.quote_plus(test) == string
[docs] def url_fix(self, charset = 'utf-8'): """ From """ if self.bypass_url_encoding: return url_raw = self.url if type(self.url) is bytes: self.url = self._bytes_to_unicode(self.url, encoding = charset) scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor = urlparse.urlsplit(self.url) if self.force_quote or not self.is_quoted(path): path = urllib.quote(path, '/%') if self.force_quote or not self.is_quoted_plus(qs): qs = urllib.quote_plus(qs, '& = ') self.url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, qs, anchor)) if self.url != url_raw: self._log('Quoted URL: `%s`.' % self.url[:200])
def set_title(self): if self.title is None: self.title = 'Downloading `%s` from %s' % \ (self.filename, self.domain) def set_post(self): if type( is dict: self.postfields = urllib.urlencode( self.curl.setopt(self.curl.POSTFIELDS, self.postfields) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.POST, 1) self._log('POST parameters set: %s' % self.postfields[:100]) else: self.postfields = None def set_get(self): if self.get is not None: if isinstance(self.get, dict): self.qs = '&'.join( map(lambda param: '%s=%s' % (param[0], param[1]), map(lambda param: ( urllib.quote_plus(param[0]), urllib.quote_plus(param[1]) ), iteritems(self.get) ) ) ) elif isinstance(self.get, list): self.qs = '&'.join(['='.join(param) for param in [[urllib.quote_plus(arg1), urllib.quote_plus(arg2)] for arg1, arg2 in [item.split('=') for item in self.get]]]) self.url = '%s%s%s' % ( self.url, '&' if '?' in self.url else '?', self.qs ) self._log( 'GET parameters added to the URL: `%s`' % self.qs[:100] )
[docs] def construct_binary_data(self): """ The binary data content of a `form/multipart` type request can be constructed from a list of tuples (<field name>, <field value>), where field name and value are both type of bytes. """ bdr = b'---------------------------%s' % \ common.random_string(28).encode('ascii') self.binary_data_param = self.binary_data self.binary_data = b'\r\n'.join( map(lambda i: b'--%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data;' b' name="%s"\r\n\r\n%s' % (bdr, i[0], i[1]), self.binary_data_param)) self.binary_data = b'%s\r\n--%s--\r\n' % (self.binary_data, bdr) self.req_headers.append( 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s' % bdr.decode('ascii')) self.req_headers.append('Content-Length: %u' % len(self.binary_data))
[docs] def set_binary_data(self): """ Set binary data to be transmitted attached to POST request. `binary_data` is either a bytes string, or a filename, or a list of key-value pairs of a multipart form. """ if self.binary_data: if type(self.binary_data) is list: self.construct_binary_data() if type(self.binary_data) is bytes: self.binary_data_size = len(self.binary_data) self.binary_data_file = BytesIO() self.binary_data_file.write(self.binary_data) elif os.path.exists(self.binary_data): self.binary_data_size = os.path.getsize(self.binary_data) self.binary_data_file = open(self.binary_data, 'rb') self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POST, 1) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTFIELDSIZE, self.binary_data_size) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.READFUNCTION, self.curl.setopt(pycurl.CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST') self.curl.setopt(pycurl.POSTREDIR, 3) self._log('Binary data added to query (not showing).')
