Source code for pypath.core.enz_sub

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

from future.utils import iteritems
from past.builtins import xrange, range

import sys
import importlib as imp
import itertools
import collections
import pickle
import traceback

import pandas as pd

import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath_common._constants as _const
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.utils.orthology as orthology
import pypath.inputs.uniprot as uniprot_input
import pypath.internals.intera as intera
import pypath.share.progress as progress
import pypath.share.session as session_mod
import pypath.utils.taxonomy as taxonomy
import pypath.inputs as inputs
import pypath.core.evidence as evidence
import pypath.core.entity as entity
import pypath.resources as resources

[docs] class EnzymeSubstrateProcessor( orthology.Proteomes, orthology.SequenceContainer ):
[docs] def __init__( self, input_param = None, input_method = None, ncbi_tax_id = None, trace = False, id_type_enzyme = None, id_type_substrate = None, name = None, allow_mixed_organisms = None, organisms_supported = False, **kwargs ): """ Processes enzyme-substrate interaction data from various databases. Provides generators to iterate over these interactions. For organisms other than human obtains the organism specific interactions from databases. :param str input_method: Either a method name in the ``inputs`` module or a database name e.g. `PhosphoSite` or a callable which returns data in list of dicts format. :param int ncbi_tax_id: NCBI Taxonomy ID used at the database lookups. :param bool trace: Keep data about ambiguous ID mappings and PTM data in mismatch with UniProt sequences. :param pypath.mapping.Mapper: A `Mapper` instance. If `None` a new instance will be created. :param str id_type_enzyme: The ID type of the enzyme in the database. :param str id_type_substrate: The ID type of the substrate in the database. :param bool nonhuman_direct_lookup: Use direct lookup at non-human target species. :param **kwargs: Args to be forwarded to the input method. """ if not hasattr(self, '_logger'): session_mod.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'enz_sub') self.mammal_taxa = {9606, 10090, 10116} self.nomatch = [] self.kin_ambig = {} self.sub_ambig = {} self.input_param = input_param = name self.id_type_enzyme = id_type_enzyme self.id_type_substrate = id_type_substrate self.allow_mixed_organisms = allow_mixed_organisms self.input_method = input_method self.trace = trace self.ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id self.organisms_supported = organisms_supported self.setup() orthology.SequenceContainer.__init__(self) self.load_seq(self.ncbi_tax_id) if self.allow_mixed_organisms: for taxon in self.mammal_taxa: self.load_seq(taxon = taxon) orthology.Proteomes.__init__(self) self.set_inputargs(**kwargs) self.load_enz_sub()
def setup(self): = self._get_param('name') self.id_type_enzyme = self._get_param('id_type_enzyme', 'genesymbol') self.id_type_substrate = self._get_param( 'id_type_substrate', 'genesymbol', ) self.id_type_substrate = common.to_list(self.id_type_substrate) self.ncbi_tax_id = self._get_param('ncbi_tax_id', 9606) self.organisms_supported = self._get_param( 'organisms_supported', False, ) self.allow_mixed_organisms = self._get_param( 'allow_mixed_organisms', False, ) self.input_method = self._get_param('input_method') self.set_method() def _get_param(self, label, default = None): return ( getattr(self, label) or ( getattr(self.input_param, label) if hasattr(self.input_param, label) else default ) ) def load_enz_sub(self): self._setup() self.load_data() def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def reset_ptmprocessor(self, seq = None, ncbi_tax_id = None): ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id or self.ncbi_tax_id self.set_taxon(ncbi_tax_id) self.load_seq(ncbi_tax_id) self.load_data() def set_taxon(self, ncbi_tax_id): self.ncbi_tax_id = ncbi_tax_id self._organism_setup()
