Source code for pypath.inputs.threedid

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import os
import pickle

import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.inputs.pfam as pfam_input
import pypath.inputs.pdb as pdb_input
import pypath.inputs.uniprot_db as uniprot_db
import pypath.utils.pdb as pdb_utils
import pypath.share.cache as cache
import pypath.internals.intera as intera
import pypath.share.progress as progress

[docs] def get_3did_ddi(residues = False, ddi_flat = None, organism = 9606): if ddi_flat is None: c = curl.Curl(urls.urls['3did_ddi']['url'], silent = False) data = c.result tmpfile = '3did_flat_tmp' if data is None: return None with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f: f.write(data) lnum = data.count('\n') del data else: tmpfile = ddi_flat u_pfam, pfam_u = pfam_input.pfam_uniprot(organism = organism) u_pdb, pdb_u = pdb_input.pdb_chains() if pfam_u is None or pdb_u is None: return None ddi = {} interfaces = {} pdblist = {} ddi_collect = False con_collect = False with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f: prg = progress.Progress(lnum, 'Reading data', 33) for l in f: prg.step() if l.startswith('#=') and con_collect: interfaces[(uniprot1, uniprot2, pdb)].append(this_interface) con_collect = False if l.startswith('#=ID'): # new domain pair: attach previous to results: if ddi_collect: for u1 in uniprots1: for u2 in uniprots2: if u1 != u2 and len(pdblist) > 0: if (u1, u2) not in ddi: ddi[(u1, u2)] = {} if (pfam1, pfam2) not in ddi[(u1, u2)]: ddi[(u1, u2)][(pfam1, pfam2)] = { 'pdbs': pdblist } ddi_collect = False pdblist = {} l = l.split('\t') pfam1 = l[3].split('(')[1].split('.')[0] pfam2 = l[4].split('.')[0] uniprots1 = [] if pfam1 not in pfam_u else pfam_u[pfam1] uniprots2 = [] if pfam2 not in pfam_u else pfam_u[pfam2] if len(set(uniprots1) | set(uniprots2)) > 1: ddi_collect = True elif l.startswith('#=3D'): l = l.split('\t') pdb = l[1] chain1 = l[2].split(':')[0] chain2 = l[3].split(':')[0] if ( pdb in pdb_u and chain1 in pdb_u[pdb] and chain2 in pdb_u[pdb] ): uniprot1 = pdb_u[pdb][chain1]['uniprot'] uniprot2 = pdb_u[pdb][chain2]['uniprot'] if uniprot1 != uniprot2: if pdb not in pdblist: pdblist[pdb] = [] pdblist[pdb] = common.add_to_list( pdblist[pdb], (uniprot1, uniprot2), ) if residues: if chain1 != chain2: if ( pdb_u[pdb][chain1]['offset'] is not None and pdb_u[pdb][chain2]['offset'] is not None and pdb_u[pdb][chain1]['uniprot'] != pdb_u[pdb][chain2]['uniprot'] ): con_collect = True offset1 = pdb_u[pdb][chain1]['offset'] offset2 = pdb_u[pdb][chain2]['offset'] this_interface = intera.Interface( uniprot1, uniprot2, source = '3DID', pdb = pdb, ) key = (uniprot1, uniprot2, pdb) if key not in interfaces: interfaces[key] = [] else: con_collect = False elif not residues or not con_collect: continue else: l = l.split('\t') if len(l) > 3: rnum1 = int(common.non_digit.sub('', l[2])) + offset1 rnum2 = int(common.non_digit.sub('', l[3])) + offset2 this_interface.add_residues( (rnum1, l[0], uniprot1), (rnum2, l[1], uniprot2), ) prg.terminate() prg = progress.Progress(len(ddi), 'Processing interfaces', 99) if residues: for u, v1 in iteritems(ddi): prg.step() for d, v2 in iteritems(v1): for p in v2['pdbs'].keys(): key = (u[0], u[1], p) if key in interfaces: ddi[u][d]['interfaces'] = interfaces[key] prg.terminate() if ddi_flat is None: os.remove(tmpfile) if residues: return ddi, interfaces else: return ddi