def curl_init(self, url = False): self.curl = pycurl.Curl() self.set_url(url = url) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.SSL_VERIFYPEER, False) if DEBUG: self._log( 'Following HTTP redirects: %s' % ( str(self.follow_http_redirect) ) ) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.FOLLOWLOCATION, self.follow_http_redirect) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.CONNECTTIMEOUT, self.connect_timeout) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.TIMEOUT, self.timeout) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.TCP_KEEPALIVE, 1) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.TCP_KEEPIDLE, 2) self.curl.setopt(self.curl.SSL_ENABLE_ALPN, self.alpn) if not self.http2: self.curl.setopt( self.curl.HTTP_VERSION, pycurl.CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, ) if self.ignore_content_length: self.curl.setopt(self.curl.IGNORE_CONTENT_LENGTH, 136) def set_url(self, url = False): url = url or self.url if isinstance(url, basestring): url = url.encode('utf-8') self.curl.setopt(self.curl.URL, url) def set_target(self): target_path = ( # by default we write into the cache, # and later copy to `outfile` on demand; # see the `copy_file` method self.cache_file_name if self.write_cache else # otherwise we do not write to the cache # but only to the outfile if it is set self.outfile if self.outfile is not None else # if both are disabled, we discard the downloaded data os.devnull ) = open(target_path, 'wb') self.curl.setopt(self.curl.WRITEFUNCTION, def _req_headers_list(self): self.req_headers = self.req_headers or [] if isinstance(self.req_headers, dict): self.req_headers = [ '%s: %s' % hdr for hdr in self.req_headers.items() ] def set_req_headers(self): self.init_request() if self.override_post: self._log('Overriding HTTP method.') self.req_headers.append('X-HTTP-Method-Override: GET') self.curl.setopt( self.curl.HTTPHEADER, [h.encode('ascii') for h in self.req_headers] ) def set_resp_headers(self): self.resp_headers = [] self.curl.setopt(self.curl.HEADERFUNCTION, self.resp_headers.append) def set_debug(self): if self.debug: self.curl.setopt(pycurl.VERBOSE, 1) self.curl.setopt(pycurl.DEBUGFUNCTION, self.print_debug_info) def set_compressed(self): if self.compressed: self.curl.setopt(pycurl.ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate') def curl_setup(self, url = False): self.curl_init(url = url) self.curl_progress_setup() self.set_target() self.set_debug() self.set_post() self.set_binary_data() self.set_req_headers() self.set_resp_headers() def curl_call(self): self._log('Setting up and calling pycurl.') for attempt in xrange(self.retries): try: if self.debug: self.print_debug_info( 'INFO', 'pypath.curl.Curl().curl_call() :: attempt #%u' % attempt ) if attempt > 0: # apparently we have to set it again # before each perform self.set_binary_data() self.curl.perform() if ( != os.devnull and os.path.exists( and os.stat( == 0 and self.empty_attempt_again ): self._log( 'Empty file retrieved, attempting downlad again' ) continue if self.url.startswith('http'): self.status = self.curl.getinfo(pycurl.HTTP_CODE) if self.status == 200: self.terminate_progress() break if self.url.startswith('ftp'): self.status == 500 for h in self.resp_headers: if h[:3] == b'226': self.status = 200 self.terminate_progress() break if self.status == 200: break except pycurl.error as e: self.status = 500 if self.progress is not None: self.progress.terminate(status = 'failed') self.progress = None self.print_debug_info( 'ERROR', 'PycURL error: %s' % str(e.args) ) self.curl.close() if self.status != 200: self.download_failed = True self._log('Download error: HTTP %u' % self.status) if ( != os.devnull and os.path.exists( and os.stat( == 0 and self.status != 302 ): self.status = 500 self.download_failed = True self._log('Download error: empty file retrieved.') if ( ( self.status >= 400 or self.download_failed ) ): with open(, 'rb') as fp: contents = try: contents = contents.decode('utf8') except UnicodeDecodeError: contents = str(contents) self._log('First 5000 bytes of response: %s' % contents) if not self.keep_failed: self._log('Download failed, removing the resulted file.') self.remove_target() def remove_target(self): self._log('Removing file: `%s`' % if os.path.exists( try: os.remove( except PermissionError: self._log( 'Could not remove `%s`, permission denied.' % ) def progress_setup(self): if not self.silent and self.progress is None and not self.debug: self.progress = progress.Progress( name = self.title, interval = 1, status = 'initializing curl') def curl_progress_setup(self): if self.progress is not None: self.curl.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS, 0) if hasattr(pycurl, 'XFERINFOFUNCTION'): self.curl.setopt(pycurl.XFERINFOFUNCTION, self.update_progress) elif hasattr(pycurl, 'PROGRESSFUNCTION'): self.curl.setopt(pycurl.PROGRESSFUNCTION, self.update_progress) def _bytes_to_unicode(self, string, encoding = None): if type(string) is unicode: return string if encoding is not None: return string.decode(encoding) else: try: return string.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: try: return string.decode('iso-8859-1') except: self.print_debug_info('ERROR', 'String decoding error') return u'' def unicode2bytes(self, string, encoding = None): if type(string) is bytes: return string if encoding is not None: return string.encode(encoding) else: try: return string.encode('ascii') except UnicodeEncodeError: try: return string.encode('utf-8') except: self.print_debug_info('ERROR', 'String encoding error') return b'' def bytes_prefix(self, b): if b > 1000000000: return (b / 1000000000.0, u'GB') elif b > 1000000: return (b / 1000000.0, u'MB') elif b > 1000: return (b / 1000.0, u'kB') else: return (float(b), u'B') def get_headers(self): self.resp_headers_dict = {} if hasattr(self, 'resp_headers'): for header_line in self.resp_headers: header_line = self._bytes_to_unicode(header_line) if ':' not in header_line: continue name, value = header_line.split(':', 1) name = name.strip() value = value.strip() name = name.lower() self.resp_headers_dict[name] = value def guess_encoding(self): if self.encoding is None: if not self.use_cache: if 'content-type' in self.resp_headers: content_type = self.resp_headers['content-type'].lower() match ='charset = (\S+)', content_type) if match: self.encoding = if self.encoding is None: self.encoding = 'utf-8' def get_type(self): self.multifile = False if self.filename[-3:].lower() == 'zip' or self.compr == 'zip': self.type = 'zip' self.multifile = True elif self.filename[-3:].lower() == 'tgz' or \ self.filename[-6:].lower() == 'tar.gz' or \ self.compr == 'tgz' or self.compr == 'tar.gz': self.type = 'tgz' self.multifile = True elif self.filename[-2:].lower() == 'gz' or self.compr == 'gz': self.type = 'gz' else: self.type = 'plain' def get_jsessionid(self): self.jsessionid = [u''] rejsess = re.compile(r'.*(JSESSIONID\s?=\s?\w*)') for hdr in self.resp_headers: jsess = rejsess.findall(hdr.decode('utf-8')) if len(jsess) > 0: self.jsessionid = [u'Cookie: %s' % jsess[0]] return self.jsessionid def update_progress(self, download_total, downloaded, upload_total, uploaded): if self.progress is not None: = self.bytes_prefix(download_total) self.done = self.bytes_prefix(downloaded) msg = u'%.02f%s/%.02f%s' % \ (self.done[0], self.done[1],[0],[1]) self.progress.set_total(float(download_total)) self.progress.set_done(float(downloaded)) self.progress.step(step = 0, msg = msg, status = 'downloading') def terminate_progress(self): if self.progress is not None: self.progress.terminate(status = '%.02f%s downloaded' % ([0],[1])) self.progress = None def init_request(self): if self.init_url is not None: if self.progress is not None: self.progress.set_status('requesting cookie') self.init_curl = Curl( self.init_url, silent = True, debug = self.debug, cache = self.init_use_cache, req_headers = self.req_headers, follow = False, ) headers = getattr(self.init_curl, self.init_fun)() self.req_headers.extend(headers) # caching: def init_cache(self): self.get_hash() self.cache_dir_exists() self.get_cache_file_name() self._log('Cache file path: `%s`' % self.cache_file_name) self.select_cache_file() def get_hash(self): if isinstance(self.cache, str): return self.post_str = ( '' if is None else ( '?' + '&'.join(sorted([ i[0] + ' = ' + i[1] for i in iteritems( ])) ) ) if self.binary_data: bindata = str(self.binary_data) else: bindata = '' self.urlmd5 = hashlib.md5( self.unicode2bytes('%s%s%s' % \ (self.url, self.post_str, bindata))).hexdigest() def cache_dir_exists(self): self.cache_dir = cache_mod.get_cachedir(self.cache_dir) def get_cache_file_name(self): self.cache_file_name = ( self.cache if isinstance(self.cache, str) else os.path.join( os.getcwd(), self.cache_dir, self.replace_forbidden('%s-%s' % (self.urlmd5, self.filename)) ) )
[docs] @classmethod def cache_path(self, **kwargs) -> str: """ Returns the cache path without performing download or creating file. Args: kwargs: Arguments to `Curl`. """ kwargs.update({'setup': False, 'call': False, 'process': False}) return Curl(**kwargs).cache_file_name
[docs] @classmethod def replace_forbidden(cls, name: str, repl: str = '_') -> str: """ Replaces the characters that are forbidden in certain file systems. The slash is forbidden in Unix, while many other characters in Windows environments. """ return cls.FORBIDDEN_CHARS.sub(repl, name)
def delete_cache_file(self): if os.path.exists(self.cache_file_name): self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'CACHE FILE = %s' % self.cache_file_name) self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'DELETING CACHE FILE') os.remove(self.cache_file_name) self.use_cache = False else: self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'CACHE FILE = %s' % self.cache_file_name) self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'CACHE FILE DOES NOT EXIST') def select_cache_file(self): self.use_cache = False if type(CACHE) is bool: self.cache = CACHE if ( self.cache and os.path.exists(self.cache_file_name) and # if the cache file is empty # try to download again os.stat(self.cache_file_name).st_size > 0 ): self._log('Cache file found, no need for download.') self.use_cache = True def show_cache(self): self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'URL = %s' % self.url) self.print_debug_info('INFO', 'CACHE FILE = %s' % self.cache_file_name) self.print_debug_info( 'INFO', 'Using cache: %s; cache file exists: %s' % (self.cache, os.path.exists(self.cache_file_name))) # open files: def transcode(self): if not self.use_cache and self.type == 'plain': self.guess_encoding() if self.encoding is not None and self.encoding != 'utf-8': self._log( 'Converting encoding from `%s` ' 'to `utf-8`.' % self.encoding ) tmp_file_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.cache_dir, 'transcoding.tmp.txt') os.rename(self.cache_file_name, tmp_file_name) if self.progress is not None: self.print_status('Converting %s encoded data to utf-8' % self.encoding) with open(tmp_file_name, 'rb') as tmp_file: with open(self.cache_file_name, 'wb') as cache_file: for line in tmp_file: cache_file.write( line.decode(self.encoding or 'utf-8').encode( 'utf-8')) os.remove(tmp_file_name) self.encoding = 'utf-8' def copy_file(self): self.transcode() if self.outfile is not None and self.outfile != self.cache_file_name: if self.write_cache: self._log( 'Copying file `%s` to `%s`.' % ( self.cache_file_name, self.outfile, ) ) shutil.copy(self.cache_file_name, self.outfile) else: self._log( 'Moving file `%s` to `%s`.' % ( self.cache_file_name, self.outfile, ) ) os.rename(self.cache_file_name, self.outfile) else: self.outfile = self.cache_file_name def process_file(self): self.guess_encoding() self.get_type() self.copy_file() self.open_file() self.extract_file() self.decode_result() self.report_ready() def open_file(self): if not self.silent: self.print_status('Opening file `%s`' % self.outfile) super(Curl, self).__init__(self.outfile, extract = False)
