Source code for pypath.inputs.hmdb.common

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from __future__ import annotations

Access the Human Metabolome Database.

from typing import Literal

import itertools

import pandas as pd

import pypath.inputs.hmdb.xml as hmdb_xml
from pypath.inputs.hmdb.schema.common import XMLNS, Field
from pypath.inputs.hmdb.schema.metabolites import SCHEMA as METABOLITES_SCHEMA
from pypath.inputs.hmdb.schema.proteins import SCHEMA as PROTEINS_SCHEMA
import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath.formats.xml as xml

[docs] def iter(dataset: Literal['metabolites', 'proteins']): """ Itertate over records from HMDB. """ for _, element in hmdb_xml.hmdb_xml(dataset): yield element
[docs] def raw( dataset: Literal['metabolites', 'proteins'], schema: dict = None, head: int | None = None, ) -> list[dict]: """ Parse data from HMDB XML files. Args: dataset: Either "metabolites" or "proteins". schema: The schema defines the fields to be parsed. By default, a schema covering nearly all fields in the HMDB XML is used. Likely you don't need all the fields within one task: in this case see `pypath.inputs.hmdb.METABOLITE_SCHEMA` or `pypath.inputs.hmdb.PROTEINS_SCHEMA` to see the full schema, and create your own that is restricted to your fields of interest. head: Process the first N records only. Useful for peeking into the data. Returns: A list of dicts, each dict containing the data extracted from one record. These dicts might be deeply nested, and the structure depends on the schema used. """ result = [] schema = schema or globals()[f'{dataset.upper()}_SCHEMA'] for i, record in enumerate(iter(dataset)): yield xml.fetch(record, schema, XMLNS) record.clear(keep_tail = True) if i == head: break return result
[docs] def table( *fields: str | tuple, dataset: Literal['metabolites', 'proteins'], head: int | None = None, **named_fields: str | tuple, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Parse various simple and nested array fields from HMDB into data frame. Args: fields: Fields to include in the data frame. These must be keys in the schema, and will be also used as column names. Alternatively, tuples of sequetial processing steps can be provided: strings will be used as keys in nested dicts, tuples will be used as multiple keys in dicts, each yielding a separate column, the special symbol "*" means all keys in the sub-dict, while "@" means expand arrays into multiple rows. Be careful with this latter option because it is applied in a combinatorial way, i.e. in case of expanding an array to 5 rowns, and another one to 7 rows results already 35 rows from a single record. This might result excessive memory use and processing time. named_fields: Same as `fields`, but the column name can be different from the top level key: argument names will be used as column names, values will be used as processing steps. head: Process the first N records only. Useful for peeking into the data. """ SCHEMA = globals()[f'{dataset.upper()}_SCHEMA'] fields = [Field(d[0], *d) for d in (common.to_tuple(f) for f in fields)] fields.extend(Field(n, *f) for n, f in named_fields.items()) keys = [f.d[0] for f in fields] schema = {k: SCHEMA[k] for k in keys} if not fields: raise ValueError('At least one field must be provided.') columns = [] data = [] result = pd.DataFrame() for i, record in enumerate(raw(dataset, schema, head = head)): cols, rows = zip(*(f.process(record) for f in fields)) columns = columns or list(itertools.chain(*cols)) data.extend(itertools.product(*itertools.chain(*rows))) if (i + 1) % 100 == 0: df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, columns = columns) result = pd.concat((result, df)) data = [] df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(data, columns = columns) result = pd.concat((result, df)) return result
[docs] def mapping( id_type_a: str, id_type_b: str, dataset: Literal['metabolites', 'proteins'], return_df: bool = False, head: int | None = None, ) -> dict[str, set[str]] | pd.DataFrame: """ ID translation input from HMDB. Note: you can use this function for purposes other than ID translation tables, e.g. you can collect the molecular weights, pathways, etc. Though not all these options are guaranteed to work or result a meaningful output. Args: id_type_a: An identifier type, see the `ID_FIELDS` set in this module, and keys in the `SIMPLE_FIELDS` dict. id_type_b: Another identifier type, same options as for `id_type_a`. return_df: Return a data frame instead of dict of sets. head: Process the first N records only. Useful for peeking into the data. Return: Translation data between two types of identifiers. """ fields = { 'id_a': (_id_type(id_type_a), '@'), 'id_b': (_id_type(id_type_b), '@'), } df = table(**fields, dataset = dataset, head = head) if return_df: return df else: return df.groupby('id_a')['id_b'].apply(set).to_dict()
def _id_type(id_type: str) -> str: """ Field name from ID type. """ for key in (id_type, f'{id_type}_id'): if key in METABOLITES_SCHEMA: return key