Source code for pypath.internals.annot_formats

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import collections

    import as collections_abc
    import collections as collections_abc

import pypath.share.settings as settings
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.core.entity as entity

AnnotDefKey = collections.namedtuple(

[docs] class AnnotDef( collections.namedtuple( 'AnnotDefBase', [ 'name', 'resource', 'parent', 'aspect', 'scope', 'source', 'args', 'exclude', 'transmitter', 'receiver', 'resource_name', 'limit', 'avoid', 'enabled', ] ) ): """ Annotations are defined by a ``name``, a ``resource`` and an ``args`` parameter. If the former is a string it will be first looked up among the annotation resources in ``pypath.annot.db``. Otherwise among the keys of the classes in the ``CustomAnnotation`` object or in the dictionary of the class_definitions. If ``source`` is a `set`, it will be used as a category without further processing. If it is callable it will be called and should return a `set`. If ``bool(args)`` is `False`, in case of annotations in ``pypath.annot.db`` the ``to_set`` method will be called. Otherwise ``args`` will be passed to the ``get_subset`` method. If ``resource`` is callable, ``args`` will be passed if available. """ def __new__( cls, name, resource, parent = None, aspect = 'functional', scope = 'specific', source = 'resource_specific', args = None, exclude = None, transmitter = None, receiver = None, resource_name = None, limit = None, avoid = None, enabled = True, ): resource_name = ( resource if cls._is_resource_name(resource) else ( resource_name or settings.get('annot_composite_database_name') or 'Unknown' ) ) return super().__new__( cls, name = name, resource = resource, parent = parent or name, aspect = aspect, scope = scope, source = source, args = args, exclude = exclude, transmitter = transmitter, receiver = receiver, resource_name = resource_name, limit = cls._zero_one_or_more(limit), avoid = cls._zero_one_or_more(avoid), enabled = enabled, ) @property def key(self): return AnnotDefKey( name =, parent = self.parent, resource = self.resource_name, ) @staticmethod def _is_resource_name(name): return ( isinstance(name, str) and not ( name.startswith('~') or name.startswith('#') ) ) @staticmethod def _zero_one_or_more(arg): return ( () if not arg else (arg,) if isinstance(arg, (str, _annot_type)) else arg )
[docs] class AnnotOp( collections.namedtuple( 'AnnotOpBase', ['annots', 'op'], ) ): """ Annotation operations consist of list of annotation definitions or names as they can be looked up in the ``class_definitions`` of the ``CustomAnnotation`` object and an operator to be called on the sets (union, intersection or difference). """ def __new__(cls, annots, op = set.union): if op in AnnotationGroup._set_methods: op = getattr(AnnotationGroup, op.__name__) return super().__new__(cls, annots, op)
[docs] class AnnotationGroup(collections_abc.Set): """ Represents a set of molecular entities sharing a custom defined annotation. This class behaves like a ``set`` and set operations on it result set objects. Normally this class is instantiated by ``pypath.core.annot.CustomAnnotation`` in the process of populating categories and the contents of the groups defined in ``pypath.core.intercell_annot`` in case of annotations of the intercellular communication roles. For detailed definitions of the parameter values see the Supplementary Table S10 in Turei et al. 2020 (in prep). :param list,set,tuple members: The identifiers of the entities in the category. :param str name: The name of the category. :param str parent: The name of the parent category; might be the same as ``name`` in case of high level (generic) categories. :param str aspect: Either *functional* or *locational*. :param str source: Either *resource_specific* or *composite*. :param str scope: Either *specific* or *generic*. :param str resource: The resource (database) name; in case of composite categories it should be the name of the database you are actually building, this by default is `OmniPath` and you can change by the ``pypath.share.settings`` module using the ``annot_composite_database_name`` key. :param bool transmitter: Whether the category contains transmitters of signaling information from the cell expressing the molecular entities in direction of other cells. :param bool receiver: Whether the category contains receivers of signaling information from other cells in direction of the cells expressing the molecular entites in the category. :param str,set limit: Limit to this or these categories. E.g. if it's 'extracellular' the result will be the intersection of this category and 'extracellular' i.e. the category will be limited to extracellular proteins. :param str,set avoid: Avoid elements of this or these categories. E.g. if it's 'cell_surface' then all cell_surface proteins will be removed from this category. """ _set_methods = { set.union, set.intersection, set.difference, set.symmetric_difference, }
[docs] def __init__( self, members, name = None, parent = None, aspect = 'functional', source = 'resource_specific', scope = 'specific', resource = None, transmitter = None, receiver = None, limit = None, avoid = None, enabled = True, ): collections_abc.Set.__init__(self) self.members = set(members) = name or 'unnamed' self.parent = parent or self.aspect = aspect self.source = source self.scope = scope self.resource = ( resource or settings.get('annot_composite_database_name') or 'Unknown' ) self.transmitter = transmitter self.receiver = receiver self.limit = common.to_set(limit) self.avoid = common.to_set(avoid) self.enabled = enabled
def __iter__(self): return self.members.__iter__() def __contains__(self, other): return other in self.members def __len__(self): return len(self.members) @classmethod def _from_iterable(cls, iterable): return set(iterable) def __repr__(self): return '<AnnotationGroup `%s` from %s, %u elements>' % (, self.resource, len(self), ) @property def label(self): return '%s%s@%s' % ( self.parent, '::%s' % if != self.parent else '', self.resource ) @property def name_label(self): return common.upper0('_', ' ') @property def key(self): return AnnotDefKey( name =, parent = self.parent, resource = self.resource, )
[docs] def filter_entity_type(self, entity_type = None): """ Returns a copy of the group with only the selected entity types. If ``entity_type`` is None returns the object itself. """ if entity_type is None: return self else: members = entity.Entity.filter_entity_type( self.members, entity_type = entity_type, ) return AnnotationGroup( members = members, name =, parent = self.parent, aspect = self.aspect, source = self.source, scope = self.scope, resource = self.resource, transmitter = self.transmitter, receiver = self.transmitter, )
def count_entity_type(self, entity_type = None): return ( entity.Entity.count_entity_type( self.members, entity_type = entity_type, ) ) @property def args(self): return dict(**self) def keys(self): return ['name', 'parent', 'source', 'scope', 'aspect'] def __getitem__(self, key): return getattr(self, key) @property def n_proteins(self): return self.count_entity_type(entity_type = 'protein') @property def n_mirnas(self): return self.count_entity_type(entity_type = 'mirna') @property def n_complexes(self): return self.count_entity_type(entity_type = 'complex') @property def proteins(self): return self.filter_entity_type(entity_type = 'protein') @property def complexes(self): return self.filter_entity_type(entity_type = 'complex') @property def mirnas(self): return self.filter_entity_type(entity_type = 'mirna') @staticmethod def sets(*args): return ( ( a if isinstance(a, set) else a.members if hasattr(a, 'members') else common.to_set(a) ) for a in args ) @classmethod def union(cls, *args): return set.union(*cls.sets(*args)) @classmethod def intersection(cls, *args): return set.intersection(*cls.sets(*args)) @classmethod def difference(cls, *args): return set.difference(*cls.sets(*args)) @classmethod def symmetric_difference(cls, *args): return set.symmetric_difference(*cls.sets(*args))
[docs] @classmethod def isdisjoint(cls, *args): return set.isdisjoint(*cls.sets(*args))
_set_type = (set, AnnotationGroup) _annot_type = _set_type + (AnnotDef, AnnotOp)