[docs] def close(self): """ Closes all file objects. """ if type(self.result) is dict: for fp in self.result.values(): if hasattr(fp, 'close'): fp.close() self.fileobj.close()
def extract_file(self): if not self.silent: self._log('Extracting data from file type `%s`' % self.type) self.extract() def decode_result(self): if self.progress is not None: self._log( 'Decoding `%s` encoded data' % (self.encoding or 'utf-8') ) def _decode_result(content): try: if isinstance(content, str): return content else: return content.decode(self.encoding or 'utf-8') except: self.print_debug_info( 'WARNING', 'Failed ' 'decoding downloaded bytes content with encoding %s. ' 'Result might be of type bytes' % (self.encoding or 'utf-8') ) return content if not self.large: if type(self.result) is dict: for name, content in iteritems(self.result): self.result[name] = _decode_result(content) else: self.result = _decode_result(self.result) def get_result_type(self): if type(self.result) is dict: if len(self.result): self.result_type = 'dict of %s' % ( 'byte arrays' if type(next(iter(self.result.values()))) is bytes else 'unicode strings' if type(next(iter(self.result.values()))) is unicode else 'file objects') else: self.result_type = 'empty dict' else: self.result_type = '%s' % ( 'byte array' if type(self.result) is bytes else 'unicode string' if type(self.result) is unicode else 'file object') def report_ready(self): self.get_result_type() if not self.silent: self._log( 'File at `%s` successfully retrieved. ' 'Resulted file type `%s, %s`. ' 'Local file at `%s`.' % ( self.url, 'plain text' if self.type == 'plain' else '%s extracted data' % self.type, self.result_type, self.outfile, ) ) def print_status(self, status): if self.progress is not None: self.terminate_progress() if self.debug: self.print_debug_info('INFO', status) elif not self.silent: self._log(status) # sftp part: def sftp_url(self): if self.sftp_host is not None: self.sftp_filename = self.url self.url = '%s%s' % (self.sftp_host, self.sftp_filename) def sftp_call(self): self.sftp_success = self.sftp_download() if self.sftp_success: self.status = 200 else: self.status = 501 def ask_passwd(self, use_passwd_file = True): if use_passwd_file and os.path.exists(self.sftp_passwd_file): with open(self.sftp_passwd_file, 'r') as f: self.sftp_user = f.readline().strip() self.sftp_passwd = f.readline().strip() return None sys.stdout.write(self.sftp_ask) sys.stdout.flush() while True: self.user = input('\n\tUsername: ') self.passwd = input( '\tPassword (leave empty if no password needed): ') correct = input('Are these details correct? ' 'User: `%s`, password: `%s` [Y/n]\n' % (self.user, self.passwd)) if correct.lower().strip() not in ['', 'y', 'yes']: continue save = input( 'Do you wish to save your login details unencripted\n' 'to the following file, so you don\'t ' 'need to enter them next time? File: %s\n' 'Save login details [Y/n]' % self.sftp_passwd_file ) break if save.lower().strip() in ['', 'y', 'yes']: with open(self.sftp_passwd_file, 'w') as f: f.write('%s\n%s' % (self.user, self.passwd)) def sftp_download(self): self.sftp_ask = ( 'Please enter your login details for %s\n' % if self.sftp_ask is None else self.sftp_ask ) self.sftp_passwd_file = ( os.path.join('cache', '%s.login' % self.sftp_host) if self.sftp_passwd_file is None else self.sftp_passwd_file ) if self.sftp_user is None: self.ask_passwd() while True: self.sftp_passwd = self.sftp_passwd or None cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None with pysftp.Connection( host = self.sftp_host, username = self.sftp_user, password = self.sftp_passwd, port = self.sftp_port, cnopts = cnopts ) as con: try: con.get(self.sftp_filename, self.cache_file_name) break except IOError: msg = 'Failed to get %s from %s\n'\ 'Try again (1) || Enter new login details (2) '\ '|| Cancel (3) ?\n' % ( self.sftp_filename, self.sftp_host) whattodo = input(msg) if '1' in whattodo: continue if '2' in whattodo: self.ask_passwd(use_passwd_file = False) continue if '3' in whattodo: return False return True