Source code for pypath.inputs.cellchatdb

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import re
import itertools
import collections

import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.utils.taxonomy as taxonomy
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.internals.intera as intera
import pypath.inputs.pubmed as pubmed
import pypath.inputs.rdata as rdata

[docs] def cellchatdb_download(organism = 9606, dataset = 'CellChatDB'): """ Retrieves data from CellChatDB, extracts fhe R objects from the RDA format and returns the raw data. :param int,str organism: Human and mouse are available, for incomprehensive values falls back to human. :param str dataset: Either *CellChatDB* or *PPI*. """ organism = taxonomy.ensure_common_name(organism) organism = ( 'mouse' if organism and organism.lower() == 'mouse' else 'human' ) dataset = 'PPI' if dataset.lower() == 'ppi' else 'CellChatDB' key = '%s.%s' % (dataset, organism) url = urls.urls['cellchatdb']['url'] % key c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True) rdata_path = c.fileobj.close() rdata_parsed = rdata.rdata.parser.parse_file(rdata_path) rdata_converted = rdata.rdata.conversion.convert(rdata_parsed)[key] if dataset == 'CellChatDB': df_names = rdata._rdata_list_get_names(rdata_parsed.object.value[0]) rownames = [ rdata._rdata_data_frame_get_rownames(df_obj) for df_obj in rdata_parsed.object.value[0].value ] rownames = dict(zip(df_names, rownames)) for name, df in rdata_converted.items(): df['rownames'] = rownames[name] return rdata_converted
[docs] def cellchatdb_complexes(organism = 9606): """ Retrieves data from CellChatDB and processes protein complexes. :param int,str organism: Human and mouse are available, for incomprehensive values falls back to human. :return: Dictionary of complexes. """ raw = cellchatdb_download(organism = organism)['complex'] return _cellchatdb_process_complexes(raw, organism = organism)
def _cellchatdb_process_complexes(raw, organism = 9606): if isinstance(raw, dict): raw = raw['complex'] ncbi_tax_id = _cellchatdb_organism(organism) complexes = {} for row in raw.itertuples(): genesymbols = [c for c in row[1:-1] if c] uniprots = [ mapping.map_name( gs, 'genesymbol', 'uniprot', ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id, ) for gs in genesymbols ] uniprots = [up for up in uniprots if up] for components in itertools.product(*uniprots): cplex = intera.Complex( name = row.rownames, components = components, sources = 'CellChatDB', ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id, ) complexes[cplex.__str__()] = cplex return complexes
[docs] def cellchatdb_cofactors(organism = 9606): raw = cellchatdb_download(organism = organism) return _cellchatdb_process_cofactors(raw, organism = organism)
def _cellchatdb_process_cofactors(raw, organism = 9606): if isinstance(raw, dict): raw = raw['cofactor'] ncbi_tax_id = _cellchatdb_organism(organism) cofactors = {} for row in raw.itertuples(): genesymbols = [c for c in row[1:-1] if c] uniprots = mapping.map_names( genesymbols, 'genesymbol', 'uniprot', ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id, ) cofactors[row.rownames] = uniprots return cofactors
[docs] def cellchatdb_interactions( organism = 9606, ligand_receptor = True, cofactors = True, ): """ Retrieves data from CellChatDB and processes interactions. :param int,str organism: Human and mouse are available, for incomprehensive values falls back to human. :param bool ligand_receptor: Include ligand-receptor interactions. :param bool cofactors: Include interactions between cofactors (agonists, antagonists), coreceptors and receptors. :return: Interactions as list of named tuples. """ def process_name(name): return ( (complexes_by_name[name],) if name in complexes_by_name else mapping.map_name( name, 'genesymbol', 'uniprot', ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id, ) ) CellChatDBInteraction = collections.namedtuple( 'CellChatDBInteraction', [ 'id_a', 'id_b', 'role_a', 'role_b', 'effect', 'pathway', 'refs', 'category', ] ) repmid = re.compile('PMID:\s*?(\d+)') repmcid = re.compile('PMC\d+') ncbi_tax_id = _cellchatdb_organism(organism) raw = cellchatdb_download(organism = organism) _complexes = _cellchatdb_process_complexes(raw, organism = organism) _cofactors = _cellchatdb_process_cofactors(raw, organism = organism) complexes_by_name = dict( (, cplex) for cplex in _complexes.values() ) raw_ia = raw['interaction'] result = [] for row in raw_ia.itertuples(): refs = ( set(repmid.findall(row.evidence)) | set(pubmed.only_pmids(repmcid.findall(row.evidence))) ) # PMIDs starting with 23209 are a mistake in CellChatDB refs = sorted(pmid for pmid in refs if not pmid.startswith('23209')) ligands = process_name(row.ligand) receptors = process_name(row.receptor) if ligand_receptor: i = 0 for ligand, receptor in itertools.product(ligands, receptors): result.append( CellChatDBInteraction( id_a = ligand, id_b = receptor, role_a = 'ligand', role_b = 'receptor', effect = 'unknown', pathway = row.pathway_name, refs = refs, category = row.annotation, ) ) if cofactors: for cofactor_col, effect, targets in ( ('agonist', 'stimulation', ligands), ('antagonist', 'inhibition', ligands), ('co_A_receptor', 'stimulation', receptors), ('co_I_receptor', 'inhibition', receptors), ): cofact_label = getattr(row, cofactor_col) if cofact_label not in _cofactors: continue for cofactor, target in itertools.product( _cofactors[cofact_label], targets ): result.append( CellChatDBInteraction( id_a = cofactor, id_b = target, role_a = cofactor_col, role_b = ( 'ligand' if cofactor_col.endswith('onist') else 'receptor' ), effect = effect, pathway = row.pathway_name, refs = set(), category = row.annotation, ) ) return result
[docs] def cellchatdb_annotations(organism = 9606): CellChatDBAnnotation = collections.namedtuple( 'CellChatDBAnnotation', [ 'role', 'pathway', 'category', ] ) annotations = collections.defaultdict(set) interactions = cellchatdb_interactions(organism = organism) for ia in interactions: for side in ('a', 'b'): annotations[getattr(ia, 'id_%s' % side)].add( CellChatDBAnnotation( role = getattr(ia, 'role_%s' % side), pathway = ia.pathway, category = ia.category, ) ) return dict(annotations)
def _cellchatdb_organism(organism = 9606): ncbi_tax_id = taxonomy.ensure_ncbi_tax_id(organism) ncbi_tax_id = 10090 if ncbi_tax_id == 10090 else 9606 return ncbi_tax_id