[docs] def set_method(self): """ Selects the input method. """ def empty_input(*args, **kwargs): return [] # attempting to look up the method in the inputs module if not hasattr(self.input_method, '__call__'): self.input_method = ( inputs.get_method(self.input_method) or empty_input ) = or self.input_method.__name__
[docs] def set_inputargs(self, **inputargs): """ Sets the arguments to be provided for the input method. """ self.inputargs = inputargs
[docs] def load_data(self): """ Loads the data by the defined input method. """ input_method_name = '%s.%s' % ( self.input_method.__module__, self.input_method.__name__, ) self._log( 'Calling `%s` with arguments %s.' % ( input_method_name, str(self.inputargs) ) ) = self.input_method(**self.inputargs) self._log( 'Loaded data by `%s`, resulted %u records.' % ( input_method_name, len(, ) )
def _phosphosite_setup(self): if 'strict' not in self.inputargs: self.inputargs['strict'] = False if self.inputargs['organism'] in taxonomy.taxids: self.inputargs['organism'] = ( taxonomy.taxids[self.inputargs['organism']] ) def _phosphoelm_setup(self): if self.ncbi_tax_id != 9606 and 'ltp_only' not in self.inputargs: self.inputargs['ltp_only'] = False def _setup(self): setupmethod = '_%s_setup' % self._organism_setup() if hasattr(self, setupmethod): getattr(self, setupmethod)() def _organism_setup(self): if self.organisms_supported: if self.ncbi_tax_id in taxonomy.taxa: self.ncbi_tax_id = taxonomy.taxa[self.ncbi_tax_id] self.inputargs['organism'] = self.ncbi_tax_id self.load_proteome(self.ncbi_tax_id, False) def _process(self, p): # human leukocyte antigenes result a result an # extremely high number of combinations if ( not p['kinase'] or ( isinstance(p['substrate'], str) and p['substrate'].startswith('HLA') ) ): return if not isinstance(p['kinase'], list): p['kinase'] = [p['kinase']] kinase_ups = mapping.map_names( p['kinase'], self.id_type_enzyme, 'uniprot', ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, ) substrate_ups_all = set() for sub_id_type in self.id_type_substrate: if isinstance(sub_id_type, (list, tuple)): sub_id_type, sub_id_attr = sub_id_type else: sub_id_attr = 'substrate' substrate_ups_all.update( set( mapping.map_name( p[sub_id_attr], sub_id_type, 'uniprot', self.ncbi_tax_id, ) ) ) # looking up sequences in all isoforms: substrate_ups = [] for s in substrate_ups_all: if 'substrate_isoform' in p and p['substrate_isoform']: substrate_ups.append((s, p['substrate_isoform'])) else: se = self.get_seq(s) if se is None: continue for isof in se.isoforms(): if 'instance' in p and p['instance'] is not None: if se.match( p['instance'], p['start'], p['end'], isoform = isof, ): substrate_ups.append((s, isof)) else: if se.match( p['resaa'], p['resnum'], isoform = isof, ): substrate_ups.append((s, isof)) if self.trace: if p['substrate'] not in self.sub_ambig: self.sub_ambig[p['substrate']] = substrate_ups for k in p['kinase']: if k not in self.kin_ambig: self.kin_ambig[k] = kinase_ups # generating report on non matching substrates if len(substrate_ups) == 0: for s in substrate_ups_all: se = self.get_seq(s[0]) if se is None: continue self.nomatch.append( ( s[0], s[1], ( p['substrate_refseq'] if 'substrate_refseq' in p else '', s, p['instance'], se.get( p['start'], p['end'] ), ), ) ) # building objects representing the enzyme-substrate interaction(s) if 'typ' not in p: p['typ'] = 'phosphorylation' _resources = tuple( ( self.input_param.get_via(name) if hasattr(self.input_param, 'get_via') else name ) for name in ( p['databases'] if 'databases' in p else () ) ) _resources += ( (,) if isinstance(self.input_param, str) else (self.input_param,) ) # collecting the evidences evidences = evidence.Evidences( evidence.Evidence( resource = _res, references = p['references'] if 'references' in p else None ) for _res in _resources ) for s in substrate_ups: # building the objects representing the substrate se = self.get_seq(s[0]) if se is None: continue res = intera.Residue( p['resnum'], p['resaa'], s[0], isoform = s[1], ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, ) if 'instance' not in p or p['instance'] is None: reg = se.get_region( p['resnum'], p['start'] if 'start' in p else None, p['end'] if 'end' in p else None, isoform = s[1], ) if reg is not None: p['start'], p['end'], p['instance'] = reg mot = intera.Motif( s[0], p['start'], p['end'], instance = p['instance'], isoform = s[1], ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, ) ptm = intera.Ptm( s[0], motif = mot, residue = res, typ = p['typ'], evidences = evidences, isoform = s[1], ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, ) for k in kinase_ups: if ( not self.allow_mixed_organisms and ( self.get_taxon(k) != self.ncbi_tax_id or self.get_taxon(s[0]) != self.ncbi_tax_id ) ): continue # the enzyme (kinase) dom = intera.Domain( protein = k, ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, ) dommot = intera.DomainMotif( domain = dom, ptm = ptm, evidences = evidences, ) if hasattr(self.input_param, 'extra_attrs'): for attr, key in iteritems(self.input_param.extra_attrs): if key in p: setattr(dommot, attr, p[key]) yield dommot def input_is(self, i, op = '__eq__'): return ( type( in _const.CHAR_TYPES and getattr(i, op)( ) def __iter__(self): """ Iterates through the enzyme-substrate interactions. """ for p in for enz_sub in self._process(p): yield enz_sub def __len__(self): return len( if hasattr(self, 'data') else 0 def __repr__(self): return '<Enzyme-substrate processor: %u records>' % len(self)
[docs] class EnzymeSubstrateOrthologyProcessor( orthology.PtmOrthology, EnzymeSubstrateProcessor, session_mod.Logger ):
[docs] def __init__( self, ncbi_tax_id, input_param = None, input_method = None, map_by_orthology_from = None, trace = False, id_type_enzyme = None, id_type_substrate = None, name = None, orthology_only_swissprot = True, ptm_orthology_strict = False, **kwargs ): """ Unifies a `pypath.core.enz_sub.EnzymeSubstrateProcessor` and a `pypath.utils.orthology.PtmOrthology` object to build a set of enzyme-substrate interactions from a database and subsequently translate them by orthology to one different organism. Multiple organism can be chosen as the source of the enzyme-substrate interactions. For example if you want mouse interactions, you can translate them from human and from rat. To get the original mouse interactions themselves, use an other instance of the `EnzymeSubstrateProcessor`. To have both the original and the orthology translated set, and also from multiple databases, whatmore all these merged into a single set, use the `EnzymeSubstrateAggregator`. :param str input_method: Data source for `EnzymeSubstrateProcessor`. :param int ncbi_tax_id: The NCBI Taxonomy ID the interactions should be translated to. :param bool orthology_only_swissprot: Use only SwissProt (i.e. not Trembl) at orthology translation. :param bool ptm_orthology_strict: Use only those homologous PTM pairs which are in PhosphoSite data, i.e. do not look for residues with same offset in protein sequence. See further options at `EnzymeSubstrateProcessor`. """ if not hasattr(self, '_logger'): session_mod.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'enz_sub_orthology') self.target_taxon = ncbi_tax_id self.map_by_orthology_from = ( map_by_orthology_from or {9606, 10090, 10116} ) self.map_by_orthology_from = common.to_set(self.map_by_orthology_from) self.map_by_orthology_from.discard(self.target_taxon) self.input_param = input_param self.input_method = input_method self.trace = trace self.id_type_enzyme = id_type_enzyme self.id_type_substrate = id_type_substrate = name self.ptmprocargs = kwargs orthology.PtmOrthology.__init__( self, target = ncbi_tax_id, only_swissprot = orthology_only_swissprot, strict = ptm_orthology_strict, )