[docs] def get_3did(ddi_flat = None, res = True, organism = 9606, pickl = True): resultfile = os.path.join(cache.get_cachedir(), '3did_ddi.pickle') if pickl and os.path.exists(resultfile): result = pickle.load(open(resultfile, 'rb')) if len(result) == 1: return result else: return result[0], result[1] if ddi_flat is None: c = curl.Curl(urls.urls['3did_ddi']['url'], silent = False) data = c.result tmpfile = '3did_flat_tmp' if data is None: return None with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f: f.write(data) lnum = data.count('\n') del data elif os.path.exists(ddi_flat): tmpfile = ddi_flat else: return None u_pdb, pdb_u = pdb_input.pdb_chains() all_unip = set(uniprot_db.all_uniprots(organism = organism)) if all_unip is None or pdb_u is None: return None ddi = [] interfaces = [] pdb = pdb_prev = intf = None skip = True rmap = pdb_utils.ResidueMapper() with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f: prg = progress.Progress( lnum, 'Processing 3DID domain-domain interactions', 33, ) for l in f: prg.step() l = l.split('\t') if l[0].startswith('#=ID'): pfam1 = l[3].split('.')[0][2:] pfam2 = l[4].split('.')[0] elif l[0].startswith('#=3D'): pdb_prev = pdb skip = True pdb = l[1] chain1 = l[2][0] chain2 = l[3][0] uniprot1 = uniprot2 = None if pdb != pdb_prev: rmap.clean() if pdb in pdb_u: if chain1 in pdb_u[pdb]: uniprot1 = pdb_u[pdb][chain1]['uniprot'] if chain2 in pdb_u[pdb]: uniprot2 = pdb_u[pdb][chain2]['uniprot'] if ( uniprot1 is not None and uniprot2 is not None and uniprot1 in all_unip and uniprot2 in all_unip and uniprot1 != uniprot2 ): skip = False if intf is not None: interfaces.append(intf) intf = intera.Interface(uniprot1, uniprot2, '3DID', pdb) u1start = u1end = u2start = u2end = {} if l[2].count('-') == 1: start1 = int( common.non_digit.sub('', l[2][2:].split('-')[0]) ) end1 = int( common.non_digit.sub('', l[2][2:].split('-')[1]) ) u1start = rmap.get_residue( pdb, start1, chain = chain1, ) u1end = rmap.get_residue(pdb, end1, chain = chain1) if l[3].count('-') == 1: start2 = int( common.non_digit.sub('', l[3][2:].split('-')[0]) ) end2 = int( common.non_digit.sub('', l[3][2:].split('-')[1]) ) u2start = rmap.get_residue( pdb, start2, chain = chain2, ) u2end = rmap.get_residue(pdb, end2, chain = chain2) u1start = u1start.resnum if u1start else None u1end = u1end.resnum if u1end else None u2start = u2start.resnum if u2start else None u2end = u2end.resnum if u2end else None dom1 = intera.Domain( uniprot1, domain = pfam1, start = u1start, end = u1end, isoform = 1, ) dom2 = intera.Domain( uniprot2, domain = pfam2, start = u2start, end = u2end, isoform = 1, ) dd = intera.DomainDomain(dom1, dom2, [pdb], '3DID') ddi.append(dd) elif not skip and res and not l[0].startswith('//'): conv1 = rmap.get_residue( pdb, int(common.non_digit.sub('', l[2])), chain = chain1, ) conv2 = rmap.get_residue( pdb, int(common.non_digit.sub('', l[3])), chain = chain2, ) if conv1 and conv2: intf.add_residues( (conv1.resnum, l[0], uniprot1), (conv2.resnum, l[1], uniprot2), ) interfaces.append(intf) prg.terminate() if ddi_flat is None: os.remove(tmpfile) if res: pickle.dump([ddi, interfaces], open(resultfile, 'wb')) return ddi, interfaces else: pickle.dump([ddi], open(resultfile, 'wb')) return ddi
