Source code for pypath.core.entity

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  This file is part of the `pypath` python module
#  Copyright 2014-2023
#  EMBL, EMBL-EBI, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Heidelberg University
#  Authors: see the file `README.rst`
#  Contact: Dénes Türei (
#  Distributed under the GPLv3 License.
#  See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or copy at
#  Website:

Provides classes for representing molecular entities and their collections.
A molecular entity is defined by its identifier, type and taxon.

from future.utils import iteritems

import itertools
import importlib as imp
import collections

import pypath.share.common as common
import pypath_common._constants as _const
import pypath.share.session as session_mod
import pypath.utils.mapping as mapping
import pypath.share.settings as settings
import pypath.core.attrs as attrs_mod

EntityKey = collections.namedtuple(

[docs] class Entity(session_mod.Logger, attrs_mod.AttributeHandler): """ Represents a molecular entity such as protein, miRNA, lncRNA or small molecule. :arg str identifier: An identifier from the reference database e.g. UniProt ID for proteins. :arg str entity_type: The type of the molecular entity, defaults to ``'protein'``. :arg str id_type: The type of the identifier (the reference database), default is ``'uniprot'``. :arg int taxon: The NCBI Taxonomy Identifier of the molecular entity, e.g. ``9606`` for human. Use ``0`` for non taxon specific molecules e.g. metabolites or drug compounds. :arg NoneType,dict attrs: A dictionary of additional attributes. """ __slots__ = [ 'identifier', 'entity_type', 'id_type', 'taxon', 'label', 'key', ] _default_id_types = settings.get('default_name_types') _smol_types = settings.get('small_molecule_entity_types') _id_type_to_entity_type = { 'uniprot': 'protein', 'genesymbol': 'protein', 'mir-name': 'mirna', 'mir-mat-name': 'mirna', 'mir-pre': 'mirna', 'mir-mat': 'mirna', 'lncrna-genesymbol': 'lncrna', } _label_types = set(mapping.Mapper.label_type_to_id_type.keys())
[docs] def __init__( self, identifier, entity_type = None, id_type = None, taxon = 9606, attrs = None, ): if ( isinstance(identifier, Entity) or hasattr(identifier, 'identifier') ): ( identifier, entity_type, id_type, taxon, ) = ( identifier.identifier, identifier.entity_type, identifier.id_type, identifier.taxon, ) self._bootstrap(identifier, id_type, entity_type, taxon) self.key = self._key attrs_mod.AttributeHandler.__init__(self, attrs) self.set_label()
def reload(self): modname = self.__class__.__module__ mod = __import__(modname, fromlist = [modname.split('.')[0]]) import importlib as imp imp.reload(mod) new = getattr(mod, self.__class__.__name__) setattr(self, '__class__', new) def _bootstrap(self, identifier, id_type, entity_type, taxon): if self._is_complex(identifier): entity_type = 'complex' id_type = 'complex' taxon = ( identifier.ncbi_tax_id if hasattr(identifier, 'ncbi_tax_id') else taxon ) if entity_type in self._smol_types: taxon = _const.NOT_ORGANISM_SPECIFIC taxon = settings.get('default_organism') if taxon is None else taxon if not entity_type: if id_type and id_type in self._id_type_to_entity_type: entity_type = self._id_type_to_entity_type[id_type] if not id_type: id_type, entity_type = mapping.guess_type( identifier, entity_type = entity_type, ) if not id_type and (not entity_type or entity_type == 'protein'): id_type, entity_type = 'genesymbol', 'protein' if id_type in self._label_types: _identifier = mapping.id_from_label0( label = identifier, label_id_type = id_type, ncbi_tax_id = taxon, ) if _identifier and _identifier != identifier: id_type = mapping.mapper.label_type_to_id_type[id_type] identifier = _identifier if id_type == 'mir-pre': _identifier = mapping.map_name0( identifier, id_type, 'mirbase', ncbi_tax_id = taxon, ) if _identifier and _identifier != identifier: identifier = _identifier id_type = 'mirbase' entity_type = entity_type or self._get_entity_type(identifier) self.identifier = identifier self.id_type = id_type self.entity_type = entity_type self.taxon = taxon @staticmethod def entity_name_str(entity): return ( entity if isinstance(entity, str) else str(entity) ) @classmethod def igraph_vertex_name(cls, igraph_v): return cls.entity_name_str(igraph_v['name']) @staticmethod def igraph_vertex_label(igraph_v): return igraph_v['label'] @classmethod def igraph_vertex_name_label(cls, igraph_v): return ( cls.igraph_vertex_name(igraph_v), cls.igraph_vertex_label(igraph_v), ) @staticmethod def _is_protein(key): return ( isinstance(key, str) and ( not key.isdigit() or settings.get('default_name_types')['protein'] == 'entrez' ) and not key.startswith('MIMAT') and not key.startswith('COMPLEX') ) @staticmethod def _is_small_molecule(key): return( isinstance(key, str) and key.isdigit() and settings.get('default_name_types')['protein'] != 'entrez' ) @staticmethod def _is_mirna(key): return ( isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith('MIMAT') ) @staticmethod def _is_complex(key): return key.