def __iter__(self): """ Iterates through enzyme-substrate interactions translated to another organism by orthology. """ for source_taxon in self.map_by_orthology_from: self._log( 'Translating enzyme-substrate interactions ' 'from organism %u to %u.' % ( source_taxon, self.target_taxon, ) ) self.set_default_source(source_taxon) EnzymeSubstrateProcessor.__init__( self, input_param = self.input_param, input_method = self.input_method, ncbi_tax_id = source_taxon, trace = self.trace, id_type_enzyme = self.id_type_enzyme, id_type_substrate = self.id_type_substrate, name =, allow_mixed_organisms = True, **self.ptmprocargs, ) self._log( 'Enzyme-substrate interactions loaded from resource `%s` ' 'for organism %s, %u raw records.' % (, source_taxon, len(self), ) ) for es in EnzymeSubstrateProcessor.__iter__(self): for target_es in self.translate(es): yield target_es def __repr__(self): return ( '<Enzyme-substrate orthology processor, ' 'target taxon: %u, source taxon(s): %s>' % ( self.target_taxon, ', '.join(str(tax) for tax in self.map_by_orthology_from), ) )
[docs] class EnzymeSubstrateAggregator(session_mod.Logger):
[docs] def __init__(self, input_param = None, exclude = None, ncbi_tax_id = 9606, map_by_orthology_from = None, trace = False, orthology_only_swissprot = True, ptm_orthology_strict = False, nonhuman_direct_lookup = True, inputargs = None, pickle_file = None, ): """ Docs not written yet. """ session_mod.Logger.__init__(self, name = 'enz_sub') for k, v in iteritems(locals()): setattr(self, k, v) self.main()
def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist = [modname.split('.')[0]]) imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def main(self): if self.pickle_file: self.load_from_pickle(pickle_file = self.pickle_file) else: def load_from_pickle(self, pickle_file = None): self._log('Loading from file `%s`.' % pickle_file) with open(self.pickle_file, 'rb') as fp: self.enz_sub, self.references = pickle.load(fp) self.update_ptm_lookup_dict() def save_to_pickle(self, pickle_file): self._log('Saving to file file `%s`.' % pickle_file) with open(pickle_file, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump( obj = ( self.enz_sub, self.references, ), file = fp, ) def build(self): self.inputargs = self.inputargs or {} self.map_by_orthology_from = ( ( {9606, 10090, 10116} if self.ncbi_tax_id != 9606 else set() ) if self.map_by_orthology_from is None else self.map_by_orthology_from ) self.map_by_orthology_from = set(self.map_by_orthology_from) self.map_by_orthology_from.discard(self.ncbi_tax_id) self.set_inputs() self.build_list() self.unique() def __iter__(self): for ptm in itertools.chain(*self.enz_sub.values()): yield ptm def __len__(self): return sum([len(esub) for esub in self.enz_sub.values()]) def __repr__(self): return '<Enzyme-substrate database: %s relationships>' % len(self) def __getitem__(self, *args): args = args[0] if isinstance(args[0], tuple) else args return self.get_enzyme_substrate(*args) def get_enzyme_substrate(self, enzyme, substrate): enzyme = entity.Entity(enzyme) substrate = entity.Entity(substrate) key = (enzyme, substrate) if key in self.enz_sub: return self.enz_sub[key] def set_inputs(self): self.input_param = ( self.input_param or resources.get_controller().collect_enzyme_substrate() )
[docs] def build_list(self): """ Builds a full list of enzyme-substrate interactions from all the requested sources. This list might contain redundant elements which later will be merged by `unique`. This 'full list' is organised into a dict by pairs of proteins in order to make it more efficient to compile a unique set for each pair. """ def extend_lists(enz_sub): for es in enz_sub: key = (es.domain.protein, es.ptm.protein) if key not in self.enz_sub: self.enz_sub[key] = [] self.enz_sub[key].append(es) for ev in es.evidences: resource_key = (, ev.resource.via) self.references[resource_key][es.key()].update( ev.references ) self._log( 'Starting to build enzyme-substrate ' 'database for organism `%u`.' % self.ncbi_tax_id ) self.enz_sub = {} self.references = collections.defaultdict( lambda: collections.defaultdict(set) ) for input_param in self.input_param: name = ( input_param['name'] if isinstance(input_param, dict) else ) try: input_method = ( input_param['input_method'] if isinstance(input_param, dict) else input_param.input_method ) self._log( 'Loading enzyme-substrate interactions ' 'from resource `%s` by method `%s`.' % ( name, input_method, ) ) args = ( input_param if isinstance(input_param, dict) else {'input_param': input_param} ) if ( self.ncbi_tax_id == 9606 or ( self.nonhuman_direct_lookup and input_param.organisms_supported ) ): self._log( 'Loading enzyme-substrate interactions ' 'for taxon `%u`.' % self.ncbi_tax_id ) proc = EnzymeSubstrateProcessor( ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, trace = self.trace, **args, ) extend_lists(proc.__iter__()) if self.map_by_orthology_from: source_taxons_str = ', '.join( '%u' % tax for tax in self.map_by_orthology_from ) self._log( 'Mapping `%s` by orthology from taxons %s to %u.' % ( input_method, source_taxons_str, self.ncbi_tax_id, ) ) proc = EnzymeSubstrateOrthologyProcessor( ncbi_tax_id = self.ncbi_tax_id, map_by_orthology_from = self.map_by_orthology_from, trace = self.trace, orthology_only_swissprot = self.orthology_only_swissprot, ptm_orthology_strict = self.ptm_orthology_strict, **args ) extend_lists(proc.__iter__()) self._log( 'Finished translating `%s` by orthology ' 'from %s to %u.' % ( input_method, source_taxons_str, self.ncbi_tax_id, ) ) self._log( 'Finished loading enzyme-substrate data ' 'from resource `%s`.' % name ) except Exception as e: self._log('Failed to load resource `%s`.' % name) self._log_traceback() try: traceback.print_tb( e.__traceback__, file = sys.stdout, ) except Exception as e: self._log('Failed handling exception.') self._log_traceback() self.references = dict(self.references) self.update_ptm_lookup_dict() self._log( 'Finished building enzyme-substrate database ' 'for organism `%u`, resulted %u relationships.' % ( self.ncbi_tax_id, len(self), ) )
def update_ptm_lookup_dict(self): self.ptm_to_enzyme = collections.defaultdict(set) self.ptms = {} for (enz, sub), ptms in iteritems(self.enz_sub): for ptm in ptms: self.ptm_to_enzyme[ptm.ptm].add(enz) self.ptms[ptm.ptm] = ptm.ptm self.ptm_to_enzyme = dict(self.ptm_to_enzyme)
[docs] def unique(self): """ Merges the redundant elements of the interaction list. Elements are redundant if they agree in all their attributes except the sources, references and isoforms. """ self.unique_list = set() for key, enz_sub in iteritems(self.enz_sub): self.enz_sub[key] = self.uniq_enz_sub(enz_sub)
@staticmethod def uniq_enz_sub(enz_sub): enz_sub_uniq = [] for es in enz_sub: merged = False for i, es_u in enumerate(enz_sub_uniq): if es == es_u: enz_sub_uniq[i].merge(es) merged = True if not merged: enz_sub_uniq.append(es) return enz_sub_uniq def make_df(self, tax_id = False, resources_only_primary = False): self._log('Creating enzyme-substrate interaction data frame.') hdr = [ 'enzyme', 'enzyme_genesymbol', 'substrate', 'substrate_genesymbol', 'isoforms', 'residue_type', 'residue_offset', 'modification', 'sources', 'references', 'curation_effort', ] self.df = pd.DataFrame( [ dm.get_line(resources_only_primary = resources_only_primary) for dm in self ], columns = hdr, ).astype( { 'enzyme': 'category', 'substrate': 'category', 'isoforms': 'category', 'residue_type': 'category', 'residue_offset': 'int32', 'modification': 'category', 'sources': 'category', 'references': 'category', 'curation_effort': 'int32', } ) self.df = self.df.loc[:,hdr] if tax_id: self.df['ncbi_tax_id'] = [self.ncbi_tax_id] * self.df.shape[0] self._log( 'Created enzyme-substrate interaction data frame. ' 'Memory usage: %s.' % common.df_memory_usage(self.df) ) def export_table(self, fname): self.make_df() self.df.to_csv(fname, sep = '\t', index = False)
[docs] def assign_to_network(self, pa): """ Assigns enzyme-substrate interactions to the edges of a network in a py:class:``pypath.legacy.main.PyPath`` instance. """ pa.update_vname() if 'ptm' not in['ptm'] = [[] for _ in] for key, ptms in iteritems(self.enz_sub): nodes = pa.get_node_pair(key[0], key[1], directed = pa.graph.is_directed()) e = None if nodes: e = pa.graph.get_eid( nodes[0], nodes[1], error = False) if isinstance(e, int) and e > 0: if[e]['ptm'] is None:[e]['ptm'] = [][e]['ptm'].extend(ptms)
