Source code for pypath.inputs.baccin2019

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

import re
import collections
import itertools

import pypath.share.curl as curl
import pypath.resources.urls as urls
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.utils.orthology as orthology_mod
import pypath.internals.intera as intera
import pypath.inputs.common as inputs_common

[docs] def baccin2019_interactions(ncbi_tax_id = 9606): recamel = re.compile(r'(.+?)([A-Z][a-z])') recap = re.compile(r'(^[A-Z][a-z]|_[A-Z][a-z])(.+)') def camel_to_snake(value): return ( recamel.sub( lambda m: + '_' +, value.strip() ).lower() ) def id_translate(mouse_gs): uniprots = mapping.map_name( mouse_gs, 'genesymbol', 'uniprot', 10090, ) if ncbi_tax_id != 10090: uniprots = set( itertools.chain(*( orthology_mod.translate( uniprot, target = ncbi_tax_id, source = 10090, ) for uniprot in uniprots )) ) return uniprots def raw_to_uniprots(raw): components = raw.split('&') return set( itertools.product( *(id_translate(comp) for comp in components) ) ) def get_partners(components, sources, references): return { ( comp[0] if len(comp) == 1 else intera.Complex( components = comp, sources = sources, references = references, ) ) for comp in components } Baccin2019Interaction = collections.namedtuple( 'Baccin2019Interaction', [ 'ligand', 'receptor', 'correct', 'ligand_location', 'ligand_category', 'resources', 'references', ] ) source_names = { 'Baccin': 'Baccin2019', 'Ramilowski': 'Ramilowski2015', } url = urls.urls['baccin2019']['url'] c = curl.Curl(url, silent = False, large = True) data = inputs_common.read_xls(, sheet = 'SuppTable3') result = [] for rec in data[3:]: if rec[4].strip().lower() == 'incorrect': continue ligand_components = raw_to_uniprots(rec[1]) if not ligand_components: continue receptor_components = raw_to_uniprots(rec[2]) if not receptor_components: continue sources = {'Baccin2019', rec[3].strip()} sources = { source_names[s] if s in source_names else s for s in sources } references = { _ref for _ref in ( ref.strip().replace('.0', '') for ref in rec[7].split(',') ) if _ref.isdigit() } ligands = get_partners(ligand_components, sources, references) receptors = get_partners(receptor_components, sources, references) for ligand, receptor in itertools.product(ligands, receptors): result.append( Baccin2019Interaction( ligand = ligand, receptor = receptor, correct = rec[4].strip(), ligand_location = camel_to_snake(rec[5]), ligand_category = camel_to_snake(rec[6]), resources = sources, references = references, ) ) return result
[docs] def baccin2019_annotations(ncbi_tax_id = 9606): Baccin2019Annotation = collections.namedtuple( 'Baccin2019Annotation', [ 'mainclass', 'subclass', 'location', ] ) ia_all = baccin2019_interactions(ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id) result = collections.defaultdict(set) for ia in ia_all: result[ia.ligand].add( Baccin2019Annotation( mainclass = 'ligand', subclass = ia.ligand_category, location = ia.ligand_location, ) ) result[ia.receptor].add( Baccin2019Annotation( mainclass = 'receptor', subclass = ( '%s_receptor' % ia.ligand_category if ia.ligand_category != 'other' else None ), location = None, ) ) return dict(result)