[docs] def get_3did_dmi(dmi_flat = None): resultfile = os.path.join(cache.get_cachedir(), '3did_dmi.pickle') if os.path.exists(resultfile): return pickle.load(open(resultfile, 'rb')) if dmi_flat is None: c = curl.Curl(urls.urls['3did_dmi']['url'], silent = False) data = c.result tmpfile = '3did_dmi_flat_tmp' if data is None: return None with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f: f.write(data) lnum = data.count('\n') del data elif os.path.exists(dmi_flat): tmpfile = dmi_flat else: return None u_pdb, pdb_u = pdb_input.pdb_chains() if pdb_u is None: return None dmi = {} rmap = pdb_utils.ResidueMapper() with open(tmpfile, 'r') as f: prg = progress.Progress( lnum, 'Processing 3DID domain-motif interactions', 1, ) for l in f: prg.step() l = l.strip().split() if l[0].startswith('#=ID'): domain = l[3] if l[0].startswith('#=PT'): regex = l[1] if l[0].startswith('#=3D'): pdb = l[1] chain1 = l[2].split(':')[0] chain2 = l[3].split(':')[0] if l[2].count('-') == 1 and l[3].count('-') == 1: pdb_region1 = [ int(common.non_digit.sub('', x)) for x in l[2].split(':')[1].split('-') ] pdb_region2 = [ int(common.non_digit.sub('', x)) for x in l[3].split(':')[1].split('-') ] u1start = rmap.get_residue( pdb, pdb_region1[0], chain = chain1, ) u1end = rmap.get_residue( pdb, pdb_region1[1], chain = chain1, ) u2start = rmap.get_residue( pdb, pdb_region2[0], chain = chain2, ) u2end = rmap.get_residue( pdb, pdb_region2[1], chain = chain2, ) if u1start and u2start and u1end and u2end: uniprot_key = ( u1start[chain1]['uniprot'], u2start[chain2]['uniprot'], ) residue_key = ( u1start[chain1]['resnum'], u1end[chain1]['resnum'], u2start[chain2]['resnum'], u2end[chain2]['resnum'], ) if uniprot_key not in dmi: dmi[uniprot_key] = {} if residue_key not in dmi[uniprot_key]: dmi[uniprot_key][residue_key] = [] dmi[uniprot_key][residue_key].append({ 'pdb': pdb, 'regex': regex, 'instance': l[4], 'domain': domain, 'contacts': int(non_digit.sub('', l[5])), 'topology': int(non_digit.sub('', l[6])), }) prg.terminate() if dmi_flat is None: os.remove(tmpfile) pickle.dump(dmi, open(resultfile, 'wb')) return dmi
[docs] def process_3did_dmi(): dmi = get_3did_dmi() if dmi is None: return None dname_pfam, pfam_dname = pfam_input.pfam_names() dname_re = re.compile(r'(.*)(_[A-Z]{3}_)(.*)') dmi2 = {} prg = progress.Progress(len(dmi), 'Processing data', 11) for uniprots, dmis in iteritems(dmi): prg.step() if uniprots not in dmi2: dmi2[uniprots] = [] for regions, dmi_list in iteritems(dmis): new = True for dm in dmi_list: if new: pfam = None dname = None mname = None name_match = dname_re.match(dm['domain']) if name_match: dname = name_match.groups(0)[0] mname = ''.join(name_match.groups(0)[1:])[1:] if dname in dname_pfam: pfam = dname_pfam[dname][0] domain = pfam if pfam is not None else dname domain_name = 'pfam' if pfam is not None else 'domain_name' dom = intera.Domain( uniprots[0], domain = domain, domain_id_type = domain_name, start = regions[0], end = regions[1]) mot = intera.Motif( uniprots[1], regions[2], regions[3], instance = dm['instance'], regex = dm['regex'], motif_name = mname) ptm = intera.Ptm(uniprots[1], motif = mot, source = '3DID') dommot = intera.DomainMotif(dom, ptm, sources = '3DID') new = False dommot.add_pdbs(dm['pdb']) dmi2[uniprots].append(dommot) prg.terminate() return dmi2