__class__.__name__ == 'Complex' or ( isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith('COMPLEX') ) @classmethod def _get_entity_type(cls, key): return ( 'complex' if cls._is_complex(key) else 'mirna' if cls._is_mirna(key) else 'small_molecule' if cls._is_small_molecule(key) else 'protein' ) def is_small_molecule(self): return ( self.entity_type in self._smol_types or ( self.identifier.isdigit() and ( self._default_id_types['protein'] != 'entrez' or self.id_type == 'pubchem' ) ) ) def is_protein(self): return ( self.entity_type not in self._smol_types and self.id_type != 'pubchem' and self._is_protein(self.identifier) ) def is_mirna(self): return self._is_mirna(self.identifier) def is_complex(self): return self._is_complex(self.identifier) def get_entity_type(self): return self._get_entity_type(self.identifier)
[docs] @classmethod def filter_entity_type(cls, entities, entity_type): """ Filters an iterable of entities or identifiers keeping only the ones of type(s) in ``entity_type``. :param iterable entities: A list, set, tuple or other iterable yielding entities or identifiers. :param str,set entity_type: One or more entity types e.g. ``{'protein', 'mirna'}``. :returns: Same type of object as ``entities`` if the type of the object is list, set or tuple, otherwise a generator. """ if not entity_type or not entities: return entities entity_type = common.to_set(entity_type) obj_type = ( type(entities) if isinstance(entities, _const.LIST_LIKE) else lambda x: x ) return obj_type( e for e in entities if cls._get_entity_type(e) in entity_type )
@classmethod def only_proteins(cls, entities): return cls.filter_entity_type(entities, entity_type = 'protein') @classmethod def only_complexes(cls, entities): return cls.filter_entity_type(entities, entity_type = 'complex') @classmethod def only_mirnas(cls, entities): return cls.filter_entity_type(entities, entity_type = 'mirna')
[docs] @classmethod def count_entity_type(cls, entities, entity_type): """ Counts elements in an iterable of entities or identifiers of type(s) in ``entity_type``. :param iterable entities: A list, set, tuple or other iterable yielding entities or identifiers. :param str,set entity_type: One or more entity types e.g. ``{'protein', 'mirna'}``. :returns: int """ entities = ( entities if isinstance(entities, _const.LIST_LIKE) else list(entities) ) return len( cls.filter_entity_type( entities, entity_type = entity_type, ) )
@property def _key(self): return EntityKey( identifier = self.identifier, id_type = self.id_type, entity_type = self.entity_type, taxon = self.taxon, ) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.key) def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__hash__() == other.__hash__() if hasattr(other, 'key') else self.identifier == other or self.label == other ) def __lt__(self, other): return ( self.key < other.key if hasattr(other, 'key') else self.identifier < other ) def __gt__(self, other): return ( self.key < other.key if hasattr(other, 'key') else self.identifier < other ) def set_label(self): self.label = mapping.label( name = self.identifier, id_type = self.id_type, ncbi_tax_id = self.taxon, entity_type = self.entity_type, ) or self.identifier def __repr__(self): return '<Entity: %s>' % (self.label or self.identifier) def __iadd__(self, other): if self == other: attrs_mod.AttributeHandler.__iadd__(self, other) return self @classmethod def entity_info(cls, identifier): if cls._is_protein(identifier): import pypath.utils.uniprot as uniprot return def info(self): self.entity_info(self.identifier) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.identifier)
[docs] class EntityList(object):
[docs] def __init__(self, entities): self._entities = ( entities if isinstance(entities, (list, tuple, set)) else list(entities) )
def __iter__(self): for e in self._entities: yield e def __len__(self): return len(self._entities) def __repr__(self): return '<EntityList (%u elements)>' % len(self) def __add__(self, other): return EntityList(set(itertools.chain(self._entities, list(other)))) def __iadd__(self, other): self._entities = set(itertools.chain(self._entities, list(other))) return self @property def labels(self): for e in self: yield e.label @property def ids(self): for e in self: yield e.identifier identifiers = ids @property def entities(self): for e in self: yield e @property def list_ids(self): return list(self.ids) @property def list_labels(self): return list(self.labels) @property def list_entities(self): return list(self.entities) l = labels i = ids e = entities ll = list_labels li = list_ids le = list_entities