@property def resources(self): return set.union(*( es.evidences.get_resource_names_via(via = None) for es in self )) @property def resources_sorted(self): return sorted( self.resources, key = lambda res: (res[0], '') if res[1] is None else res ) def update_summaries(self, collect_args = None): collect_args = collect_args or {'via': False} self.summaries = {} resources = [ res for res in self.resources_sorted if ( res[1] is None or 'via' not in collect_args or collect_args['via'] != False ) ] refs_by_resource = dict( ( resource, set.union( *itertools.chain( self.references[resource].values() ) ) ) for resource in resources ) curation_effort_by_resource = dict( ( resource, { key + (ref,) for key, refs in itertools.chain( iteritems(self.references[resource]) ) for ref in refs } ) for resource in resources ) resources_sorted = sorted(resources) for resource in resources: n_total = sum( 1 for es in self if resource in es.evidences.get_resource_names(**collect_args) ) n_unique = sum( 1 for es in self if ( resource[0] in es.evidences and es.evidences.count_resources(**collect_args) == 1 ) ) n_shared = sum( 1 for es in self if ( resource[0] in es.evidences and es.evidences.count_resources(**collect_args) > 1 ) ) curation_effort = len(curation_effort_by_resource[resource]) ce_others = set.union(*( ce for res, ce in iteritems(curation_effort_by_resource) if res != resource )) curation_effort_shared = len( curation_effort_by_resource[resource] & ce_others ) curation_effort_unique = len( curation_effort_by_resource[resource] - ce_others ) references = len(refs_by_resource[resource]) refs_others = set.union(*( refs for res, refs in iteritems(refs_by_resource) if res != resource )) references_shared = len(refs_by_resource[resource] & refs_others) references_unique = len(refs_by_resource[resource] - refs_others) enzymes = len(set( es.domain.protein for es in self if resource[0] in es.evidences )) substrates = len(set( es.ptm.protein for es in self if resource[0] in es.evidences )) modification_types = ', '.join( ( '%s (%u)' % (typ, cnt) for typ, cnt in sorted( iteritems(collections.Counter( es.ptm.typ for es in self if resource[0] in es.evidences )), key = lambda type_cnt: type_cnt[1], reverse = True, ) if typ ) ) self.summaries[resource] = { 'name': resource, 'n_es_total': n_total, 'n_es_unique': n_unique, 'n_es_shared': n_shared, 'n_enzymes': enzymes, 'n_substrates': substrates, 'references': references, 'references_unique': references_unique, 'references_shared': references_shared, 'curation_effort': curation_effort, 'curation_effort_unique': curation_effort_shared, 'curation_effort_shared': curation_effort_shared, 'modification_types': modification_types, } def summaries_tab(self, outfile = None, return_table = False): columns = ( ('name', 'Resource'), ('n_es_total', 'E-S interactions'), ('n_es_shared', 'Shared E-S interactions'), ('n_es_unique', 'Unique E-S interactions'), ('n_enzymes', 'Enzymes'), ('n_substrates', 'Substrates'), ('references', 'References'), ('references_shared', 'Shared references'), ('references_unique', 'Unique references'), ('curation_effort', 'Curation effort'), ('curation_effort_shared', 'Shared curation effort'), ('curation_effort_unique', 'Unique curation effort'), ('modification_types', 'Modification types'), ) tab = [] tab.append([f[1] for f in columns]) tab.extend([ [ str(self.summaries[src][f[0]]) for f in columns ] for src in sorted( self.summaries.keys(), key = lambda res: (res[0], '') if res[1] is None else res, ) ]) if outfile: with open(outfile, 'w') as fp: fp.write('\n'.join('\t'.join(row) for row in tab)) if return_table: return tab
[docs] def init_db(**kwargs): globals()['db'] = EnzymeSubstrateAggregator(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_db(**kwargs): if 'db' not in globals(): init_db(**kwargs) return globals()['db']